
Contact Us

Timekeeping Inquiries

Call: (585) 475-5000
Or visit the RIT Service Center

Payroll Inquiries

Call: (585) 475-2381, Kimberly
        (585) 475-2382, Ben
        (585) 475-5580, Steffanie

Forms & Resources

Payroll-related forms and resources can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding tiles below. The Training Resources webpage also contains helpful tutorials on the following workflows:

  • Accessing Employee Paystubs
  • Setting up Direct Deposit in Oracle
  • Requesting Oracle Access

 Student payroll changes must be entered in Oracle after self-requesting access to the RIT On-Line Payroll Change Requests responsibility. Review the Requesting Oracle Access tutorial (above) for specific instructions if you do not have this role in Oracle.


There are two methods for identifying department responsibilities within Kronos:

A. Primary contact list for student employee timecard related issues:

  1. Log into Oracle, click on RIT On-Line Payroll Change Requests and then double- click on “Run Reports.”
  2. The radio button for Single Request is the default. Click OK.
  3. Click in the ‘Name’ Field; click in the box with three dots; choose ‘RIT Department Contacts Listing’ (OR in the Name field, you may type RIT, hit Tab, and the report names will appear in a drop down menu).
  4. Click “Submit” – choose OK to the Caution box that pops up. Click the Refresh Data button periodically until the Phase says “Completed.” This takes less than 2 minutes.
  5. Click on “View Output.”
  6. A new window will open with a file showing the department number, primary contact name/email/phone number.
  7. Using the “Edit” – “Find on this page” feature, locate the department number of the student timecard with an issue.
  8. If the Contact for any of your Departments needs to be updated, please email with the updated information.


B.  Identify all Kronos Supervisors who have access to a particular department:

  1. Log Into Oracle
  2. Click on 'RIT Public Information'
  3. Click on "RIT Kronos Department Contact Search'
  4. Enter the Department Number and click GO (to see a range of departments, a partial number can be entered)

You may call any of the following numbers for help with either of these: 5-5984, 5-2382, 5-2381

More information about the Kronos and Timekeeping can be found here.

Pay Code Descriptions

Pay Code Description
Regular Hrs Regular hours worked – does not include hours worked on Sunday
Sunday Hrs Wrkd 1½ times pay rate for hours worked on Sunday
Vacation Vacation hours paid
Sick Sick hours paid
Approved with Pay Non-worked hours paid
Holiday Hours paid for an Institute Holiday as published by Human Resources
Sick Bank Sick hours paid from this grandfathered benefit (sick balance as of June 2007)
Overtime 1½ times pay rate for hours worked over 40 in one pay week (Friday - Thursday)
Hol Hrs Wrkd 1½ times pay rate for hours worked on an Institute Holiday
Doubletime RIT 2 times pay rate for hours worked over 40 in one pay week (Friday - Thursday) on the 7th consecutive day (due to RIT’s pay week, this will always occur on Thursday)
Emergency Pay 2 times pay rate for hours worked during an official Institute closure (for example, snow days)


Total of all above hours

BC Shift Additional $0.75 per hour for hours worked during BC Shift (4pm - 8am)
BC Shift Overtime Additional $1.13 per hour for hours worked during BC Shift over 40 in one pay week (Friday - Thursday) OR hours worked on a Holiday OR Sunday during BC Shift
BC Shift Doubletime       Additional $1.50 per hour for hours worked during BC Shift over 40 in one pay week (Friday - Thursday) on the 7th consecutive day (due to RIT’s pay week, this will always occur on Thursday)
Counts Towards Overtime Does NOT Count Towards Overtime
Regular Hrs Sick
Sunday Hrs Wrkd Approved with Pay
Vacation Sick Bank
Holiday Overtime
Emergency Pay Hol Hrs Wrkd

RIT’s pay week starts on Friday and ends on Thursday.
Employees are paid bi-weekly (every other week) on a Friday.

Working on weekends does not guarantee overtime.
Overtime typically happens at the end of the pay week (Thursday) because it applies after reaching 40 hours.

Payroll Distribution Reporting and Benefit Rates

The Payroll Distribution report provides detail of payroll transactions to assist with the reconciliation of department and project statements. The "Payroll Distribution Report within Dept RIT" sorts by department and provides payroll detail by employee for each pay period included in the requested date range. The "Payroll Distribution Report within Project RIT" provides the same information but sorts by project which makes it easier to use for reconciling grant and other project statements.

To gain access to the Payroll Distribution reports, submit this form in RSC and checkmark the responsibility titled "Account Reconciliations (with payroll)." The head of each of the departments listed must approve the form in order for you to be given access to that department's payroll detail.

