Delight Dzansi


Delight Dzansi

I first heard of Kosovo during my junior year at the University of Maryland when Jock, Mike and Len visited my IDCM class to inform us about the RIT Kosovo summer program. At first I wasn't going to apply because it was my junior year and the summer that I needed to get a good internship and hopefully a job offer to work after I graduate. After some contemplation, I decided to apply and see if I get into the program. I was accepted into the program and I received funding from the Gilman scholarship to participate in the program. After that there was no excuse not  to participate in the program.

The weeks I spent in the Balkans was the most experiential and learning periods of my life. I met so many amazing people with great intellect, point of view, ideas, and many more.  My participation in the program completely changed the career path I was invisioning for myself. Prior to participating in the program I was conflicted in whether I wanted to start a career in the International Development field but after the program I was certain that was what I wanted to do in my life. After returning I took all the steps to find my path,  now I am currently working at a International development firm that  focus on fostering economic opportunities, youth development and has many projects in different countries and sectors. Due to my experience during the RIT Kosovo summer program I was able to find the career path that I wanted to pursue and for that I am very grateful.