Frequently Asked Questions
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Admission FAQ
Admission FAQ
The national high school exit examination (Matura exam) determines the level of achievements and student competencies for Kosovar students. While passing the exam is necessary for graduating from high school and enrolling to RIT Kosovo (A.U.K), the score level of this exam does not impact the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) admission decision. Moreover, students applying at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) need to finish their application procedures prior to taking the Matura exam, in order to secure a place at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). However, student enrollment procedures will be finalized only after receiving proof the student has passed the Matura exam.
In cases when the admission committee cannot make the decision based on the documents presented, an Admission Interview is organized on campus or through video/call conferencing.
The first step of application is to complete the online admission form. After the application is complete, you will receive an automatic email which informs you of the admissions essay you have to submit within a week. Once you submit the essay, you will have to reserve your seat for the TOEFL exam and Institutional Math Exam (or SAT/ACT). Once you complete these exams successfully, you will receive the admission letter.
Admission Criteria
Test Type | Admission (minimum score) | Conditional Admission (minimum score) |
Internet Based TOEFL (iBT) | 68 | 52 |
Paper Based TOEFL | 520 | 470 |
Computer Based TOEFL | 213 | 150 |
IELTS | 6.5 | 4.5 |
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Mathematics Exam | 60 | 25 |
SAT | 1090 | 990 |
ACT | 21 | 18 |
Note: Students that have TOEFL/IELTS should also take our Institutional Math Exam.
RIT Kosovo does offer the PCPP program which is a TOEFL and Math preparation course for the entrance exams at RIT Kosovo. The program is offered twice a year and all 12 grade students are eligible to apply. This program is free of charge.
Each applicant can take the Math Exam up to three times maximum.
You can reserve you seat by sending an email to admissions@auk.org
The instructions of the math exam will be sent to you once you reserve your seat for one of the available dates on the website.
The TOEFL ITP costs only EUR 60 and it can be used to complete the English criteria when applying to RIT Kosovo. For iBT TOEFL rates, please visit https://www.ets.org/toefl
You can reserve your seat by sending an email to admissions@auk.org
You can reserve your seat at https://www.ets.org/toefl
You can contact the admissions office:
Via email at admissions@auk.org;
Via phone at +383 (0) 38 660 000 or +383 (0) 49 774 131
Via Viber +383 49 774 131
In order to transfer credits, RIT needs the AP transcript from the College Board. You need to go here https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores and have scores sent to RIT. RIT will then evaluate the courses and have them transferred if they are equivalent to RIT courses. You should contact the Academic Advisor to check if the AP credit is approved. AP credit can be posted once you are matriculated as a student at RIT Kosovo.
The Alternative Admission Process is an opportunity for students who wish to apply at RIT Kosovo but are unable to complete the entrance exams due to the pandemic.
This system is similar to our regular admission process but with two main differences in English and Math criteria evaluation:
- Instead of taking the SAT or TOEFL, students will have the opportunity to be evaluated through an online interview with the Admission Committee (English Criteria).
- Instead of taking the SAT or the Institutional Math Exam, students will have the opportunity to submit their Math Grades from High School (Math Criteria).
- Submit the online Application Form
- Submit your Admission Essay
- Submit two Letters of Recommendation
- Submit high school certificates
- Undergo the Interview with Admissions Committee
- Submit your Extracurricular Activities Certificates (optional)
All tuition payments are made by students directly to the bank. See the Tuition Guidelines or further explanation. No cash and check payments are accepted in the Business Office. Additional option to do the payment is by POS-Point of Sales with debit/credit card. This method of payments will enable you to pay through your Bank cards (VISA, VISA ELECTRON, MASTER and MAESTRO).
It depends on your installment payment plan, and scholarship amount if awarded. Please send an e-mail to: acami [at]auk.org or tvitia[at]auk.org and request your tuition account report. You will receive the information immediately.
Visit us at the Business Office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday to get a copy of your tuition bill.
Financial account holds are usually due to Accounts Receivable (tuition or late fee). It is also possible that there is a hold on your account for reasons related to the Academic Program or for Disciplinary reasons. You should check with the Academic Services office for this information.
