Erik Benson Headshot

Erik Benson

Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo

Erik Benson

Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo


Dr. Erik Benson serves as an adjunct faculty member at RIT Kosovo. He taught at multiple universities in the U.S. for 20 years before becoming the academic director for an international organization. He earned his Ph.D. in History from the University of Georgia. He has published one scholarly monograph and numerous scholarly articles and reviews, and has presented at a number of professional conferences. He is a member of the Economic and Business History Society, with which he has served in a number of capacities, including as chair of its board. He was on the editorial staff of Essays in Economic and Business History. His fields of study include the history of aviation, U.S. diplomacy, modern America, and Latin America; he also has an active research interest in effective pedagogy. 

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The public speaking course is designed to equip the student with knowledge of the theories and principles necessary for formal public speaking. Informative and persuasive speeches are the focus with emphasis on organization, evidence, language use, strategy, delivery, and effective use of media aids. Public speaking is generally offered each semester.
3 Credits
This introductory-level course will examine the social, cultural, political, technological and/or economic development of modern America as it is revealed through a particular historical topic or theme. The theme or topic of the course is chosen by the instructor, announced in the subtitle, and developed in the syllabus.
3 Credits
This course will explore of how the contemporary global order in the 21st century has emerged from the historical events, processes and trends of the past 500-plus years. Since 1500, the world has changed dramatically, from several mostly—or entirely—separate and autonomous regions to a single interconnected system of people and societies. We will consider the political, social, economic, and technological developments as well as the intercultural and transregional contacts and interactions that helped create these changes.