Employment and Wage Verification - FAQ

  1. Sign-on to your Reporting, Inquiry & Payroll responsibility
  2. Open "Payroll Reports" from your Navigator screen.
  3. The Submit a New Request screen opens. Select the "Single Request" option and click the "OK" button.
  4. The Run RIT Payroll Distribution Request screen will open. Click on the LOV field located to the right of the "Name" field.
    1. From the run window you can either select to run 'Payroll Distribution Report within Dept. RIT' or 'Payroll Distribution Report within Project RIT'. The Payroll Distribution within department will give you all of the charges to a specific department(s) in object code order. The payroll Distribution within project will give you all of the charges to a specific project(s) in department, and object code order.
  5. The Report screen comes into view. Click on "Payroll Distribution Report within Dept RIT"
    1. Click on the "OK" button
    2. The Parameters screen will appear, fill in the following fields: 
      1. "From Date" DD-MMM-YYYY 
      2. "To Date" DD-MMM-YYYY 
      3. "From Dept" ##### 
      4. "To Dept" #####
    3. You need to enter the first day of the month and the last day of the month in order for the report to include all of the payroll charges for the month.
  6. Click the "OK" button
  7. In the "Submit Request" screen click on the "Options" button to print the report or e-mail it to someone.
    1. To send an e-mail notification select the employee from the list of values in the "Name" field within the "Notify the following People:" section on the "Upon Completion" screen.
    2. Repeat for as many employees that you want to e-mail.
    3. To print select a printer from the list of values in the "Printer" field and the number of copies within the "Print the Output To:" section on the "Upon Completion" screen.
      • Due to the sensitive nature of these reports make sure that the printout is not left unattended in a non-secure printer.
    4. Repeat for as many printers as you need.
    5. Click on the "OK" button. The Submit Requests screen reappears.
  8. Click on the "Submit" button.
  9. To view the status of the request click on the "View" menu and select "Requests."
  10. Click on the "Find" button on the "Find Requests" screen that opens. The "Requests" screen opens with your request id highlighted in blue.
  11. When the phase and status are "Completed" and "Normal" you can view the report online by clicking the "View Output" button. Your report will display on the screen for you to view.
  12. Submit a new request from the "Requests" screen by clicking on the "Submit a New Request" button.
  13. You can copy a previous request by clicking on the "Copy" button in the "Submit Request" screen.
  14. When you copy a previous request you can change the parameters (period, segment override, etc.) by clicking in the "Parameters" field.
  15. If you have any questions contact the Payroll Department at ext. 55580 or via email at

Benefit Rates

The benefit rates listed in the tables below are:

  1. The three RIT Benefit Rates which are applied to employees whose salaries are charged to RIT operating accounts and all projects except NTID operating and Federal grants and contracts.
  2. The six NTID/Federal Rates which have been approved by the US Department of Health and Human Services, RIT’s cognizant federal agency, for use during fiscal year 2025.
    • These rates are based upon prior year’s actual benefit expenses, as well as anticipated rate increases for certain benefits such as health insurance during the current fiscal year. Any difference between the calculated rate and the actual cost for the base period will be reflected in the new rate. For example, if actual expenses incurred in fiscal year 2025 are less than the estimated amount, the rate for the following fiscal year’s rate (2027) may be lower.
Salary Pool FY 2024 Benefit Rates FY 2025 Benefit Rates
RIT Full Eligibility 35.0% 36.6%
RIT Partial Eligibility 24.2% 26.2%
Statutory 8.6% 8.6%

Salary Pool

FY 2024 Benefit Rates

FY 2025 Benefit Rates

NTID Full Eligibility 36.5% 38.4%
NTID Partial Eligibility 28.0% 30.6%
NTID Statutory 8.8% 8.2%
Federal Full Eligibility 28.8% 29.5%
Federal Partial Eligibility 20.8% 21.3%
Federal Statutory 8.6% 7.8%

 The NTID and Federal rates in the above table represent the following:

  • Current rates in effect beginning 7/1/2024 for fiscal year 2025
  • All benefits including tuition waivers for employees, dependents and retirees are included in the RIT and NTID Full Eligibility rates.
  • Part-time employees are assessed the Full Eligibility rates.
  • The RIT and NTID Partial Eligibility rates are applied to adjunct faculty salaries.
  • The RIT and NTID Statutory rates are generally applied to faculty summer contracts, additional payments, special assignments and other payments that included only statutory benefits (e.g., Social Security, Medicare, etc.).
  • The Federal rates apply to employees (both RIT and NTID) whose salaries are charged to grants and contracts sponsored by the Federal government. The Full Eligibility rate does not include dependent tuition waivers, since they are an unallowable expense (2 CFR §400.431).
  • The RIT rates are applied to employees whose salaries are charged to state and private grants and contracts.
  • Each month, after all payrolls for the period have been posted to the general ledger, Accounting runs a process to calculate total benefit expenses (total wages paid to all employees, by department, in each salary pool X the appropriate fringe benefit rate). This amount is charged to each department's "benefits-pooled expenses" (object code 72050) and is reflected on the monthly department or project statement.
  • When processing journal entries to move salary expenses from one department to another, do not move benefit expenses. When the benefit allocation runs during the month-end closing process, the benefit expense will recalculate based upon the total salary expenses for the period.
  • Refer to information below to determine which salary types are included in each benefit rate pool.