Please contact us on + 383 38 66 00 00.
Please contact us on + 383 38 66 00 00.
Example: If you have been accepted during the second semester, you will be only charged for the semester you attend.
There are several possible reasons. You could have outstanding charges from the last semester you attended RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). To be sure, please send an e-mail to: acami[at]auk.org or tvitia[at]auk.org and request your current tuition statement. After you review it, if you still have questions, you should contact the Business Office for more information regarding the charges.
To change your status, you must call Academic Service at + 383 38 66 00 00 or go to their office. If the change of status results in a refund, please refer to the Refund Policy.
Most credits are refunded by wire transfer to your bank account (please send your bank account details to the business office to acami@auk.org or tvitia@auk.org.
Depending on how and when the Business Office is notified, it may take 2-3 weeks for a refund to be processed and received.
Our office must first receive notification that a student is eligible for a refund; this can happen in any of the following ways:
Academic Service notifies the Business Office when a student withdraws or has a status change (Full-Time to Part-Time);
The student informs the office that they have a credit on their account and wish to receive a refund;
The Business Office produces a periodic report that shows students whose accounts have a negative balance (credit).
In order to transfer the credit, the student must provide the Business Office with his/her bank details by email. Once it is determined that the student is eligible for a refund, it may take up to one week for your refund to be deposited directly into your bank account.
Scholarship FAQ
Scholarship FAQ
Recipients of all scholarships and any other discount must remain full time students and have fewer than three withdrawals during their academic life at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). Scholarships awards will be divided into two semesters equally, and in case if in the following semester student does not remain full time the remaining scholarship award will be withdrawn. Summer semester is not included in the scholarship program. Students who are found to have engaged in academic dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism, will forfeit future financial assistance. An RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) student will be eligible to apply for a number of Scholarships but will only receive one scholarship per year.
The scholarships can be used to cover tuition expenses only, and are applicable for RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) home campus studies.
The following conditions apply to all students who receive any form of award from the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). The conditions do not apply to any form of scholarship or aid award received from a third-party institution or private individual.
If at any point during a student's enrollment at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K), the student accrues one (1)” W" on the official RIT transcript as a result of withdrawing from a course, the student’s scholarship will remain unaffected. Furthermore, the student will remain eligible to apply for any future aid programs offered by RIT Kosovo (A.U.K).
If at any point during a student's enrollment at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K), the student accrues two (2)” Ws" on his or her official RIT transcript as a result of withdrawing from multiple courses, the student’s scholarship will be decreased by exactly half the original amount awarded for the remainder of the student’s enrollment at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). Furthermore, the student will forfeit his or her eligibility to apply for any future aid programs offered by RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). However, if the student is the recipient of a multi‐year scholarship award, the student will continue to receive funding (reduced by half) as stipulated in the original award for subsequent years.
If at any point during a student's enrollment at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K), the student accrues three (3)” Ws" on his or her official RIT transcript as a result of withdrawing from multiple courses, the student’s scholarship will be terminated and he or she will no longer receive any financial support from RIT Kosovo (A.U.K). Furthermore, the student will forfeit his or her eligibility to apply for any future aid programs offered by RIT Kosovo (A.U.K)
You are eligible to apply for a scholarship, once you complete all the admission procedure and once you have received the admissions letter. The application form will be sent to you from your admission advisor.
RIT Kosovo offers full and partial scholarships. Each applicant who has completed the admission criteria can apply for merit-scholarship and financial-aid. Depending on the results of each applicant, the scholarship committee will then distribute scholarships in three rounds. For more, please check our Scholarship Page
Academic FAQ
Academic FAQ
Yes, all students need to successfully complete MTSC 111 - Interdisciplinary Math I, MTSC 112 - Interdisciplinary Math II, and MTSC 211 - Introduction to Statistics I throughout their four year of studies.
Our academic advising role is to act as a mentor and advocate for you, as well as help you successfully complete your degree requirements. To that end, we are committed to responding to you in a timely and effective manner. You may contact us by phone, email, during office hours or you can make an appointment.
