Micro/Nanoscale Systems, Devices, and Materials

RIT engineers conduct research aimed at understanding fundamental chemical and physical phenomena and leveraging this knowing to build nano-scale and microscale devices and systems for electronic, photonic, and biomedical applications.

Research Centers

Semiconductor Nanofabrication Lab

The Semiconductor Nanofabrication Lab provides state-of-the-art facilities and support for undergraduate and graduate programs in microelectronic engineering, microsystems, and related disciplines. The facility also provides industrial affiliates in the semiconductor and microsystems industries with applied solutions in microdevice design, process development, microsystem integration, and prototype fabrication.

Learn More about the Semiconductor and Manufacturing Fabrication Lab

Future Photonics Initiative

The Future Photon Initiative (FPI) develops photonic devices in pursuit of answers to grand questions, leveraging efforts of existing RIT research groups who develop technology for the generation, transmission, manipulation, absorption, and detection of photons. FPI cross-disciplinary teams collaborate with external university groups, industry, and national laboratories to develop and commercialize new photonic device technology. Potential markets include solar energy, biophotonics, high performance imaging, astrophysics, communication, electronics, and computing.

Learn More about the Future Photonics Initiative

Key Faculty and Staff

Teju Das
Associate Professor
Seth Hubbard
School of Physics and Astronomy
Tom Gaborski
Department Head
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Hany Ghoneim
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Karl Hirschman
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Santosh Kurinec
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Brian Landi
Department Head
Department of Chemical Engineering
Blanca Lapizco-Encinas
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Parsian Katal Mohseni
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Poornima Padmanabhan
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Stefan Preble
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Robert Pearson
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Ivan Puchades
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Michael Schertzer
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Michael Schrlau
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sean Rommel
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Karin Wuertz-Kozak
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Jing Zhang
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering