Astrophysical Sciences and Technology Master of Science Degree

Astrophysical Sciences and Technology
Master of Science Degree
- RIT /
- College of Science /
- Academics /
- Astrophysical Sciences and Technology MS
A master’s in astrophysics that explores the depths of the universe through multidisciplinary research, from general relativity to theoretical astrophysics, observational or instrumentation development, and other areas related to astrophysics.
Overview for Astrophysical Sciences and Technology MS
Why Study Astrophysics at RIT
STEM-OPT Visa Eligible: The STEM Optional Practical Training (OPT) program allows full-time, on-campus international students on an F-1 student visa to stay and work in the U.S. for up to three years after graduation.
Unique Interdisciplinary Approach: This is a multidisciplinary program administered by the School of Physics and Astronomy, in collaboration with the School of Mathematics and Statistics and the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, setting it apart from conventional astrophysics graduate programs at traditional research universities.
Tailored to your Interests: The program offers tracks in astrophysics (including observational and theoretical astrophysics), computational and gravitational astrophysics (including numerical relativity and gravitational wave astronomy), and astronomical technology (including detector and instrumentation research and development).
Participate in Research: There are three research centers associated with the School of Physics and Astronomy: the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, the Center for Detectors, or the Laboratory for Multi-wavelength Astrophysics.
Industry Opportunities: Graduates of the program have secured roles at the Dudley Observatory at the Museum of Innovation & Science, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, in higher education institutions, among others.
The degree in astrophysics focuses on the underlying physics of phenomena beyond the Earth, and on the development of the technologies, instruments, data analysis, and modeling techniques that will enable the next major strides in the field.
There has never been a more exciting time to obtain an astronomy degree and study the universe beyond the confines of the Earth. A new generation of advanced ground-based and space-borne telescopes and enormous increases in computing power are enabling a golden age of astrophysics. RIT’s astronomy degree has a multidisciplinary emphasis that sets it apart from conventional astrophysics graduate programs at traditional research universities.
RIT’s Master’s in Astrophysics
RIT’s master’s in astrophysics offers students a wide range of frontier research topics in areas including multi-wavelength astrophysics, instrumentation and detector technology, computational astrophysics and gravitational wave astronomy and numerical relativity. Our guiding principle is to provide an intellectually demanding program within an informal, student-centered and supportive environment.
At RIT, you have the flexibility to tailor your plan of study to emphasize astrophysics (including observational and theoretical astrophysics), computational and gravitational astrophysics (including numerical relativity and gravitational wave astronomy), or astronomical technology (including detector and instrumentation research and development).
Pursure research interests in a wide range of topics, including design and development of novel detectors, multiwavelength studies of proto-stars, active galactic nuclei and galaxy clusters, gravitational wave data analysis, and theoretical and computational modeling of astrophysical systems including galaxies and compact objects such as binary black holes.
RIT’s astrophysics research areas include:
- Computational general relativity
- Gravitational wave astronomy
- Multi-messenger astrophysics
- Time domain astrophysics
- Experimental cosmology
- Supermassive black holes
- Active galaxie, galaxy evolution and galaxy clusters
- Proto-stars and proto-planetary disks
- Planetary nebulae
- Binary stars
- Stellar evolution
- Sub-orbital Astrophysics
- Next generation infrared detectors
- Zero read-noise detectors
Depending on research interests, you may participate in one of three research centers at RIT: the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (Video), the Center for Detectors or the Laboratory for Multi-wavelength Astrophysics.
Master’s in Astrophysics Degree: What You’ll Study
A degree in astrophysics at RIT consists of four core courses, two to four elective courses, two semesters of graduate seminar, and a research project culminating in a thesis.
During the first year, you will begin a research project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Focus on the project becomes more significant during the second year after the core courses have been completed. A thesis committee is appointed by the program director and oversees the final defense of the thesis, which consists of a public oral presentation by the student, followed by a closed-door examination by the committee.
Careers for Master’s in Astrophysics
Alumni of our programs most often work in research positions or education programs ranging from K-12 to higher education. Alumni also are successful in computing, information technology, federal government, and imaging technology.
As a standalone research degree, the MS is a qualification for positions in data analysis or an entry into numerous other careers ranging from education to federal government. The MS also provides a stepping stone to a Ph.D.