You need to complete a Concentration Declaration form which you can obtain by printing it from the Academic Services web site, or by getting one from the Academic Services Office. To complete the form, first have it filled out and then have your advisor sign it.
For all the forms please visit our Forms Page
An undergraduate student who earns a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be put on, academic warning, probation or suspension. Your credit level will determine the degree of academic restriction. A student's credit level consists of credits passed, credits failed, transfer credit, and any other credit the student earned through credit by testing.
A warning is a written notice to a student that continued or further violations of any University policy, rule, or regulation within a specific period of time (not to exceed one [1] calendar year) may result in more severe disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Probation: Exclusion from use of specified University facilities or from participation in certain privileged or extracurricular University activities and/or requirement to fulfill certain conditions as specified in the probation notice, plus notification that violation of any University policy, rule or regulation during the term of the disciplinary probation status will result in more severe sanctions.
Disciplinary probation generally is not imposed for more than one (1) calendar year.
Disciplinary Suspension: Exclusion from classes and/or other privileges and activities as set forth in the suspension notice for a definite period of time, generally not to exceed two (2) calendar years.
An undergraduate student is considered full time if they are registered for at least 12 credit hours. A part time undergraduate student is registered for fewer than 12 credit hours.
In order to take courses elsewhere, students must receive prior approval from the Academic Departments at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) and RIT.
Holds on your record can be but are not limited to academic holds, financial holds, or library fines. When you have a "hold" on your record you are not able to adjust your schedule in any way. In order to have the hold removed, you will need to contact the appropriate office or department.
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) offers a very limited number of online courses, however, you may take online classes at RIT. Keep in mind that when taking RIT courses, you have to pay RIT tuition fees.
To obtain the list of courses that fulfill the General Education Requirements, please visit: Undergraduate Studies.
Students should declare their concentration during the winter quarter of their second academic year. Prior to declaring the concentration/minor all students need to attend the Concentration Declaration Workshop organized by Academic Services and Co-op and Career Services. If you are having difficulty deciding on what concentration to choose after you attended the Concentration Declaration Workshop you may want to visit a career consultant in the Career and Co-op Services in the Academic Services Office Room 101, and also meet with an academic advisor in the Academic Services Office Room 101, to review your options.
To access grade reports, log onto the SIS from the Current Student Page.
If a student chooses not to take classes for a semester, then he/she must fill out a ‘leave of absence form’. Your account will remain active for two consecutive quarters.
To learn about study programs at RIT please contact the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) advisors. The RIT website is also an excellent source to learn about the RIT programs.
If you have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 and above, the system will allow you to register for the fifth class. To obtain permission to take the fifth class if your GPA is under 3.2, you must contact your academic advisor and complete the appropriate request form. If approved, your advisor will sign you up for your class.
Credit loads for the summer are limited to 8 credits for undergraduate students.
If you received a grade of incomplete in a class, you need to contact your professor and determine what you need to do to make up the incomplete work. Grades of incomplete are changed to a grade of F if the final grade is not submitted by the professor within two quarters.
Grades of Incomplete are treated as unsatisfactory grades in determining warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal.
Full-time students who have taken at least twelve credits in an academic period and earn a grade point average for that period of 3.4 or higher merit placement on the Dean’s List.
This is one of the most widely accessed sites throughout your studies at the university.
Once in the Student Information System you can:
- Register for courses
- Add and Drop courses to your schedule
- Review your enrollment verifications and registration holds
- Check your grades, class schedule, Grade Point average (GPA) statistics, and view open and closed courses, degree information, the GPA calculation model, your Academic Advising Report (AAR)
- Change your PIN number
The Add/Drop period is the first seven days of a quarter (including weekends) beginning on the first day of classes. A student can drop classes on-line via the Student Information System. When a student drops a class during this time frame there is no record kept that will show on an official transcript.
