Albina Balidemaj Headshot

Albina Balidemaj

Dean of Faculty and Assistant Professor

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
RIT Kosovo Germia Campus Shpetim Robaj 10000, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Albina Balidemaj

Dean of Faculty and Assistant Professor


Dr. Albina Balidemaj is the Dean of Faculty and an Assistant Professor at RIT Kosovo and a co-founder and co-director of the RIT Kosovo Research Center for Human Rights. She is a clinical psychologist, trained in community mental health and interventions with a decade-long experience in migrant and refugee mental health, as well as human rights with a focus on acculturation, ethnic identity, and human trafficking. Dr. Balidemaj was a research affiliate at Yale University MacMillan Center for the academic year 2022-2023. At Yale, she has worked on the Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Mental Health of Albanian Peoples where she was working with Dr. Kaveh Khoshnood, an Associate Professor at the Yale School of Public Health.

Dr. Balidemaj holds a Ph.D. in International Community and Family Studies from Clemson University College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences, an MSc in Clinical Psychology, and a BSc in Psychology from the University of Minnesota. She is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), American Orthopsychiatric Association (AOA), and the Association for Psychological Science (APS).

Dr. Balidemaj has served as a senior research reviewer for the IAFOR Research Centre at Osaka University in Tokyo, Japan; Journal of Comparative Migration Studies, Violence and Victims, Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care and she’s also been recognized by the American Journal of Public Health in 2018. Her latest research has been presented at the European Congress of Psychology in Moscow. Outside of academia, Dr. Balidemaj has served as a local and international consultant for several organizations.

Dr. Balidemaj’s research interests include 1) refugee and migrant mental health, 2) human rights, and 3) public and global health. Her projects are primarily in the Balkans, the EU, and the United States. Her work has been published by international publishers like Elsevier, Routledge, and SAGE.

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Balidemaj, Albina. "Working with marginalized groups: towards more holistic strategies for social exclusion reduction of the Roma community in Kosovo." Safer Communities 20. 2 (2021): 85-100. Web.
Small, Natallia Sianko, Albina Balidemaj, Mark. "The importance of the right to science during pandemics." Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness 23. 2 (2021): 59-61. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina and Small, Mark. "Returning home when immigration fails: risk factors and the need for improved care." Journal of nursing and social sciences related to health and illness 3. 21 (2019): 231-233. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina. "Human Rights Legislation in Albania: the case of human trafficking." The International Journal of Human Rights 8. 23 (2019): 1300-1316. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina and Small, Mark. "The effects of ethnic identity and acculturation in mental health of immigrants: A literature review." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 65. 3 (2019): 643-655. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina and Small, Mark. "Acculturation, ethnic identity, and psychological well-being of Albanian-American immigrants in the United States." International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 11. 4 (2018): 712-730. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina. "Attendance of Religious Organizations as a Predictor of Neighborhood Satisfaction." Journal of Social Service Research 46. 3 (2019): 416-426. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina and Festina Balidemaj. "Assessment of Role in Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Humanitarian Effort in Refugee Camps Worldwide." European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research 1. 3 (2014): 68-73. Web.
Balidemaj, Albina and Festina Balidemaj. "Globalization and Health in Kosovo." European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research 1. 3 (2014): 193-198. Web.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Balidemaj, Albina and Small, Mark. "Acculturation, ethnic identity, and psychological wellbeing of Albanian-American immigrants in the United States." Proceedings of the 11th European Public Health Conference. Ed. European Journal of Public Health. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Balidemaj, Albina. "Acculturation, Ethnic Identity, and Psychological Well-Being of Albanian-American Immigrants in the United States." XVI European Congress of Psychology. Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia. 4 Jul. 2019. Conference Presentation.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Balidemaj, Albina. The International Academic Forum. Senior Reviewer. Tokyo, Japan, 2019.
Published Conference Proceedings
Balidemaj, Albina. "Attendance of Religious Organizations as a Predictor of Neighborhood Satisfaction." Proceedings of the Annual International Convention of Psychological Science. Ed. Jim McDonnell. Amsterdam, Netherlands: International Convention of Psychological Science, 2015. Print.
Balidemaj, Albina. "Territorial Aspects of the Reconciliation Process in Kosovo- Serbia." Proceedings of the Regional Studies of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Ed. Regions Magazine. Pecs, Hungary: Regional Studies Association, 2010. Web.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course will explore the process by which states disintegrate and fail, the armed conflicts that follow, and international peacekeeping and subsequent efforts to build institutions at the end of armed conflicts. It will consider cases that might include the wars of Yugoslav Succession, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Syria and others. Students will consider the role of domestic and international actors, such as NATO, the US Government, the UN, and others. They will explore these efforts in readings, class discussion, debates, presentation of research, and role-playing exercises.
3 Credits
This course will explore the process by which states disintegrate and fail, the armed conflicts that follow, and international peacekeeping and subsequent efforts to build institutions at the end of armed conflicts. It will consider cases in Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa. Students will consider the role of domestic and international actors, such as NATO, the US Government, the UN. They will explore these efforts in readings, class discussion, debates, presentation of research, and role-playing exercises. M.Sc. students will also practice the type of analysis, assessment and reporting used in national and multilateral agencies about these conflicts.
3 - 6 Credits
The capstone course for students enrolled in the MS in professional studies degree program. With individualized advising from a faculty adviser, students participate in a real world problem solving project carried out in an organizational setting while also relating to a student’s professional concentrations. Course requirements involve completing a literature review, writing a project proposal, engaging in online discussion with faculty adviser and other SOIS capstone students, various kinds of field work, writing full draft and final academic report and making a (Powerpoint) presentation. Registration completed on behalf of students following faculty review of acceptable capstone project proposal. (Prof 770; Department approval)
3 Credits
Introduction to the field of psychology. Provides a survey of basic concepts, theories, and research methods. Topics include: thinking critically with psychological science; neuroscience and behavior; sensation and perception; learning; memory; thinking, language, and intelligence; motivation and emotion; personality; psychological disorders and therapy; and social psychology.
3 Credits
A capstone class for students in the applied arts and sciences bachelor of science degree program. Course provides students an opportunity to reflect upon and enhance the many aspects of their individualized educational programs and focus on future goals.

In the News

  • March 14, 2023

    RIT Kosovo (A.U.K.) attended the Global Governance Summit at RIT Dubai

    The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) President, Kamal Shahrabi and RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Faculty, Albina Balidemaj, Robert Muharremi, and Venera Demukaj participated in the Global Governance Summit held at RIT Dubai. 
    The event gathered representatives from the Academic Senates and the Presidents from the Rochester Campus in New York and the global campuses in China, Croatia, Kosovo, and the United Arab Emirates.  

  • June 23, 2021

    Dr. Venera Demukaj introducing the "Master Student Presentations"

    Master Student Presentations

    On June 18, 2021, the first group of RIT Kosovo Master Students, presented their Capstone Projects, which represented a culmination of their graduate program experience. As part of the Master Capstone project, students work over two semesters in identifying a real-world problem (The Capstone Proposal Stage), conducting research, and providing solutions and recommendations to the problem (The Capstone Development Stage).

  • June 23, 2021

    Dr. Venera Demukaj introducing the "Master Student Presentations"

    Master Student Presentations

    On June 18, 2021, the first group of RIT Kosovo Master Students, presented their Capstone Projects, which represented a culmination of their graduate program experience. As part of the Master Capstone project, students work over two semesters in identifying a real-world problem (The Capstone Proposal Stage), conducting research, and providing solutions and recommendations to the problem (The Capstone Development Stage).