December 5 Unstageably Fresh Gynt Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Sklarsky Glass Box Theater
December 6 Unstageably Fresh Gynt Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Sklarsky Glass Box Theater
December 7 Unstageably Fresh Gynt Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Sklarsky Glass Box Theater
December 8 Unstageably Fresh Gynt Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Sklarsky Glass Box Theater
December 8 RIT Singers and RIT Chamber Singers present "Come, Said the Muse" Schmitt Interfaith Center Allen Chapel
December 8 Violin Studio Recital Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Munson Music Loft
December 9 Guitar Studio Recital Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Munson Music Loft