Once the first seven days of the quarter have passed, and through the end of the 8th week of the quarter, if a student wishes to remove him or herself from a class, the student may withdraw via the Student Information System. A grade of "W" is assigned to that course, and the withdrawal becomes part of the student's permanent record. In processing the request, the student, the student's instructor, the student's advisor and the student's home program or department head will be notified via email. Students are strongly advised to consult with their advisor and instructor before they withdraw from a course.
As far as your academic record goes, your first stop should be your academic advisor. One of the first things you should do is find out who your academic advisor is, and keep in touch with him or her as you progress in your studies at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K).
In order to transfer credits, RIT needs the AP transcript from the College Board. You need to go here https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores and have scores sent to RIT. RIT will then evaluate the courses and have them transferred if they are equivalent to RIT courses. You should contact the Academic Advisor to check if the AP credit is approved. AP credit can be posted once you are matriculated as a student at RIT Kosovo.
CO-OP Student FAQ
CO-OP Student FAQ
The education philosophy of the American University is based on the RIT model of ‘Career Education’. Career Education means that students don’t just gain theoretical knowledge, but engage in hands-on experiential learning in a real world environment.
A ‘Co-op’ is a cooperative education work experience (internship) in a private or governmental organization in Kosovo or abroad. A Co-op is defined as a paid professional experience of 400 hours to be completed within 3 months (full time) or 6 months (part-time). The Co-op needs to be designed as a qualitative learning experience related to the students career interests and should provide the student with new challenges and opportunities.
Each RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) student must complete one Co-op during the freshmen and sophomore year, and one Co-op during the junior and senior year in order to be eligible for the Bachelors’ Degree. When a student already has full time employment, his/her regular job might be considered as fulfilling the Co-op requirement.
To date, more than 700 Co-ops have been completed by RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students in various sectors such as banking & finance, training & consulting, service industry, governmental institutions, NGO’s, wholesale, IT, media & communication, etc. A number of students have completed their Co-op abroad, mostly in the USA.
Many Co-op opportunities are advertised by the Co-op & Career Services by e-mail. Besides this, as a student you can pro-actively search for your own ideal Co-op. Any Co-op is possible, as long as the Employer is willing to offer it to you and it is approved by the Coordinator of Co-op & Career Services.
Employers can benefit from offering a Co-op opportunity to RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students in many ways:
- Co-op students are enthusiastic and flexible employees who have already acquired relevant knowledge and skills from their ongoing RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) education
- Co-op students are low-cost resources that can be dedicated to work on short-term but time intensive projects
- The Co-op term can be used to assess a student’s capacity and skills, and long term employment can be offered to excellent/talented performers.
Once you have found a great Co-op opportunity, you must register your Co-op prior to start and wait for approval from the Coordinator of Co-op & Career Services. After you have filled out the registration form and submitted it to the Co-op & Career Services office, you can expect a notification e-mail within a week or two which will inform you whether or not your Co-op is formally approved. If you’d rather have the assurance of approval before your register your Co-op, you can schedule a prior consultation with the Coordinator of Co-op & Career Services. Co-op opportunities that are advertised by the Co-op & Career Services Office are approved by default, unless you are told otherwise. Upon receipt of the e-mail notification, you may start your Co-op. Your Co-op will be registered (administratively) at the beginning of the following quarter.
At the end of your Co-op experience, your supervisor will fill out the ‘Performance Evaluation form’ to evaluate your performance. This form must be submitted by the Supervisor directly to the Co-op & Career Services either by e-mail or in a closed and signed envelope. In addition, there is a ‘Student Evaluation Form’ that you as a student need to fill out and submit to the Co-op & Career Services by e-mail or in hardcopy.
Without these 2 evaluation forms, you cannot receive the credit for your Co-op. Once the forms have been submitted no later than 1 week before the end of a quarter, you will see an ‘S’ grade (satisfactory) in the SIS system.
If you are working and studying at the same time, you can register your current employment as your Co-op – provided it is a professional experience that is related to your studies.
Do take note that for the second Co-op in your Junior/Senior year you cannot register as your Co-op the same job position in the same company.
