Novelution: Sponsored Research

Building a Budget

Working with SRS to Create a Budget

At this time, we will NOT be using the budget creation functionality in Novelution. Instead, the SRS Pre-Award Representative will work with you to build and finalize a budget for your project. Once the budget and budget justifications are finalized, the SRS-Pre-Award Representative will upload these documents into Novelution in preparation for Internal Review.

Standard Naming Conventions
  • Budget (MS Excel):
    "PI Last Name-Sponsor-Program Acronym-BUDGET FINAL"
  • Budget Justification (MS Word):
    "PI Last Name-Sponsor-Program Acronym-BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FINAL"

Entering Indirect Cost (F&A) Distributions

When two or more colleges are involved in the project, the PI and Co-PIs must determine the appropriate distribution of indirect costs between the colleges. SRS is NOT involved in this process; department chairs/deans may provide assistance if needed when determining the appropriate percent split.

  1. Navigate to the Budget panel
  2. Click the View/Edit button to open the budget screen
  3. Within the Budget screen of the proposal, scroll down to the Indirect Costs (F&A) distributions section
  4. Place a checkmark in the box titled "A split of the College/Lead Unit is requested"
  5. Click on Add distribution
  6. Select the college and enter the corresponding percent (repeat this process for as many colleges as needed)
    • Distribution of F&A is ONLY allowed at the college level
    • Verify that the total distribution adds up to 100%
    • Do NOT use the Breakdown/Share option
  7. Click Save at the bottom of the screen
  8. Click Go back to return to the proposal