Faculty Profile - Edmond Muhaxheri Ph.D.

Edmond Muhaxheri

Assistant Professor


Ph.D. in Statistics / Operational Research from University of Tirana,  Albania.
MSc in Quantitative Finance from University of Westminister, United Kingdom.

Dr. Muhaxheri has many years of experience with RIT Kosovo, teaching Statistics and Mathematics courses. Over the years he has also taught Commodity Market Analysis, Research Techniques, and Exploring Innovation. He is heavily involved in university’s accreditation process in Kosovo, having led the process for about 9 years. Dr. Muhaxheri is a recipient of Fulbright Scholar In-Residence scholarship, and spent the 2019/2020 academic year in the USA, teaching at Drake University and Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC). In addition in summer of 2014 he was a visiting faculty at University of Central Arkansas (UCA) to assess their mathematical platform for developmental math. Subsequently, in 2015, he was the recipient of another grant to implement UCA platform at RIT Kosovo. His primary area of research interests lies in health insurance financing.

Select Scholarship

2019 - Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, Joint Residence at Drake University and DMACC, Iowa, USA

2015 - US Embassy University Support Grant – Value: $20,000. To start a pilot 3-year scheme for delivering math through MyLabsPlus at RIT Kosovo. Became the only institution in Europe to use this platform.

2014 - US Embassy University Support Grant – Value: $4,000. Evaluating Pearson Education MyLabsPlus math delivery platform during a two-week period Visiting Scholar to University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas, USA


Muhaxheri, E. “Growth Forecasts and Sustainability for Kosovo’s Mandatory Health Insurance Fund”. 6th Business and Social Science Conference. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017.

Muhaxheri, E. “Mandatory health insurance fund for Kosovo! What now for private insurers?”. Tom III, A human being in Space and Time, “Law and Economic Aspects – case of Albania and Kosovo. Lodz, Poland, 2016.

Muhaxheri, E. and Meksi, E. “Extension of Premium Setting for a Health Insurance Fund for Kosovo”. 5th International Conference, “ISTI 2014. Tirana, Albania, 2014.

Bislimi, B. and Muhaxheri, E. “Financial Sustainability for a Health Insurance Fund in Kosovo”. 4th International Conference, “The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World”. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012.


Muhaxheri, E. “Fragmental Modification Of Standard Model For Estimating Funding Into Kosovo’s Mandatory Health Insurance Fund”. EuroEconomica Journal, Danibus University Press, Vol.37 no.1 (2018).

Muhaxheri, E. “Format e ndryshme të financimit të kujdesit shëndetsor. Ku hyn Kosova?”. Revista Shqiptare Social Ekonomike, Nr. 4 (97) (2018).

Muhaxheri, E. and Szkudlarek, P. “Normalizing Consumer Surplus Data for Kosovo’s WTP for a Mandatory Health Insurance”. Journal of Quantitative Methods in Economics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Vol. XVII, No.4 (2016).

Stavileci, M., Hoxha, V., Gorduysus, O., Tatar, I., Lapere, K., Hostens, J., Kucukkaya, S., and Muhaxheri, E. “Evaluation of Root Canal Preparation Using Rotary System and Hand Instruments Assessed by Micro-Computed Tomography”. Medical Science Monitor Basic Research (2015).