The ideal time to register a Co-op that you plan to start is at the end of the quarter prior to the administrative deadline that is announced quarterly. That way your Co-op will be registered in the online system and you can start working in the beginning of the next quarter. At the end of that quarter you will finish your co-op and after submitting the evaluation forms you will receive your passing grade in the system.
However, in reality things are not always that perfectly synchronized. Sometimes a great opportunity comes along in the middle of a quarter. This is why you can register your Co-op any time at the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Co-op & Career office as long as it is registered prior to start. As soon as you receive approval you can start working. In this case, the formal administrative registration in the online system will happen only at the beginning of the following quarter – so you will also receive your Co-op grade a little after the fact.
You cannot register as your second Co-op (Junior/Senior year) the same job position in the same company. However, if your second Co-op position in the same company is very different in nature and responsibilities from the previous Co-op, then it may be approved on a case by case basis.
Finding a Co-op opportunity outside of Kosovo is definitely a possibility and adds an inter-cultural dimension to your professional experience.
RIT and RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) have established a relationship with Walt Disney World where students recruited by Disney from RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) can participate in the international program.
Another possibility for Freshmen/Sophomores is to participate in one of the work/travel schemes that are offered by various agencies in Prishtina. They offer summer jobs to students in a variety of US companies in the service sector.
Finally, it is always possible to find another Co-op opportunity abroad on your own initiative.
The main criterion for approval is that your Co-op needs to be a challenging and meaningful professional experience where you can apply concepts and skills you learned in your RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) courses. Your co-op needs to be relevant to what you are learning at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) and needs to be in line with your career objectives. Whereas the first Co-op may be more of a career exploration in any type of sector and position, ideally the second Co-op should be related to your choice of concentrations and career path. The co-op must be registered prior to start to be considered for approval. In addition, the Co-op should be paid, with exceptions for Co-op’s in public sector and few international organizations. Freshmen/Sophomores are allowed to finish their first Co-op with Work and Travel programs. Co-ops may be approved on a case by case basis; however, Juniors/Seniors cannot do a Co-op with Work and Travel programs. The next Co-op is not approved if it is the same as the previous one. Family business Co-ops are not approved, unless for specific reasons and with specific requirements for which the Coordinator of Co-op & Career Services is responsible.
A Co-op is a first step into a certain sector or company and if the student performs well and impresses the employer; sooner or later depending on available positions the employer will invite him or her to accept a more permanent job position.
The Co-op hours cannot be transferred or carried over from one co-op to the other. Each co-op must be at least 400 working hours. Any working beyond 400 cannot be transferred.
CO-OP Employer FAQ
CO-OP Employer FAQ
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students are enthusiastic and flexible employees who have already acquired relevant knowledge and skills from their ongoing RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) education.
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students have good English language proficiency and strong IT skills.
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students are low-cost resources that can be dedicated to work on short-term but time intensive projects.
The Co-op term can be used to assess a student’s capacity and skills, and long term employment can be offered to excellent/talented performers.
With the assistance of the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Co-op & Career Services office you can organize a selection and recruitment process from among the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students and alumni, whether for Co-ops or long term employment opportunities. The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) student body is diverse in its career interests, skills and talents, motivation and academic performance. In the terms of reference for a particular position, you may want to consider specifications in terms of GPA (Grade Point Average) out of a total of 4.0, asking for recommendations from professors, and of course reviewing relevant courses a student has taken and experience listed on the CV.
The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Co-op office will send out a job or co-op advertisement to RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students and/or alumni on the employer’s behalf and gather CV’s of candidates who meet the criteria. It is at the discretion of the employer to make the final selection from among the candidates based on personal interviews or other recruitment tools. The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Co-op & Career Services office may handle communication between the employer and the students until the moment a student is recruited.
The first point of contact for employers prior to starting the process of recruitment from among the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) student body is the Coordinator of Co-op & Career Services office.
In principle, a student can start a Co-op any time so positions can be advertised at any moment during the academic year. However, there are moments during the year when students are more likely to be interested in applying to Co-op positions because of the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) academic schedule.