Salary Types Included in Each Benefit Pool

Object Code Description
70050 Admin/Professional
70051 Admin/Professional - Exempt Biweekly
70100 Academic Admin (Ranked Faculty)
70150 Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty
70250 Educational Development Faculty
70300 Visiting Faculty Full-time
70325 Non-Tenure Track Faculty
70350 Post-Doctoral Professional
70351 Post-Doctoral Professional - Exempt Biweekly
70450 Technical, Clerical, Secretarial
70451 Technical, Clerical, Secretarial - Exempt Biweekly
70500 Maintenance, Food Service & Security
70501 Maintenance, Food Service & Security - Exempt Biweekly
70600 Part-Time Admin/Professional
70601 Part-Time Admin/Professional - Exempt Biweekly
70610 Part-Time Hourly Admin/Prof
70650 Part-Time Visiting/Non-Tenured Track Faculty
70750 Part-Time Technical, Clerical, Secretarial
70800 Part-Time Maintenance, Food Service & Security
70820 Part-Time Hourly Admin/Prof
71910 Advanced FT Government Unallowable Salaries
Object Code Description
70400 Adjunct Faculty
Object Code Description
70550 Faculty Summer
70555 Faculty Course Overload
70900 Regular Professional Staff Special Assignment
70925 Faculty Special Assignment
70950 Regular Hourly Special Assignment
70955 Severance (Professional & Hourly)
70975 One-Time Comp Payment
70976 Non-Op One-Time Comp Payment
71010 Living Allowance
71020 Telecomm Allowance
71025 Non-Op Telecomm Allowance
71100 Interns Non-RIT Students
71920 Advanced Part-Time Government Unallowable Salaries

RIT (0% rate), NTID (0% rate), Federal Grants (0% rate)

Object Code Description
71050 Interns RIT Students
71125 Other Graduate Assistant Hourly
71130 Graduate Assistant Hourly
71135 Graduate Grading Assistant
71140 Graduate Technical Assistant
71145 Graduate Teaching Assistant - Masters
71147 Graduate Teaching Assistant – PHD
71150 Graduate Assistant
71155 Graduate Assistant Awards
71200 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
71250 Student
71300 Co-op
71350 Federal Work Study
71400 Off-Campus Community Service FWS
71450 On-Campus Community Service FWS

Pre/Post Payment Process for Faculty Salaries

Background Information

The majority of RIT faculty contracts are 9.5 months in duration. As the academic year calendar transitions to semesters, faculty appointments will continue to be 9.5 months but will begin slightly earlier, on or about August 20th and end on or about May 31st. Faculty who are on 9.5 month contracts will continue to be paid over 12 months beginning July 1st through June 30th. Salaries and benefits paid from July 1st through August 15th (3 pay periods) are actually “advance payments” (paid but not yet earned). Salaries and benefits paid from June 1st through June 30th following the academic year (2 pay periods) are actually “post payments” (paid after earned). Since the pre and post payment amounts have been earned in full by the faculty by June 30th, the University’s financial statements are correctly stated as of June 30th, the end of RIT’s fiscal year.


This process is necessary to ensure that with RIT’s upcoming change to semesters: 1) interim financial statements are accurate; 2) the University is in compliance with effort reporting requirements for employees who work on Federal grants and contracts.

Effective fiscal year 2013, compensation for employees with a “People.Group” designation of Faculty in the HR system, with a contract term of less than 12 months, will be treated as follows:

  • July 1st through August 15th academic year salaries paid will be treated as a “prepaid expense”. The prepaid amounts will be recognized (e.g., expensed) over 19 pay dates beginning August 31st and ending May 31st.
  • June 1st through June 30th, following the academic year, salaries paid will relieve the “post contract liability” obligation created and already expensed during the academic year beginning August 31st and ending May 31st
Expense Salary Amount - Costing During Academic Year August 31 through May 31
Components From Pay Periods From Account AY Amt. Expensed
1/19th Pre-paid July 15, July 31,
August 15
Prepaid account 1/19th August 31-May 31
1/19th Post Contract
June 15, June 30