MS to Ph.D. Transfer
For those who want to pursue a career in research, a Ph.D. provides an essential qualification. It opens the door to positions such as a university professor or staff scientist in institutions such as NASA, and to many other careers in STEM requiring analytical capabilities.
Students in the MS degree program who have excelled in their course work and research project may be permitted, by program approval, to transition into the doctoral degree in astrophysical sciences and technology, with the MS thesis defense serving as the Ph.D. qualifying examination. Such a transition from MS to Ph.D. is contingent on the availability of an advisor and research funding.
Meet us on-campus on February 20
Learn about the programs that interest you. Hear from program faculty, speak with current graduate students, and ask the questions that will help you get one step closer to your career goals.
Join us for Fall 2025
Many programs accept applications on a rolling, space-available basis.
30% Tuition Scholarship for NY Residents and Graduates
Now is the perfect time to earn your Master’s degree. If you’re a New York state resident with a bachelor’s degree or have/will graduate from a college or university in New York state, you are eligible to receive a 30% tuition scholarship.
Careers and Experiential Learning
Typical Job Titles
Optics Technology Supervisor | Planetarium Director | Data Analyst |
Cooperative Education
What makes an RIT science and math education exceptional? It’s the ability to complete science and math co-ops and gain real-world experience that sets you apart. Co-ops in the College of Science include cooperative education and internship experiences in industry and health care settings, as well as research in an academic, industry, or national lab. These are not only possible at RIT, but are passionately encouraged.
What makes an RIT education exceptional? It’s the ability to complete relevant, hands-on career experience. At the graduate level, and paired with an advanced degree, cooperative education and internships give you the unparalleled credentials that truly set you apart. Learn more about graduate co-op and how it provides you with the career experience employers look for in their next top hires.
National Labs Career Events and Recruiting
The Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education offers National Labs and federally-funded Research Centers from all research areas and sponsoring agencies a variety of options to connect with and recruit students. Students connect with employer partners to gather information on their laboratories and explore co-op, internship, research, and full-time opportunities. These national labs focus on scientific discovery, clean energy development, national security, technology advancements, and more. Recruiting events include our university-wide Fall Career Fair, on-campus and virtual interviews, information sessions, 1:1 networking with lab representatives, and a National Labs Resume Book available to all labs.
Featured Work and Profiles
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for Analyzing Astronomical Data
Ryan Butler, a Ph.D. candidate in the Astrophysical Science and Technology program at RIT, is exploring the use of virtual reality to analyze astronomical data.
Read More about Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for Analyzing Astronomical Data -
From RIT to Communicating with Satellites as a Spacecraft Operator
Mike Ortiz chose RIT for its research options and campus location. Today, he works as a spacecraft operator at Terran Orbital, a global leader in small satellites.
Read More about From RIT to Communicating with Satellites as a Spacecraft Operator -
AST Program Grad is now Researching Stars at the Smithsonian
RIT Astrophysical Sciences and Technology Ph.D. graduate Rodolfo (Rudy) Montez Jr. ’10 is now an Astrophysicist researching stars at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.
Read More about AST Program Grad is now Researching Stars at the Smithsonian
Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Astrophysical Sciences and Technology MS
Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements
Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, MS degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ASTP-601 | Graduate Seminar I This course is the first in a two-semester sequence intended to familiarize students with research activities, practices, and ethics in the university research environment and to introduce students to commonly used research tools. As part of the course, students are expected to attend research seminars sponsored by the Astrophysical Sciences and Technology Program and participate in a weekly journal club. The course also provides training in scientific writing and presentation skills. Credits earned in this course apply to research requirements. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Seminar 3 (Fall). |
1 |
ASTP-602 | Graduate Seminar II This course is the second in a two-semester sequence intended to familiarize students with research activities, practices, and ethics in the university research environment and to introduce students to commonly used research tools. As part of the course, students are expected to attend research seminars sponsored by the Astrophysical Sciences and Technology Program and participate in a weekly journal club. The course also provides training in scientific writing and presentation skills. Credits earned in this course apply to research requirements. (Prerequisites: ASTP-601 or equivalent course. This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Seminar 3 (Spring). |
1 |
ASTP-608 | Fundamental Astrophysics I This course will provide a basic introduction to modern astrophysics, including the topics of radiation fields and matter, star formation and evolution, and stellar structure. This course will provide the physical background needed to interpret both observations and theoretical models in stellar astrophysics and prepare students for more advanced topics and research in astrophysics. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