The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) works on a quarter-based system and each quarter consists of 11 weeks. An average student is required to attend courses roughly from the beginning of September to the end of May for 16 to 20 hours a week and in addition will be assigned personal study and project work.
The students in the first (freshmen) and second (sophomore) year of their studies have courses scheduled during the day from Mondays to Thursdays. Upper level students in the third (junior) and fourth (senior) year have most courses scheduled in the evenings from 17.00 in order to accommodate professional engagements.
Many students will continually be on the look-out for the right Co-op or employment opportunity to come along regardless of duration and schedule. Other students find it more convenient to work full time over the summer and will be searching for a good Co-op opportunity from January onwards right up until the end of May or the beginning of June.
Overall, the ideal quarter to offer full time Co-op positions to RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students is during the summer for the duration of minimum 10 weeks between the 1st of June and 31st of August.
However, many alternatives are possible. Students may wish to combine a part-time job of 20 hours a week with their course work for a period of 20 weeks (5 months). Many upper level students (third and fourth) manage to combine demanding full time employment with their studies, given some measure of flexibility on behalf of the employer to enable them to fulfill course requirements.
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Co-op students are required to find a paid Co-op opportunity and as a general guideline we recommend an average payment of 1,5 Euro per hour. However, rates may vary and in exceptional cases a student may do a Co-op that is not paid at all.
The direct supervisor listed on the Co-op registration form submitted by the student for approval will be contacted as soon as a Co-op has been approved. Supervisors are required to submit a performance evaluation form about the student’s performance at the end of the Co-op and are encouraged to contact the Co-op & Career Services office for any questions, concerns or general feedback.
The Co-op & Career Services office organizes career events that allow private or public organizations to present their core business and activities and attract interest among RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) students. These types of event also allow students to further define their career objectives and establish a network of professional contacts.
Your schedule will be emailed to you individually by an RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Academic Adviser. If you have any further questions or concerns, we will supply you with further information and contact persons.
Yes. The academic advisors will email you the schedule and final confirmation dates.
After your courses are registered in the RIT system, no further changes are allowed. You will be asked to confirm your courses before registration is completed. Please contact an academic adviser for further questions.
All courses in the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Summer Program 2020 are RIT approved courses to be delivered at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) by approved faculty. The two courses that can be taken as undergraduate or graduate courses are POS 541/641 Peace Keeping & Conflict Transformation and POS 542/642 War, Diplomacy & State Building.
If you wish to receive credit for your course, you need to let the program coordinator know before course registration is complete. Each course is worth three undergraduate semester credits.
Yes. Auditing a course allows a student to take a class without the benefits of receiving a grade or credit for the course. A student who audits a course does so for the purposes of self-enrichment and academic exploration. A student will receive a grade of ‘AU’ and course cannot be transferred at any university.
You will need to check with the registrar’s office at your college or university or with your academic advisor. Your academic advisor will inform you if credits earned at the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Summer Program 2020 will be counted towards your degree program.
Grades are available online via RIT SIS online services after the close of the academic session. You will need your RIT username and password (click here) to view and print copies of your grades. Grades are not automatically sent to students at the end of the summer term. You may request official transcripts by submitting the transcript request form after July 27, 2020.
For further questions, please contact our Academic Advisor – Medina Orana (morana@auk.org) This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it).
Click here for the RIT Academic Transcript Request download forms
General Questions
Regular Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 8pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed
Pre-Finals Week:
Two weeks prior to the final exam week, library is open as follows:
Monday - Sunday: 8am – 9pm
Week of Final Exams
The library continues longer hours until the last day of the Finals. The weekend following finals, the library is closed.
8:00am – 9:00pm
Break Week:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4pm
Summer (June 1st – until first day of Fall semester):
Summer working hours start from the Summer Semester and continue until the end of August. (Note: if there are classes held after 4pm, library will work one hour after the last class.)
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm
The Student Lounge (which includes Group Study Area) is open 24/7.
There are no group study areas anymore within library space; however, as of Fall semester 2024, half of the Student Lounge will serve this purpose.