Post contract liability account

1/19th August 31-May 31
1/19th AY 9.5-month
August 31 – May 31 Expense account (i.e.
operating, discretionary,
1/19th August 31 – May 31
  • The “prepaid salary expense” is an asset residing on the University’s balance sheet until it has actually been “earned” (over the actual contract period). The object code utilized for this purpose is: “09045 – Prepaid Faculty Salaries”.
  • The “post contract liability” is a liability residing on the University’s balance sheet until the obligation is relieved at the end of the fiscal year. The amount is “earned” during the academic year (over the actual contract period), but will be paid during the last 2 pay periods of the fiscal year. A new object code has been established for this purpose: “37000 – Post Contract Faculty Salaries”.
  • When the salaries are recognized over the course of the fiscal year as the amounts are earned, the expense will be reflected on the department/project statements and on the University’s Statement of Activities (i.e., P&L). At the end of the fiscal year, June 30th, the prepaid salary expense and the post contract liability account should be zero. This means that 100% of salaries paid during the fiscal year were earned and recognized as an expense.

Regardless of the general ledger account number on the faculty member’s HR record, 100% of his/her academic year salary paid from July 1st through August 15th will automatically be charged to a default prepaid general ledger account number.

  • For example, beginning in July 2012 a faculty member in the KGCOE Electrical Engineering department whose salary is charged to his/her home department (63100) will be charged to a prepaid account set up under the dean’s department from July 1st through August 15th. Refer to the attached example #1.

Original Expense Account Number: 01.63100.70150.10.00000.00000
Prepaid Salary Account Number: 01.63000.09045.00.00000.00000

Regardless of the general ledger account number on the faculty member’s HR record, 100% of his/her academic year salary paid from June 1st through June 30th will automatically be charged to a default liability general ledger account number set up under the dean’s department. Refer to the attached example #1.

  • For example, beginning on August 31st, 2012, 1/19th of a faculty member in the KGCOE Electrical Engineering department whose salary is charged to his/her home department (63100) will be charged to a post contract liability account set up under the dean’s department. When the last two pay periods for the year are issued (June 15th and June 30th) the liability account will be relieved and should be zero as of June 30. Refer to the attached example #1.

Original Expense Account Number: 01.63100.70150.10.00000.00000
Post Contract Liability Account Number: 01.63000.37000.00.00000.00000

Beginning on the August 31st pay date, 1/19th of the total pre and post payment salary amounts will be expensed according to the account number (i.e., costing) on the employee’s record as of that pay date.

  • Using the example above, for the period September 1 – September 15, the KGCOE EE faculty member is now expending 50% of his effort on a Federal grant. When the September 15th payroll is processed, 50% of the expense (1/19th of the total prepaid and 1/19th of the total post payment amounts) will be charged to the Federal grant and the remaining 50% will be charged to his home department. Refer to the attached example #2.

Credit Prepaid Salary Account Number: 01.63000.09045.00.00000.00000
Credit Post Contract Liability Acct Number: 01.63000.37000.00.00000.00000
Debit 50% to Expense Account Number: 01.63100.70150.10.00000.00000
Debit 50% to Expense Account Number: 01.6315X.70150.15.30XXX.00000

This process will continue through May 31st of the following year at which time, 100% of the prepaid amount will be expensed. Each time the costing on the employees’ record changes, the distribution of the prepaid and post payments will change as well.

  • Continuing the example above, for the period December 1 – December 15, the KGCOE EE faculty member is now expending 25% of his effort on his Federal grant and 25% on a private contract. When the December 15th payroll is processed, 25% of the expense (1/19th of the total prepaid and 1/19th of the total post payment amounts) will be charged to the Federal grant, 25% will be charged to the private contract and the remaining 50% will be charged to his home department.

Credit Prepaid Salary Account Number: 01.63000.09045.00.00000.00000
Credit Post Contract Liability Acct Number: 01.63000.37000.00.00000.00000
Debit 50% to Expense Account Number: 01.63100.70150.10.00000.00000
Debit 25% to Expense Account Number: 01.6315X.70150.15.30XXX.00000
Debit 25% to Expense Account Number: 01.6315X.70150.15.36XXX.00000

The salary payments for July 15, July 31, and August 15 create the balance in the prepaid account that will be expensed to the appropriate department/project account during the period of August 31st through May 31st. The salary payments for June 15th and June 30th relieve the post contract liability account where the post payments have accumulated from August 31st through May 31st. The salary paid to the faculty member for July 15, July 31, August 15 (the pre-payments) and the June 15th and June 30th (post payments) will not be costed to any departmental, project, or grant/contract account.

