RIT K Team Visit Maynooth University Ireland As Part of the STEFORA Project Implementation

As part of the STEFORA Project activities, RIT Kosovo team participated in the Digital Citizenship training for STEM faculty and administrators that was held at Maynooth University in Ireland on January 24-26, 2024.  The training covered topics such as Digital Citizenship, Digital Safety and Higher Education Institutions, Security Awareness, Digital Literacy, and Responsible Online Behavior.

stefora training photo

On the second day, the focus was on the 'Professional Digital Footprint' principle of Digital Citizenship, with case study presentations from the 'Equality, Diversity and Inclusion' Department at MU, an EU-wide 'Women in STEM' foundation, and an in-house student-led initiative called Women in STEM Society. On the third and concluding day, partner institutions from Kosovo and Albania presented their draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) covering topics such as Responsible Digital Behavior, Social Media Conduct, Data Security, Online Bullying, and Breaches of Online Behavior. 

STEFORA project is supported by the Erasmus+ program and is led by RIT Kosovo and the main objective of this project is to build capacities in Higher Education Institutions to create inclusive environments for all students and therefore reduce disparities which prevent women’s interest and persistence in STEM.

photo of stefora training ireland

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