Change Management

Listen to RIT Kosovo students inspect and dissect the fictional organizations from your favorite movies and television shows on these podcast episodes.

Social Network

The Social Network

Mark Zuckerberg and his organization go through major changes and transformations from the evening the idea is ignited to the day Facebook turns into the global social network. Adem, Kushtrim, Qendrim and Tringa look at these changes through the lens of Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief, Tuckman’s stages of development and Kotter’ eight step model. They touch upon the opportunities that are presented to Mark, the moral dilemmas he faces and the challenges Facebook has to overcome. 

By: Adem Haxhimehmeti, Kushtrim Gojani, Qendrim Ejupi and Tringa Jashari, Summer 2021 
: Managing Organizational Change

Inside out

Inside Out

The movie takes a very deep dive into Riley’s head in order to examine the role that human emotions play in what we are and why we are who we are. Riley’s family moves to San Francisco, a change which Riley’s perceives as a very negative one. Andi, Bahrije, Brezona and Eldena analyze the work flow in the control room of the organization (Riley’s brain) to see what Belbin’s team role does each of the emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust) play when going through this major change.

What happens when Riley turns into a teenager? Bless her. 

By: Andi Sadiku, Bahrije Zeneli, Brezona Hakaj, Eldena Dakaj, Summer 2021 
: Managing Organizational Change

Emily in paris

Emily in Paris

Emily is relocated from her office in New York to a new office in Paris where the mantra is ‘work to live’ rather than ‘live to work’.  Both Emily and the team she works with in Paris go through major changes given that there’s a clash in cultures. Blerta, Fleta, Kiki and Nita (most of who have themselves moved from the US to Europe) explore this changes looking at individual and team change models like ADKAR, Tuckman’s team development and Kotter’s eight step model.

By: Blerta Islami, Fleta Kraki, Kiki Maqedonci, Nita Kaja,  Summer 2021 
: Managing Organizational Change



‘Suits’ is a TV show based in New York that takes watchers through the adventures of a law firm and their obstacles. Rina’s guests: Aulona, Donart and Florina explore the individual, team and organizational changes that happen in the series using change management models such as Lewin’s three step.

By: Aulona Beqiri, Donart Limaj, Florina Zeqevic, Rina Zeka, Summer 2021 
: Managing Organizational Change

Wolf of Wall Street

Wolf of Wall Street

How do Change Management theories apply to Stratton Oakmont, the fictional organization in the Wolf of Wall Street movie?

This podcast created by students Vlora Miftari, Liridona Krasniqi, Denis Ibishi and Arber Miftari of the Managing Organizational Change class with professor Medina Orana explores just that.

By: Arber Miftari, Denis Ibishi, Liridona Krasniqi, Vlora Miftari,  Summer 2020
: Managing Organizational Change