Budget Implications

No academic year salary payments will be charged to RIT and NTID operating expense accounts (or any other accounts) from July 1st through August 15th (pre-payments) and June 1st through June 30th (post payment). However, a higher percentage will be charged for the period August 16th through May 31st.

  • To assist with budget planning, you may want to consider utilizing the “manual encumbrance” feature in the Oracle applications. Please contact Accounting Customer Support at ext. 5-2237 if you would like assistance with setting up manual encumbrances.

Other Information

  1. 11-month Contracts – Salaries for faculty who work on 11-month contracts will be handled as follows: July – The salary charges will be treated as a prepaid amount and expensed over 22 pay periods, beginning on August 1st and ending on June 30th. August – June salary expenses will be charged to the costing on the employee’s record during August.
  2. Benefit Expenses – Since benefits are calculated based on salary expenses, no benefit expenses will be assessed from July 1st through August 15th and June 1st through June 30th for faculty whose contracts are 9.5 months. Benefit expenses from August 16th through May 31st will be based on the actual salary expenses charged to costing on the faculty member’s salary for the period.
  3. Costing Changes from July 1st through August 15th and June 1st through June 30th – Since academic year salary charges are not expensed over the summer months, it is not necessary to process Salary Redistribution EAFS for those two and a half months. Throughout the rest of the academic year, process Salary Redistribution EAFS as costing changes occur.
  4. Department Statements – A footnote will be added to the Department Statement reflecting the balance remaining in the prepaid and post contract liability salary accounts at the end of the period. At the end of June, the balance for both accounts should be zero -0-.
  5. Early Contract Termination – If a faculty member leaves RIT prior to the end of his/her academic year contract, the prepaid salary amount not yet earned offset by the post contract liability must be repaid to the University. When the overpayment is collected, the prepaid and post contract liability accounts will be zero.
  6. Effort Reporting – Beginning academic year 2013-2014, effort reports will be issued for the Fall and Spring semesters and the summer academic term. The Fall semester will encompass academic year effort for August 16 through December 31. The Spring semester will encompass academic year effort for January 1 through May 31. The Summer term will encompass summer effort from June 1st through August 15. The summer term effort reports will reflect only summer salary contract amounts.
  7. ITS Charges – During academic year 2012/13, ITS chargebacks for July 1st through August 15th and June 1st through June 30th, will be charged directly to the Dean’s operating account of each faculty member’s college, regardless of the costing on the employee’s record at the time. During the academic year, these charges will not be distributed
  8. Payroll Distribution Reports – During July and August, the advance payments will be included in the Payroll Distribution Report on object code 09045 under the appropriate dean’s office department number. From August 16th through May 31st, 1/19th of the total prepaid salary amount and the total post contract liability amount will be expensed according to the account number (i.e., costing) on the employee’s record as of that pay date. These amounts will be added to the regular salary paid during the period. to the actual accounts that the faculty member’s salary is charged to from August 16th through May 31st.

Faculty Prepayment Process - FAQs

A: We've implemented a new process to account for academic year salaries paid to faculty during July and August. Faculty who are on 9.5 month contracts are paid over 12 months beginning July 1 through June 30. Salaries and benefits paid during July and August (4 pay periods) are actually "advance payments" to faculty (paid but not yet earned). It has been RIT's practice to treat these salary advances as an "expense" (i.e., they are charged directly to a salary expense account line on the general ledger including RIT and NTID operating accounts, grants & contracts, endowment earning accounts, etc.). Effective this fiscal year (FY 2009), compensation related to academic year salaries paid in the months of July and August for regular faculty, with a contract term of less than 12 months, will be treated as a "prepaid expense". The prepaid amounts will be recognized (e.g., expensed) automatically via the regular payroll process over 19 pay dates beginning September 15 and ending June 15. The complete prepaid salary process description is available on the Controller's Office web page by clicking here

A: The new process is necessary to ensure that:

  • interim financial statements are accurate; and,
  • The University is in compliance with effort reporting requirements for employees who work on Federal grants and contracts.

A: No, the actual accounting changes are being made via the regular payroll process for all faculty with a contract term less than 12 months. However, if you have budgetary responsibilities, you should be aware of this change and how treating the July and August salary payments to faculty as a prepaid expense impacts your department. You should also monitor/reconcile the balance in the prepaid account to ensure that it is declining as it should be (i.e., decreasing by 1/19th each pay period) – refer to FAQ #9 for more information.

A: No, this change will be transparent to faculty (other than those with budgetary responsibility). They will still be paid 1/24th of their annual contract amount during each pay period beginning in July and ending in June. Only those faculty who serve in administrative positions will be impacted and then, only from a budgetary perspective.

A: Yes, it will. Since contracts for faculty who work at NTID also begin in late August and end in early June, amounts paid during the summer months are also required to be accounted for as prepaid expenses.