3 |
ASTP-609 | Fundamental Astrophysics II This course will provide a basic introduction to modern astrophysics, following on from Fundamental Astrophysics I. Topics will include basic celestial mechanics and galactic dynamics, the Milky Way and other galaxies, the interstellar medium, active galactic nuclei, galaxy formation and evolution, and an introduction to cosmology. This course will provide the physical background needed to interpret both observations and theoretical models in galactic and extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology and prepare students for more advanced topics and research in astrophysics. (Prerequisites: ASTP-608 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
3 |
ASTP-790 | Research & Thesis Masters-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Thesis (Fall, Spring, Summer). |
4 |
Approved Graduate Electives |
6 | |
Second Year | ||
Approved Graduate Electives |
6 | |
ASTP-790 | Research & Thesis Masters-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Thesis (Fall, Spring, Summer). |
2 |
Choose one of the following: | 4 |
Approved Graduate Electives |
ASTP-790 | Research & Thesis Masters-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) Thesis (Fall, Spring, Summer). |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 30 |
Course | |
ASTP-612 | Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Astrophysics This course provides an introduction to the applied mathematical and statistical tools used frequently in astrophysics including modeling, data reduction, analysis, and computational astrophysics. Topics will include Special Functions, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, and Frequency Domain Analysis. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
ASTP-613 | Astronomical Observational Techniques and Instrumentation This course will survey multi-wavelength astronomical observing techniques and instrumentation. The design characteristics and function of telescopes, detectors, and instrumentation in use at the major ground based and space based observatories will be discussed as will common observing techniques such as imaging, photometry and spectroscopy. The principles of cosmic ray, neutrino, and gravitational wave astronomy will also be briefly reviewed. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-618 | Fundamentals of Theoretical Astrophysics I This course will provide students with an in-depth theoretical background on those astrophysical phenomena where matter and electromagnetic fields play a major role. This includes stellar cores, relativistic plasmas, accretion physics, and jet production. Topics will include elements of electromagnetism, classical and relativistic fluids, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation. (Prerequisites: ASTP-608 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-619 | Fundamentals of Theoretical Astrophysics II This course will provide students with the in-depth background on Classical, Statistical, and Nuclear physics required for modeling many astrophysical systems. Particular attention is paid to topics related to the physics of stellar remnants (e.g., white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes) and the physics of compact object mergers. (Prerequisites: ASTP-608 and ASTP-618 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
ASTP-660 | Introduction to Relativity and Gravitation This course is the first in a two-course sequence that introduces Einstein’s theory of General Relativity as a tool in modern astrophysics. The course will cover various aspects of both Special and General Relativity, with applications to situations in which strong gravitational fields play a critical role, such as black holes and gravitational radiation. Topics include differential geometry, curved spacetime, gravitational waves, and the Schwarzschild black hole. The target audience is graduate students in the astrophysics, physics, and mathematical modeling (geometry and gravitation) programs. (This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS, ASTP-PHD, MATHML-PHD and PHYS-MS programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-711 | Advanced Statistical Methods for Astrophysics This is an advanced course in statistical inference and data analysis for the astrophysical sciences. Topics include Bayesian and frequentist methods of parameter estimation, model selection and evaluation using astrophysical data. Specific applications, such parameter estimation from gravitational wave signals, or analysis of large data sets from imaging, spectroscopic or time domain surveys will be discussed. Computational methods including Markov Chain Monte Carlo, with other topics such as machine learning, and time series analysis included at the discretion of the instructor. (Prerequisite: ASTP-610 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-720 | Computational Methods for Astrophysics This course surveys the different ways that scientists use computers to address problems in astrophysics. The course will choose several common problems in astrophysics; for each one, it will provide an introduction to the problem, review the literature for recent examples, and illustrate the basic mathematical technique. In each of these segments, students will write their own code in an appropriate language. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-730 | Stellar Atmospheres & Evolution An overview of the physical principles and observational phenomenology describing stellar atmospheres and stellar evolution. Topics covered include: atmospheric temperature structure and line formation; atmosphere models and spectral type determination; observational (spectral) diagnostics of stellar masses, abundances, ages and evolutionary states; and a survey of contemporary topics in star formation and pre- and post-main sequence stellar evolution, with emphasis on the physical processes governing stellar accretion, mass loss, and the effects of binary companions on these processes. (Prerequisites: ASTP-608 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
