Department of Public Policy

Public policy explores the intersection of policy, technology, society, and the natural world. Analysis of these intersections plays a critical role in being able to address the many environmental, social, economic, and technological challenges facing society today and in the future.

The programs and coursework in the Department of Public Policy allow you to combine your interests in science, technology, government, economics, and other social science fields and obtain the skills and knowledge needed to analyze and, ultimately, advocate for policy change in government or private organizations.

Academic Programs

Graduate Programs

Our innovative graduate program emphasizes analysis of engineering, science, and technology policy and draws on coursework from a variety of relevant disciplines. Building on RIT’s strength as a technological university, you’ll interact directly with faculty members and researchers who are working on scientific developments and technological innovations that drive new public policy considerations.

In this science, technology, and public policy ms, you'll have a significant impact on public policy affecting the environment, transportation, science, emerging technology, and scientific developments. 


Learn more about the Science, Technology and Public Policy MS program 

Minors and Immersions (Undergraduate)

This immersion provides students with a clear understanding of public policy, the policy process, and policy analysis. Students have the opportunity to develop perspectives on a variety of contemporary public policy issues, especially those that emerge from scientific and technological advancements. 

Learn more about the Public Policy Immersion program 

The public policy minor provides students with a foundation in the field of public policy and allows them to make connections between public policy and other fields of study. The minor underscores the role of public policy on science and technology-based problems. Students obtain a deeper understanding of public policy and the policy making process, how policy analysis impacts policymaking, and how public policies operate within a number of specific science or technological domains.

Learn more about the Public Policy Minor program 

BS/MS, Accelerated MS, and Dual Degree Program Options

Learn more about BS/MS in Public Policy, Accelerated MS for science and engineering undergrads, and dual degree options with science, computing, engineering, and other programs within the College of Liberal Arts.  

See BS/MS, accelerated MS, and dual degree program options for the Department of Public Policy

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Featured Work

Featured Profiles

Alumni Outcomes

  • Director, Social Research Center, Public Policy Consultant,
  • American University Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • Project Manager, Armenia Sustainable Energy Finance Project, International Finance Corporation
  • Consultant to World Bank on Energy Issues
  • Energy Sector Analyst, Dragon Capital, Ukraine
  • Project Manager, Energy Solutions, Oakland, CA
  • Ph.D. in Communications at the University at Buffalo
  • Information Technology Risk and Audit Management Associate, Royal Bank of Scotland, Stamford, CT
  • Fulbright Visiting Scientist – Mechanical Engineering, Energy Studies Institute – National University of Singapore
  • Spacecraft Vehicle Engineer, The Boeing Company, Washington, DC
  • Energy Efficiency Analyst, Integral Analytics, Cincinnati, OH
  • Program Manager, ENERGY STAR Appliance Program, U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency
  • Ph.D. University of California – Davis, Transportation Policy
  • Ed.D. Executive Leadership, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY
  • Associate Staff Member, Dynamis, Washington, DC
  • Program Analyst, Department of Veterans Affairs, Rochester, NY
  • Dockets Analyst, Bloomberg, Skillman, NJ
  • Assistant Director Research Relations, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Project Manager, Magna Powertrain, Troy, MI
  • Training & Support for Deaf in Developing Countries, The Nippon Foundation, Tokyo, Japan
  • Assistant Director, Public Safety Initiatives Center, City of Rochester & RIT Collaborative
  • Ph.D. Candidate in Energy and Environmental Policy at University of Delaware
  • Project HOPE Director, DEAF, Inc., Boston, MA
  • Researcher, Data Analyst, GIS Specialist, Energy & Environmental Research Associates
  • Senior Crime Research Specialist, Rochester Police Department
  • International Program Manager, Center for Energy & Resource Development, American University at Kosovo, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Program Coordinator, Huther-Doyle Memorial Institute, Rochester, NY
  • Ph.D., Water Resources Engineering, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry
  • Energy Efficiency & Conservation Advisor, U. S. Department of State, Washington, DC
  • Research Assistant, United States Senate, Washington, DC