A: Regardless of the general ledger account number on the faculty member's HR record, 100% of his/her academic year salary paid during July and August will automatically be charged to a default prepaid general ledger account number. The object code is 09045. New account combinations have been set up in each of the dean's offices departments. The balance on each of these accounts will be -0- by June 30 of each year.

A: Yes, during July and August, the advance payments will be included in the Payroll Distribution Report on object code 09045 under the appropriate dean's office department number. From September through June 15, 1/19th of the total prepaid salary amount will be expensed according to the account number (i.e., costing) on the employee's record as of that pay date. This amount will be added to the regular salary paid to the faculty member during the period and reflected on the Payroll Distribution Report on the appropriate account number.

A: Since benefit expenses are calculated based on total salary expenses for the period, no benefit expenses will be charged to your department/project during July and August for regular faculty who work less than 12 months.

A: No academic year salary payments will be charged to RIT and NTID operating accounts (or any other accounts) during July and August (typically 8.3% of the total salary budget would be consumed for each of the two months). However, a higher percentage will be charged for the months September – May. Over the 12-month period, 100% of the budget will be spent as it has in the past. During this transition year, NTID operating departments will not expend 100% of their faculty salary budgets (01.4XXXX.70150.XX.02008.00000) in fiscal year 2008. However, the prepaid amounts will be fully expensed during the next fiscal year.

A: Yes, a footnote has been added to the department statement that will reflect the declining balance in the prepaid account (i.e., it will reduce by 1/19th each pay period as the prepaid amount is expensed). By June 30 of each fiscal year, the balance in the prepaid account will be -0-.

A: No, salary expenses for faculty who work on summer contracts will be treated as they have in the past. The expense will be reflected on your department/project statements during the period in which it was paid (on object code 70550).

A: No, since new faculty are paid over nine months beginning September 15 and ending June 30, they are not paid in advance for their services.

A: Call Christa Abugasea, Director of Payroll and AP Services at ext. (585) 475-2418.

Moving and Relocation Expense Guidelines

Standard Domestic Moving and Relocation Expenses Guidelines

Newly hired staff and faculty members relocating to the Rochester area to work at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) may be eligible to be reimbursed for certain expenses incurred as a result of the move. The actual amount of the reimbursement may vary due to departmental budgetary restrictions. The following information provides information about specific tests for “qualified moving expenses” set forth by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as RIT specific processes.

Effective January 1, 2018, all moving expenses are reimbursed on a taxable basis.

  1. The relocation/move must meet the Distance and Time tests as listed below.
    1. Distance Test: The new place of work must be at least 50 miles farther from the former home than the former place of work was from the former home
    2. Time Test: The new employee must work full time for at least 39 weeks during the 12-month period immediately following the relocation (or the employee must repay RIT for full/prorated moving costs paid by RIT. Full reimbursement is required if new employee worked less than 12 full weeks. Proration according to weeks worked for greater than 12 full weeks.)
  2. Faculty (excludes Visiting) above the rank of lecturer and all staff at or above wage grade 123A are eligible to be reimbursed for moving expenses and/or relocation assistance. Employees below this band/rank may be eligible for relocation assistance of up to $3,500 based on departmental budgetary restrictions.
  3. All exceptions that exceed or vary from RIT guidelines must be approved by the Provost for Academic Affairs or respective Division Vice President, prior to making an offer.
  4. The hiring department is responsible for the payment of all relocation costs.
  5. The offer letter to a new employee must specify relocation terms, the maximum moving expense reimbursement and/or relocation assistance that will be paid by the university and the related tax implications to the employee.
  6. When submitting the reimbursement request, the employee should be directed to include a copy of their offer letter (redacting address, salary and other personal information) referencing the maximum expense reimbursement.
  7. Whenever possible, expenses should be submitted and reimbursed within the same calendar year as they are incurred. If expenses are not reimbursed within the same calendar year as they are incurred, they will be treated as taxable income to the employee.
  8. Expenditures from restricted accounts such as gifts, endowment earnings and grants/contract funds can only be made in accordance with the specific restrictions, policies and regulations governing the use of those funds.
  9. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include all expenses identified as reimbursable by the IRS (based on actual receipts) (also listed on the RIT Employee Moving Expense Reimbursement Form).
    1. House-Hunting Expenses – Includes all expenses related to travel for employee and spouse/ domestic partner (taxable).
    2. Moving of Household and Personal Effects – Includes actual costs of packing, transporting, unpacking household effects; in transit storage costs; insurance; and moving household pets (does not include farm animals) (taxable).
    3. En Route Travel Expenses – Includes cost of transportation, lodging for employee, spouse/ domestic partner and dependent children living at home (not taxable). Reimbursement of meals in route (taxable).
    4. Temporary Living Expenses – Expenses incurred for temporary living arrangements, up to 30 days, while relocating near the university (taxable).
    5. Auto Shipment – Automobiles used as primary mode of transportation of the employee and spouse. Automobiles may be driven or shipped. Mileage reimbursement will be provided at university’s current approved rate if automobiles are driven. RIT will not reimburse the employee for costs associated with a second vehicle if distance is <500 miles.
  10. Under IRS regulations, all reimbursements associated with the move are taxable income to the employee subject to tax withholding and reporting on the employee’s W-2. The following non-qualified expenses are taxable income to the employee if reimbursed by RIT:
  • Home improvements to help sell home
  • Loss on the sale of the home
  • Expenses of buying or selling a home (including closing costs, mortgage fees, and points)
  • Expenses of getting or breaking a lease or security deposits (including any given up due to the move)
  • Mortgage penalties
  • Real estate taxes
  • Pre-move house hunting expenses
  • Return trips to your former residence
  • Losses from disposing of memberships in clubs
  • Mileage reimbursement in excess of IRS rate (see 8e)
  • Temporary living expenses
  • Any part of the purchase price of new home or refitting of carpets and draperies
  • Car tags or driver’s license fees
  • Meals
  • Storage charges except those incurred in transit and for foreign moves – consecutive 30 day limit
  • Payments associated with moving goods from a second home
  • Payment of a lump sum relocation allowance, without requirement of documentation
  1. Employees must use one of the following preferred moving companies and contact information. When making moving arrangements, specify you are with RIT and have access to “E and I” pricing.
Company Contact Name Email Phone
Graebel Van Lines Jonathan Cutlip 713-331-6347
Allied Van Lines Pat Jolly 860-259-0241
Mayflower Allegiant Move Management 800-845-6327
United Van Lines Allegiant Move Management 800-845-6328
North American Van Lines Paul Stoltenberg 800-994-1773

