Bridge Project

About the Project Bridge 1
Through project activities we will bring together 30-40 youth per program site (total of 200 beneficiaries) in the municipalities of Graçanicë, Kamenicë, Mitrovicë, Pejë, Prizren and Shtërpcë, for at least 4 hours of after-school classes per week over a two-year period. The main goal of the program is to use and promote the English language as a common language to stimulate interethnic collaboration in the social, academic and professional areas among Kosovo youth – thus strengthening Kosovo’s socio-cultural cohesion and tolerance, academic collaboration, economic prospects and international integration of its youth and consequentially of its future generations of leaders, thinkers and doers.
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More Info
The Bridge Project is supported by the US Embassy in Kosovo.
Participants: Eligible to take part on this project are all high school students (age 14-18 years) from the respective municipalities. RIT Kosovo (A.U.K)’s criteria for admission will ensure entry for the most competent applicants, with emphasis on youth from rural areas and on young women.
Location of training delivery
Gracanica, Kamenica, Mitrovica, Peja, Prizeren and Shtërpca; 30-40 youth in each of six regional program sites through delivery of a strategic mix of Ten (10) interactive Training Modules designed to stimulate inter-ethnic communication and collaboration among Kosovo youth.
Forum for Development and Multiethnic Cooperation (FDMC) Gracanicë
Network of Peace Movement (NOPM) in the municipality of Kamenicë/a
Syri i Vizionit” (SiV) NGO in the Municipality of Pejë/a
Alpine Club of Prishtina (KAP)
Description of training Modules: All training will be free of charge for the participants.