Ways to Give

Other Ways to Give

Salary deduction for RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Faculty and Staff

If you are an RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) employee you can make a one-time gift and designate when you want the gift deducted. Or, you can make a pledge for the year based on your salary schedule. You can also choose to make an ongoing gift that will renew automatically each year. To make a gift through salary deduction, please contact Development Department.

In-Kind Gifts

You can donate hardware, equipment, tools, furniture, and building materials that RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) might need to enhance student learning and spaces. Cash equivalents, like stocks and bonds, as well as services such as transportation for student activities are greatly appreciated and valued. For in-kind gift please contact Development Department.


Making a pledge is a promise to make a gift at a later time or over time. To make a pledge to RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) please complete the Pledge Form, specifying the contract information, giving method chosen and the priority areas you want to support by %.

Sponsor or Purchase a Tickets in our Fundraising Events

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) organized two Annual Gala Events, one in Prishtina and one in New York and several other smaller fundraising events throughout the year. These events are a great opportunity for our esteemed friends and members of the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) community to come together and support our students in their pursuit of academic and professional achievement. Sponsoring or purchasing a ticket at the event directly supports the Institutional Priorities.