The moving company will invoice RIT; however, the move will be listed under the employee’s name and the employee must sign the bill of lading.

  1. The following are four (4) suggestions when choosing a company.
    1. Never choose a mover from the internet. Often, companies appear to be movers, have great looking websites, but are not really movers as they are brokers. Brokers do not own any trucks, do not have any personnel to load or unload trucks and do not include the full value coverage.
    2. Never choose a mover that asks for a deposit. These so-called movers are really moving brokers. The brokers gather your deposit and then subcontract your move to the lesser known local movers. Most common is the double or triple handling of your items from one local mover to another. Brokers also commit to customer’s unusual requests such as I want to load on Sunday at 1PM, we need to start delivery after 5PM, etc.
    3. Never choose a mover that does not conduct a visual survey. Movers who conduct this type of process are relying on the customer to inventory their items. The results are a usually less than accurate weight estimate, a lower number of boxes resulting in significant cost increases.
    4. Never choose a mover that quotes your move based on cubic feet. Reputable movers use a weight and distance formula for estimating the transportation costs for your move. The distance is computed by a zip code to zip code analysis. The weight is the other variable in this equation – not cubic feet.

Table for Standard moving allowance for household goods (based on 10,000lbs):

Mileage No Packing With full Packing
1-250 miles $4,000 $6,300
251-500 miles $4,100 $6,500
501-750 miles $4,600 $6,800
751-1000 miles $5,200 $7,300
1001-1250 miles $5,800 $7,800
1251-1500 miles $6,200 $8,300
1501-1750 miles $6,500 $8,800
1751-2000 miles $6,800 $9,100
2001-2250 miles $7,400 $9,500
2251-2500 miles $7,800 $9,900
2501-2750 miles $8,300 $10,400
  1. If RIT is not directly billed for movement of household goods, in order to receive reimbursement, the employee must submit the reimbursement request within 90 days of the move.
  2. If circumstances warrant an exception to the above (i.e., vendor availability due to timing, geography), RIT may grant the employee a moving allowance of up to $3,500 (taxable).

Student Payroll

Employment and Wage Verification

Obtaining a Salary Key

The Salary Key is a special authorization code that the employee generates in order to authorize the release of income information.

There are two ways to obtain a salary key:

  • Electronically through this site.
  • Rochester Institute of Technology's access code is 15083.
  • Click I want to provide proof of employment and income.
  • Enter your social security number (no dashes) to continue.
  • A pin number is required to proceed. The pin number is the last four digits of your social security number and your birth year, ie. 12341970 (you will be prompted to change your pin the first time you login).
  • Click the Salary Key tab. Click on the New Salary Key button. You have successfully created your salary key.
  • Provide this information to the verifying agency.