With the Lounge being open 24/7, we opened the door for group work, not restricted by the working hours of the library.
Library remains the quiet study area for individual work.
No food is allowed, however, we will not make an issue if you are having a food snack/bar with you. We trust your judgment and mindfulness regarding the space you will be using, as well as responsibility towards the Library materials.
Library Collections, Borrowing, Fines
Our book stacks are in the 1st floor, and these are open for browsing. See the map (coming soon) for the orientation.
If you are looking for the calculator or textbooks for your courses, you will ask Library Assistant at the Circulation Desk for help. These materials are not openly available for browsing.
Current students, faculty, and staff should present their RIT Kosovo ID Cards at the Circulation Desk when borrowing library materials. In case when loaning materials are coming from the CALCULATOR or ON RESERVE collection, we will keep ID until return of the borrowed materials.
RIT Kosovo library is primarily opened for RIT Kosovo community users. However, we welcome other patrons, too. In order to borrow library materials, none-RIT Kosovo users must leave his/her valid personal ID during the time s/he has our collections’ items borrowed. Since we don’t charge a membership fee, this is how we ensure that materials will be returned.
If you are having difficulties locating material(s), please stop by the Circulation Desk for assistance. We can help you in locating the desired material or finding a library that has it for you. Additionally, when what you are looking for fits our collection development priorities, we will look into purchasing it for our library.
There are few options. Library materials can be renewed in person, via email, or through self-renewal option available via your RIT Kosovo library account. If renewing in person, you should come to the Circulation Desk. You do not have to bring materials with you, since we have them registered under your RIT Kosovo library account (NOTICE: this does not include library materials which are to be returned on the same day- calculators and textbooks).
If renewing via email, send email to library@auk.org latest by 18:00h Monday to Friday in order to assure that your request is processed on the same day. Library staff cannot guarantee to read the email during the same day after indicated time. It is user’s responsibility to give at least one or two days of time prior to the due date to ensure that his/her email request will be processed on time.
If using self-renewal option, sign in to your RIT Kosovo library account The self-renewal option is available for all materials except those from collection ON RESERVE and CALCULATORS, or in case you have entered overdue for them.
Materials in collections: MAIN, SUMMER PROGRAM, KOSOVO/BALKAN, TRAVEL can be borrowed for 14 days. After this initial lending period, you can extend the time to keep the item if it was not put on hold by another user.
Materials in collections: ON RESERVE and CALCULATORS are to be returned during the same day if not indicated differently on the book cover.
Materials in collection: REFERENCE should be used only in the library, and they cannot be loaned out.
If you have exceeded the borrowing period, so called due date, you are required to pay a fine as follows:
- 0.50€ per day per item for the materials in collections: MAIN, KOSOVO/BALKAN, SUMMER PROGRAM, CALCULATORS and
- 10€ per day per item for the materials from the collections ON RESERVE.
You will receive an email reminding you that your check outs are soon to be due. In addition, you will receive another email when you enter the overdue period.
If you have received an overdue fine notice by mistake, or if there is a record of a material that you haven’t checked-out, you have 14 days, from the day when you receive the email, to write to the library’s email library@auk.org and explain your case. After this period, we will consider the fine ratified.
Yes, we accept user’s suggestions for the collection development. A title is reviewed by the librarian and ranked in the wish list. When, and if the title is purchased a library user who proposed it will be notified by email and the first lucky person to loan it.
Enrollment dates and add/drop period for online courses is different from that of RIT Kosovo.
You are expected to cover on your own all course material costs.
When students take classes online at RIT Main, they are required to purchase the textbooks or Lab access keys themselves. Sometimes you may be asked to pay for certain exams. It is a common practice and understanding in USA that students are to purchase on their own course materials even though they paid the fee for taking the course. Some courses require this and some don’t, there is no way to know before you enroll.
In case you do not approve this possibility, please make sure to find this out in advance. Reach out to the professor prior to enrolling, or before the last day of add/drop period, and learn about potential additional costs related to course materials and/or exams.
