Agon Nimani
Adjunct Faculty
RIT Kosovo
Currently Teaching
Web Fundamentals For Artists
3 Credits
This course will enable students to develop a strong foundation in elements of web production including learning basic mark-up and programming languages commonly used in web development, including HTML, CSS and basic Javascript, UI/UX design, typography and content editing for various platforms including mobile. Students will work collaboratively across visual art fields and digital humanities to develop effective and innovative ways to display and present content in digital environments. Students will learn usability testing, how to prepare images and video for online environments as well as understanding the importance of storytelling on mobile devices.
Photo Imaging I
3 Credits
Students will use photographic imaging software to create, combine, and modify graphic imagery. Topics will include retouching, tonal adjustments, custom brushes and pattern, raster text, spatial illusion, masking techniques, animation, and compositing. Students will research and discuss professional design, effective visual communication, copyrights, and photographic illustration.