Academic Senate
The best description of the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Academic Senate is contained in the Preamble of its Charter.
Article I. Preamble
The task of higher education governance must be apportioned and delegated among the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff, and students of the institution. The interdependence of these members of the higher education community and their delegated responsibilities establishes the basis for effective shared governance.
It is the faculty's responsibility to lead in the formulation of recommendations relating to academic matters. The academic governance of the institution provides for the exercise of the faculty's role in academic decisions, the protection of legitimate faculty aspirations, the implementation and preservation of academic standards, and the promotion of the academic welfare of students. It is the obligation of each member of the faculty to participate in these governance activities to the fullest extent possible. For academic issues the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Academic Senate is the forum for determination of faculty recommendations.
The Senate is primarily an instrument for members of the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) academic staff – the faculty. However, the interests of students and administration shall be considered in the deliberations of the Senate through the participation of non-voting, ex-officio members representing these stakeholders.
The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Academic Senate is committed to ensuring the academic integrity of the institution and enhancing the role of the faculty in academic and professional matters.
Full Senate Charter: Download
Senate members:
Full time:
- Blerta Prevalla Etemi
- Debabrata Samanta
- Diellza Gashi
- Edmond Muhaxheri
- Fadil Sahiti
- Ines Bula Bunjaku
- Julie Kolgjini
- Leandrit Mehmeti
- Linda Ziberi
- Lorraina Pinnell
- Mentor Nimani
- Mimoza Mustafa
- Mimoza Polloshka
- Mrika Kotorri
- Robert Muharremi
- Sara Baxley
- Venera Demukaj
- Xhevahir Kolgjini
- Medina Orana
- Mariel Leclere
- Dita Dobranja
Ex Officio:
- Kamal Shahrabi, RIT Kosovo ( A.U.K) President
- Albina Balidemaj, RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Dean of Faculty
- SG President - Egzon Kelani, student