Library Services
RIT Kosovo students have few ways to get the reference help:
- You can make an appointment with the Librarian, Ms. Ivana Stevanovic at RIT Kosovo. You can do this in person or via email.
- We also welcome walk-ins, but keep in mind that during peak and busy periods a scheduled appointment is the secure way to ensure reference help.
- In case you need help after Kosovo library working hours, library help is available through RIT Main librarians. Use online chat option or make an appointment. When going for the Online chat option, please type your name and institution prior to asking a question. This helps Mr. Ryan Tolnay, RIT Main librarian, in separating your request from the spams he receives daily.
To browse, go to RIT Scholar Works.
Turnitin is typically used by instructors for class assignments through the myCourses Dropbox; it is not available for individual student use with the possible exception of graduate theses or capstone projects.
When a certain material is not available in RIT Kosovo or RIT library, you can request an Interlibrary Loan, also known as IDS Express. Through IDS Express (Information Delivery Services), library users are able to borrow materials not currently in our collections (see below for details). ILL requests can be made online.
IDS Express is the way to request library materials and have them sent to you via email. This includes delivery of books, journal articles and other items owned by RIT Libraries as well as delivery of materials we obtain from other libraries on your behalf. There is no charge for this service. For more information or questions on IDS Express, contact the IDS department by e-mail at illwml@rit.edu. This service is available to RIT Kosovo students, but only for items which can be sent via email (chapter of the book and articles).
5) Why is my @rit.edu email not working?
- Check if your annual password due has expired. Passwords for RIT accounts are valid for 1 year and then need to be renewed. You will receive an email reminder on the expiry notice.
- For any other reason, please contact IT Department.
If you do not see your documents printed out, check one of the following:
- Make sure your wireless network is set to RIT-KOSOVA not AUK-CAMPUS
- Set your printing device to one of the library printers (LibraryRICOH Black&White or Color)
- Make sure you have credit on your printing account
- Ask Library assistant whether there is a paper in the tray
- If you are still facing problems, please contact IT department.
No, this is the service library offers to RIT Kosovo community.
No, you cannot. This service is not enabled on our printer.
Library Alumni FAQ
New Alumni Accounts
You can connect with alumni and network with fellow Tigers through the RIT Alumni Association. Contact them to create your own account and you can keep in touch with fellow RIT classmates and teammates, or meet new alumni wherever you live, work and travel.
Did you Graduate Before 2010?
If you graduated before 2010, you will need to create an RIT account.
Once you have created your new RIT account, you will be able to access all online features for the Alumni Association, as well as other benefits across the RIT website, with one login. As an alum with an RIT account, you will have access to:
- Free wi-fi while you're on campus.
- Free Library Services, such as ABI/Inform, to help complete a project or do advanced research.
- An @rit.edu email account, hosted on the RIT server through Gmail.
Your alumni RIT email address can be accessed anytime for email and Google Drive features. You can even set up email forwarding to your personal email account in your mail preferences.
For more information, go to RIT Alumni Association page: https://www.rit.edu/alumni/alumni-association
RIT Library use
Book Loans (available if in Rochester NY)
Alumni may borrow books from Wallace Library for a book loan period of 6 weeks with 3 renewals. See details on our Borrow and Renew page
Freely Accessible Databases
SAGE Journals Online
Academic journals from varying disciplines including Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Materials Science & Engineering, and the Social Sciences & Humanities. Click here to access SAGE Journals Online.
Project MUSE
Full-text access to over 600 high quality, peer reviewed journals from leading scholarly publishers primarily in the humanities and social sciences. Project MUSE allows for Alumni Access. Click here to access Project MUSE with an RIT Alumni email account.
Yes, you can. As our alumni, you can borrow all books from our Main collection. Textbooks and reference materials are the only restricted resources which if you need, you will have to use within the RIT Kosovo library premises.
When borrowing library materials, alumni user must leave his/her valid personal ID during the time s/he has our collections’ items borrowed. Since we don’t charge the membership fee, this is how we are ensuring that materials will be returned.