If you don't have access to a computer, you can still obtain a Salary Key. The Work Number offers a telephone option for all employees, call 1-800-367-2884. You will need your social security number, date of birth, RIT access code (15083) and pen and paper to write down the Salary Key they provide.

A salary key is not required for non-income employment verifications.

Employment and Wage Verification - FAQ

A: The Work Number is a company that provides employment and income verification for current and former RIT employees. The Work Number can provide verification of employment with or without income. By using this process, obtaining verification of employment and income information is a much quicker and simpler process.

A: When logging into The Work Number website, look for the RIT Tiger logo.

A: Contact the Client Service Center at The Work Number 1-800-996-7566. Customer Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 7am to 7pm CST.

A: A verifying company is typically a lender, bank, mortgage company, housing complex or employer requesting information on the employee about their job or salary information.

A: Yes. All employment and income verifications are now being completed by The Work Number.

A: A salary key is a special authorization code that the employee generates in order to authorize the release of income information. A salary key is not required for non-income verifications.

A: No. Employees will not be charged for using The Work Number verification process. The charge for this service is covered by the verifying agency.

A: Yes. You will maintain the ability to have a verifying agency access your employment and income records through The Work Number. You will also be able to create a salary key even after you leave employment with RIT.

W2 Information

Accessing Your W-2

Instructions are provided below but first, some key points:

  • ADP is the third-party provider that distributes and maintains RIT W-2s for current and former employees
  • Current employees can access their W-2s through ADP's website and RIT Employee Self-Service
  • Former employees can only access their W-2s through ADP's website
  • Opting in/out of paperless W-2 delivery can only be done through ADP's website


CURRENT Employees:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Employee Self-Service and Approvals
  3. Click RIT Employee Self-Service (or RIT Student Self-Service if applicable)
  4. Under My Payroll Information, select My W2 Information
  5. Click on the red ADP logo
  6. Select the Tax Year in the corresponding drop-down list
  7. Click View Statement to download or print the form
  8. Sign out of the site when finished by clicking on your initials in the top-right corner of the screen


FORMER Employees:

  1. Go to
  2. If you have previously registered, sign in to the ADP site with your User ID and Password, then proceed to step #13
  3. If have not previously registered, click Get Started
  4. Click I Have a Registration Code
  5. When prompted for the code, enter the following:  RITEDU-W2
  6. Enter the following information on the Identify Yourself page:
    • First name - enter your first name as it appeared on your paycheck
    • Last name - enter your last name as it appeared on your paycheck
    • Last 4 digits of SSN, EIN, or ITIN - enter the last 4 digits of your social security number
    • Birth month, day, and year - enter your birth date in the corresponding fields
  7. When prompted, select the option to Verify Your Identity - It is recommended to verify your identity using your mobile phone number
    • Enter your phone number
    • Enter the verification code sent to your phone
  8. Enter your information on the Help Us Protect Your Account screen
    • IMPORTANT: If you no longer have an RIT email account, change your email address to your current one
  9. On the One More Step screen, take note of your User ID
  10. Create and confirm your password
  11. Click Create Account
  12. On the Sign in to ADP screen, enter your User ID and Password to log in to the site
  13. Click Tax Statements
  14. Select the Tax Year in the corresponding drop-down list
  15. Click View Statement to download or print the form
  16. Sign out of the site when finished by clicking on your initials in the top-right corner of the screen


Form W-2 is the annual statement of earnings that is provided to each employee for IRS and State tax reporting.

Benefits of paperless W-2s include:

  • Enhanced security: Employees will need to register with ADP one time, providing information to prove their identity. The employee can choose to receive their W-2 electronically, with no printed copy sent via US mail.
  • ADP is accessible from anywhere: You can conveniently access your W-2 online from anywhere at any time.
  • Earlier delivery: Online delivery provides access to your W-2 earlier than the traditional mail process.
  • Sustainability: Reduces paper consumption and is environmentally friendly.

Current RIT employees can opt in/out of paperless W-2 delivery at any time:

  • Go to
  • Click Employee Self-Service and Approvals
  • Click RIT Employee Self-Service (or RIT Student Self-Service if applicable)
  • Under My Payroll Information, select My W2 Information
  • Click Add or Update
  • Select Document Type W-2
  • Set the Paperless option to "Yes" or "No" depending on your preference
  • Click Apply
  • Click Next then Submit

Current employees do not need to register with ADP to access their W-2; see instructions for Current Employees (above)

See instructions for Former Employees (above)

Call RIT Payroll at (585) 475-2381, (585) 475-2382, or (585) 475-6526 for assistance

Call RIT Payroll at (585) 475-2381, (585) 475-2382, or (585) 475-6526 for assistance