ASTP-740 | Galactic Astrophysics This course surveys our current knowledge of the Milky Way galaxy, and the processes that shape its structure and evolution. Topics will include the structure and kinematics of the Milky Way; stellar populations; theory of orbits; Jean’s theorem and equilibrium of stellar systems; the virial theorem; the Jean’s equations; gravitational instabilities; tidal interactions; the central black hole; the Local Group and chemical evolution. (Prerequisite: ASTP-609 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-750 | Extragalactic Astrophysics This course will cover objects in the universe beyond our own Milky Way galaxy, with an emphasis on the observational evidence. Topics will include properties of ordinary and active galaxies; galaxy clusters; the extragalactic distance scale; evidence for dark matter; cosmological models with and without the cosmological constant (Lambda). (Prerequisite: ASTP-609 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
ASTP-835 | High-Energy Astrophysics This course will survey violent astrophysical phenomena including supernovae, compact stellar remnants, X-ray binaries, gamma ray bursts, and supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei. It will examine physical processes associated with the emission of high-energy radiation, production of high-energy particles, accretion discs around compact objects, and production and propagation of astrophysical jets. It will review current models for the sources of high-energy phenomena. (Prerequisite: ASTP-609 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
ASTP-841 | The Interstellar Medium This course provides a detailed overview of the physical processes and properties of the interstellar medium in our Galaxy and other galaxies. The course explores the fundamental physical basis of the observed properties of low-density astrophysical gases observed throughout the universe. Topics may include HII regions, planetary nebulae, HI clouds, molecular clouds, photodissociation regions, supernova remnants, and multi-phase models of the interstellar medium. (Prerequisite: ASTP-609 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
ASTP-851 | Cosmology This course will cover the evolution of the universe from the big bang to the present, with an emphasis on the synergy between theory and observations. Topics will fall under three general headings: classical and relativistic cosmology, the early universe, and structure formation. (Prerequisite: ASTP-609 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
ASTP-861 | Advanced Relativity and Gravitation This course is the second in a two-course sequence that introduces Einstein’s theory of General Relativity as a tool in modern astrophysics. The course will cover various aspects of General Relativity, with applications to situations in which strong gravitational fields play a critical role, such as black holes and gravitational radiation. Topics include advanced differential geometry, generic black holes, energy production in black-hole physics, black-hole dynamics, neutron stars, and methods for solving the Einstein equations. The target audience is graduate students in the astrophysics, physics, and mathematical modeling (geometry and gravitation) programs. (Prerequisite: ASTP-660 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
EEEE-610 | Analog Electronics Design This is a foundation course in analog integrated circuit design and is a prerequisite for the graduate courses in RF & mixed-signal IC design (EEEE-726 and EEEE-730). The course covers the following topics: (1) Review of CMOS technology, MOSFET models and Frequency Response (2) Single-stage amplifiers (3) Current mirrors and biasing (4) Current and voltage references (5) Differential amplifiers (6) Cascoding (7) Feedback and Stability (8) OTAs (9) Matching and layout techniques (10) Multi-stage op-amps (11) Noise Analysis (12) Linearity in analog circuits (13) Switched-cap circuits. (Prerequisites: EEEE-480 or equivalent course or graduate standing in EEEE-MS.) Lab 2, Lecture 3 (Fall). |
IMGS-628 | Design and Fabrication of Solid State Cameras The purpose of this course is to provide the student with hands-on experience in building a CCD camera. The course provides the basics of CCD operation including an overview, CCD clocking, analog output circuitry, cooling, and evaluation criteria. (This course is restricted to students with graduate standing in the College of Science or the Kate Gleason College of Engineering or Graduate Computing and Information Sciences.) Lab 6, Lecture 1 (Fall). |
IMGS-639 | Principles of Solid State Imaging Arrays This course covers the basics of solid state physics, electrical engineering, linear systems and imaging needed to understand modern focal plane array design and use. The course emphasizes knowledge of the working of CMOS and infrared arrays. (This course is restricted to students with graduate standing in the College of Science or the Kate Gleason College of Engineering or Graduate Computing and Information Sciences.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
IMGS-642 | Testing of Focal Plane Arrays This course is an introduction to the techniques used for the testing of solid state imaging detectors such as CCDs, CMOS and Infrared Arrays. Focal plane array users in industry, government and university need to ensure that key operating parameters for such devices either fall within an operating range or that the limitation to the performance is understood. This is a hands-on course where the students will measure the performance parameters of a particular camera in detail. (This course is restricted to students with graduate standing in the College of Science or the Kate Gleason College of Engineering or Graduate Computing and Information Sciences.) Lab 6, Lecture 1 (Spring). |
