Claudia Bucciferro Headshot

Claudia Bucciferro

Assistant Professor

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
Eastman Hall 3012

Claudia Bucciferro

Assistant Professor

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts


BA, MA, University of Concepcion (Chile); Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder


Dr. Claudia Bucciferro studies media and culture, engaging with topics related to global film, music, gender, and Latinx popular culture. Her research particularly considers issues of identity and representation. She is the editor of two books that center on global film franchises—most recently, of The X-Men Films: A Cultural Analysis (Rowman & Littlefield)--and the author of FOR-GET: Identity, Media, and Democracy in Chile (University Press of America). Her work has appeared in JOMEC: Journalism, Media, and Cultural Studies, Feminist Media Studies, the Journal of Mass Communication, the Journal of American Culture, and the Journal of Global Mass Communication, as well as in several edited collections.

Dr. Bucciferro is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Popular Culture. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an MA from the University of Concepción, Chile. She has been the recipient of several academic fellowships, including one that brought her from her native Chile to study at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. She is passionate about promoting student research, media literacy, and diversity. 


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Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Children, boundaries, and border-crossings in Latin American and Latinx films." Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 17. 2 (2024): 123-144. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "The Many Faces of The Other in Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water." Quarterly Review of Film and Video 40. 4 (2021): 421-437. Print.
Leon-Boys, Diana and Claudia Bucciferro. "The teenage Latina genius on television: Netflix’s Ashley Garcia." Women's Studies in Communication 46. 1 (2023): 87-107. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Representations of Gender and Race in Ryan Coogler’s Film Black Panther: Disrupting Hollywood Tropes." Critical Studies in Media Communication 38. 2 (2021): 169-182. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Women and Netflix: Disrupting Traditional Boundaries Between Television and Film." Feminist Media Studies 19. 7 (2019): 1053-1055. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Songs of Exile: Music, Activism, and Solidarity in the Latin American Diaspora." JOMEC: Journalism, Media, and Cultural Studies Journal. 11 (2017): 63-82. Web.
Invited Article/Publication
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Book review of An American Icon in Puerto Rico: Barbie, Girlhood, and Colonialism at Play, by Emily R. Aguiló-Pérez." American Journal of Play. (2024). Web.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Comic book heroes and villains." International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. (2020). Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "International Film." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. (2017). Print.
Book Chapter
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Roger Waters and The Wall - Live in Berlin 1990: The Global Broadcast of a Historical Concert." Rock Music Icons: Musical and Cultural Impacts. Ed. Robert McParland. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2022. 79-98. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Scientific Revolutions." SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Ed. James M. Mattingly. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2022. 1-20. Web.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "The Symbolic, the Real, and the Ladies of Wakanda." Why Wakanda Matters: What Black Panther Reveals about Psychology, Identity, and Communication. Ed. Sheena Howard. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, 2021. 15-31. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Mockingjays and Silent Salutes: Introducing Semiotics Through The Hunger Games." Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture: Essays and Applications. Ed. Kathleen Glenister Roberts. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2016. 85-94. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Latinas in the United States: Articulating Discourses of Identity and Difference." Critical Articulations of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Ed. Sheena Howard. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. 89-103. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile: A Moving Portrait." Women in Politics and Media: Perspectives from Nations in Transition. Ed. Maria Raicheva-Stover and Elza Ibroscheva. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2014. 217-231. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Chilean Women in Changing Times: Media Images and Social Understandings." The Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Media. Ed. Karen Ross. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2012. 20-34. Print.
Published Review
Bucciferro, Claudia. Rev. of Swift Viewing: The Popular Life of Subliminal Influence, by Charles Acland. Journal of American Culture 2013: 257-258. Print.
Full Length Book
Bucciferro, Claudia. The X-Men Films: A Cultural Analysis. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. The Twilight Saga: Exploring the Global Phenomenon. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. Print.
Bucciferro, Claudia. FOR-GET: Identity, Media, and Democracy in Chile. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2012. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The public speaking course is designed to equip the student with knowledge of the theories and principles necessary for formal public speaking. Informative and persuasive speeches are the focus with emphasis on organization, evidence, language use, strategy, delivery, and effective use of media aids. Public speaking is generally offered each semester.
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the study of visual communication. The iconic and symbolic demonstration of visual images used in a variety of media is stressed. The major goal of the course is to examine visual messages as a form of intentional communication that seeks to inform, persuade, and entertain specific target audiences.
3 Credits
This course examines the relationship between gender and media communication with specific attention to how gender affects choices in mass media and social media practices. Students explore how gender, sexual orientation, sexuality and social roles, affect media coverage, portrayals, production and reception. They consider issues of authorship, spectatorship (audience), and the ways in which various media content (film, television, print journalism, advertising, social media) enables, facilitates, and challenges these social constructions in society. The course covers communication theories and scholarship as it applies to gender and media, methods of media analysis, and topics of current interest.
3 Credits
This course provides the student with an introduction to film as an art form. The course presents a vocabulary for film analysis as well as the critical and analytical skills for interpreting films. The course examines the major aesthetic, structural, historical, and technical components of film. It considers how a film works, by looking internally at the multiple aspects that comprise the construction of a film, and externally at how a film affects the viewers. Students will watch a variety of feature films, primarily American, ranging in date from the 1940's through the 2000's. Clips from alternative films and foreign films will also be screened and discussed. Any artistic background in film, music, theatre, painting, sculpture, etc., is helpful, but no specific technical knowledge of film, video, or photography is required or expected.
3 Credits
This course examines the relationship between gender and media communication with specific attention to how gender affects choices in mass media and social media practices. Students explore how gender, sexual orientation, sexuality and social roles, affect media coverage, portrayals, production and reception. They consider issues of authorship, spectatorship (audience), and the ways in which various media content (film, television, print journalism, advertising, social media) enables, facilitates, and challenges these social constructions in society. The course covers communication theories and scholarship as it applies to gender and media, methods of media analysis, and topics of current interest.