Photojournalism Singles
Single images shot for photojournalism portfolio

Matthew Kelly, 12, takes a moment between bouts in the semi-finals of foil division of The Rochester Fencing Club Challenge, in Rochester, NY, on January 26th, 2013. Kelly went on to win 5th place in the foil division overall.

Mary LaMacchia, packaging science student at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is crowned "Prom Queen" at the the 1st annual "Prom Dress Rugby," at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Henrietta, NY, 2013. The game raised money for the Alternative for Battered Women of Rochester Foundation.

Joe Philipson tries on his Darth Vader pinata, at his 29th birthday party, on April 27th, 2013. Philipson received his first surprise party which was Star Wars themed.

Serpentessa, left, of New Paltz, NY, shows one of her boa constrictors to Susie Scott, at the Rochester Erotic Arts Festival, Rochester, NY, April, 2013. Serpentessa belly danced with her snakes and provided snake messages at the festival; Scott, one of the festival's founders, was deciding which snakes she wanted to be used for her message.

Elinor Gaul, 5, left, plays with a silk cape while her teacher, Christy Field, sews Valentine hearts, at the RiverNorth Kindergarten in Rochester, NY, on February 13, 2013.

Pastor Matthew Nicoloff, of the South Wedge Mission, in Rochester, NY, lit candles with his congregation prior to the Sunday advent service, on December 16, 2012. The congregation spent much of the service praying for the families affected by the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting that took place on December 14, 2012.

Abby Gardner, 5, listens to the 3rd Annual Bells on the Hill Celebration, at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, in Rochester, NY, on December 16, 2012. The church bells played a variety of Christmas carols and seasonal music.

Penny Carter (right) volunteers making calls on behalf of the Louise Slaughter campaign, in Rochester, NY, on November 6th, 2012. Carter pulled her jacket over her head to help block out the noise in the crowded call center. Carter noted, "I'm following in fine tradtion, my mother was a Suffragette."

Raquel Roberts, Albion, NY, prepares to show in a International Horse Show Association competition, as part of the Rochester Institute of Technology western horseback riding team, in Alfred, NY, on October 20th, 2012. Raquel was late to the competion, causing her to be behind schedule.

Reverand Jim Adams, of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, converses with his parishioners, in Geneva, NY, on October 6th, 2012. Rev. Adams had just concluded his "blessing of the animals."

Latisha Lucas, Rochester, NY, embraces floor hockey player Francisco Cordero, of Brooklyn New York, at the Winter Special Olympics Closing Ceremony and dance, in Rochester, NY, February, 2013. The two met for the first time at the Winter Special Olympics.