MATH-602 | Numerical Analysis This course covers numerical techniques for the solution of nonlinear equations, interpolation, differentiation, integration, and matrix algebra. (Prerequisites: MATH-411 or equivalent course and graduate standing.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
MATH-751 | High-performance Computing for Mathematical Modeling Students in this course will study high-performance computing as a tool for solving problems related to mathematical modeling. Two primary objectives will be to gain experience in understanding the advantages and limitations of different hardware and software options for a diverse array of modeling approaches and to develop a library of example codes. The course will include extensive hands-on computational (programming) assignments. Students will be expected to have a prior understanding of basic techniques for solving mathematical problems numerically. (Prerequisite: MATH-602 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
MATH-751 | High Performance Computing Students in this course will study high-performance computing as a tool for solving problems related to mathematical modeling. Two primary objectives will be to gain experience in understanding the advantages and limitations of different hardware and software options for a diverse array of modeling approaches and to develop a library of example codes. The course will include extensive hands-on computational (programming) assignments. Students will be expected to have a prior understanding of basic techniques for solving mathematical problems numerically. (Prerequisite: MATH-602 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
PHYS-611 | Classical Electrodynamics I This course is a systematic treatment of electro- and magneto-statics, charges, currents, fields and potentials, dielectrics and magnetic materials, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves. Field theory is treated in terms of scalar and vector potentials. Wave solutions of Maxwell's equations, the behavior of electromagnetic waves at interfaces, guided electromagnetic waves, and simple radiating systems will be covered. (Prerequisites: PHYS-412 or equivalent course or Graduate standing.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
PHYS-612 | Classical Electrodynamics II This course is an advanced treatment of electrodynamics and radiation. Classical scattering theory including Mie scattering, Rayleigh scattering, and the Born approximation will be covered. Relativistic electrodynamics will be applied to charged particles in electromagnetic fields and magnetohydrodynamics. (Prerequisites: PHYS-611 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
PHYS-614 | Quantum Theory This course is a graduate level introduction to the modern formulation of quantum mechanics. Topics include Hilbert space, Dirac notation, quantum dynamics, Feynman’s formulation, representation theory, angular momentum, identical particles, approximation methods including time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory. The course will emphasize the underlying algebraic structure of the theory with an emphasis on current applications. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to students in the PHYS-MS, ASTP-MS and ASTP-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
PHYS-616 | Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences This course is an introductory graduate-level overview of techniques in and applications of data analysis in physics and related fields. Topics examined include noise and probability, model fitting and hypothesis testing, signal processing, Fourier methods, and advanced computation and simulation techniques. Applications are drawn from across the contemporary physical sciences, including soft matter, solid state, biophysics, and materials science. The subjects covered also have applications for students of astronomy, signal processing, scientific computation, and others. (Prerequisites: PHYS-316 or equivalent course or Graduate standing.) Lecture 3 (Biannual). |
IMGS-616 | Fourier Methods for Imaging This course develops the mathematical methods required to describe continuous and discrete linear systems, with special emphasis on tasks required in the analysis or synthesis of imaging systems. The classification of systems as linear/nonlinear and shift variant/invariant, development and use of the convolution integral, Fourier methods as applied to the analysis of linear systems. The physical meaning and interpretation of transform methods are emphasized. (This class is restricted to graduate students in the IMGS-MS or IMGS-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
Admissions and Financial Aid
This program is available on-campus only.
Offered | Admit Term(s) | Application Deadline | STEM Designated |
Full‑time | Fall | February 15 priority deadline, rolling thereafter | Yes |
Part‑time | Fall | Rolling | No |
Full-time study is 9+ semester credit hours. Part-time study is 1‑8 semester credit hours. International students requiring a visa to study at the RIT Rochester campus must study full‑time.
Application Details
To be considered for admission to the Astrophysical Sciences and Technology MS program, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
- Complete an online graduate application.
- Submit copies of official transcript(s) (in English) of all previously completed undergraduate and graduate course work, including any transfer credit earned.
- Hold a baccalaureate degree (or US equivalent) from an accredited university or college in the physical sciences, mathematics, computer science, or engineering. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 (or equivalent) n course work in mathematical, science, engineering, and computing subject areas is recommended.
- Submit a current resume or curriculum vitae.
- Submit a personal statement of educational objectives.
- Submit two letters of recommendation.
- Entrance exam requirements: None
- Submit English language test scores (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE Academic), if required. Details are below.
English Language Test Scores
International applicants whose native language is not English must submit one of the following official English language test scores. Some international applicants may be considered for an English test requirement waiver.
TOEFL | IELTS | PTE Academic |
79 | 6.5 | 56 |
International students below the minimum requirement may be considered for conditional admission. Each program requires balanced sub-scores when determining an applicant’s need for additional English language courses.
How to Apply Start or Manage Your Application
Cost and Financial Aid
An RIT graduate degree is an investment with lifelong returns. Graduate tuition varies by degree, the number of credits taken per semester, and delivery method. View the general cost of attendance or estimate the cost of your graduate degree.
A combination of sources can help fund your graduate degree. Learn how to fund your degree
The astrophysical sciences and technology program offers students a wide range of research opportunities spanning observational and theoretical astrophysics, computational astrophysics, general relativity and gravitational wave astronomy, and the design and development of advanced detectors and instrumentation for astronomy. RIT hosts a vibrant astronomy and astrophysics research community of more than 60 faculty, post-docs, research fellows, and graduate students who participate in three designated research centers:
- The Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
- The Center for Detectors
- Laboratory for Multiwavelength Astrophysics
Faculty and students frequently obtain data from space observatories including the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Herschel Space Observatory, and various ground-based observatories such as the Gemini Observatory, twin 8.1-meter diameter optical/infrared telescopes located in Hawaii and Chile, the W. M. Keck Observatory on Hawaii, and the Very Large Array radio telescope facility in New Mexico. RIT is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, which analyzes the data taken by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, and a member of the Legacy Survey of Space Time Corporation, which will operate an 8.4 m telescope at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile, to conduct a 10-year survey of the Southern skies.
Computing facilities include the GravitySimulator supercomputer, dedicated to N-body simulations of galactic nuclei and stellar clusters and the NewHorizons computer cluster, for numerical relativity and relativistic hydrodynamics simulations. Funding has recently been obtained to acquire an even more powerful 600-core cluster (BlueSky). Researchers at RIT's Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation also have access to national supercomputing facilities, such as the Blue Waters supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
RIT’s Center for Detectors operates extensive research laboratory facilities: the Rochester Imaging Detector Laboratory, Lobozzo Photonics Lab, Integrated Photonics Lab, Experimental Cosmology Lab, Suborbital Astrophysics Lab, Laboratory for Advanced Instrumentation Research, Expitaxially-Integrated Nanoscale Systems Lab, Quantum Imaging and Information Lab, and the Electrical and Optical Characterization Lab. The Center also has access to state-of-the-art simulation software, and machining and electronic assembly facilities, such as the Semiconductor & Microsystems Fabrication Lab and the Center for Electronics Manufacturing and Assembly.
Faculty involved in the astrophysical sciences and technology program regularly attract substantial external research funding from national and state agencies, including funding support from NASA, National Science Foundation, NYSTAR (Empire State Development Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation), amounting to over $12 million in the last four years.
Current research interests include:
- Strong-field gravitational dynamics of interacting compact objects such as black holes and neutron stars
- Magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the accretion disks and other astrophysical environments around supermassive black-holes
- Detection of gravitational wave signatures of binary black holes and/or neutron stars in close binary orbits
- Single Photon Counting Detectors for NASA Astronomy Missions
- New Infrared Detectors for Astrophysics
- Microgrid polarizer arrays
- Young stars and proto-planetary disks
- Chandra Planetary Nebula Survey
- Feeding and Feedback in Active Galactic Nebulae (AGN)
- AGN feedback in galaxy clusters
- Supermassive black holes in low redshift elliptical galaxies
- Reverberation mapping the circum-nuclear torus in AGN
- Stellar dynamics and supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei
- Hydrodynamical signatures of dark-matter dominated satellite galaxies
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- Lindsay Lewis
- Senior Assistant Director
- Office of Graduate and Part-Time Enrollment Services
- Enrollment Management
- 585‑475‑5532
- Andrew Robinson
- Director Astrophysical Sciences and Tech PhD Program
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- College of Science
- 585‑475‑2726
School of Physics and Astronomy