Business Analytics Competition
Compete to win cash prizes totaling $2,000 while winning the confidence to deliver results employers seek. Work with challenging and meaningful business data sets to gain real-world business analytics experience. The Business Analytics Competition at Saunders College of Business is organized by Saunders business analytics programs, including Undergraduate Minor, Master of Science and MBA Specialization.
This year, separate awards will be presented for undergraduate and graduate teams.
The top three teams of each group (undergraduate/graduate) will be recognized with the following awards
- First place: $500
- 1st Runner Up: $250
- 2nd Runner Up: $250
Winning teams will receive trophies and certificates of achievement to recognize their accomplishments. Additional honorable mentions will also be recognized. Participating teams will receive their final ranking in the competition and a certificate of participation.
Why Compete?
- Gain real-world business analytics experience that makes you stand out with employers
- Receive invaluable coaching and guidance from renowned mentors
- Strengthen your credentials when applying to graduate programs
For students who are ranked in the top three teams in the Business Analytics Competition, we also provide the following incentives for them to apply to the Saunders MS in business analytics program.
- Application fee waiver
- Opportunity for GMAT/GRE waiver
- At least 40% of tuition scholarship guarantee
- Opportunity to work with faculty on exciting research projects after enrolling in the program
If you have any questions about the MS in business analytics program, please contact:
Competition Format
The competition will feature a challenge that focuses on descriptive analytics and business problem solving. Suitable for all levels of technical skills. There will be two rounds of judging, and each round will be different judges.
RIT students who wish to volunteer for the competition can contact the leadership of the Business Technology Professionals (BTP) student club or join the club on RIT Campus Groups.
- Kick-off event: All teams will get access to the competition dataset. Teams will apply different descriptive analytics techniques to address the business questions posed in the challenge.
- Technical Workshop: All teams are encouraged to participate in the technical workshop to receive guidance from the judges.
- Submission: Each team will prepare a PowerPoint report of their analysis and answers to the business questions in the challenge. A panel of professors and experts will judge the quality of the report (technical judging).
- Finalist Announcement: The panel will identify a small set of finalists who will be invited to the final presentation event.
- Final Presentation: The finalist teams will prepare an in-depth presentation. Additional questions may be provided to guide the preparation. Teams will present their presentations to a panel of industry experts (business judging).
How to Participate
- Sign up to receive updates and register to attend several events for the Competition.
- Form a team of up to 5 students to participate in the Competition.
- Students who wish to find a teammate can email their self-introduction and what they looking for to
- Work on the dataset and challenge with your team once they are available. Registration is not required to start.
- Attend workshops to receive guidance from mentors and have your questions answered.
- When you are ready, submit your solution using online submission system.
Previous Competitions
In Spring 2021, Saunders College of Business launched the inaugural Business Analytics Student Competition. Over 120 undergraduate and graduate RIT students across four global campuses competed for $1,750 in cash prizes while gaining experience analyzing real-world data sets. Now undergraduate and graduate students from any university are eligible. View competition winners for past years below.

1st place
From RIT Rochester campus
- Harshitha Benakanahalli Nagaraj '24 (data science)
- Rahul Gowda Kengeri Kiran '24 (data science
2nd place
From Simon School of Business
3rd place
From RIT's China partner program at BJTU
- Li Chang
- Li Feiyang
- Ren Junhao
- Wu Qiong
- Li Zhuoyan

1st place
From RIT Rochester campus
- Tron Schell '23 (management information systems)
- Matt Hochman '23 (management information systems)
2nd place
From RIT Rochester campus
- Usama Tariq '23 (business analytics)
- Kaltrine Miftari '18 (applied mathematics), MS '22 (business analytics)
- Dren Gara '21 (computing information technologies)
3rd place
From RIT Rochester campus
- Sri Harsha Kurella MS '22 (business analytics)
- Sai Priya Todupunoo MS '22 (business analytics)
- Vardhan Kumar Bandi MS '23 (business analytics)
- Pratyusha Abbisetti MS '22 (business analytics)
- Mhlambululi Mafu MS '22 (business analytics)

1st place
From RIT Rochester campus
- Anna Loso '21 (management information systems), '22 (MBA)
- Nathan Parker '22 (management information systems)
- Ansel Amanna '21 (supply chain management), MS '22 (global supply chain management)
2nd place
From RIT Dubai and Kosovo campuses
- Fardin Ahsan '22 (electrical engineering)
- Harshit Kumar ’21 (computer and information systems)
- Dren Gara ’24 (applied arts and science)
3rd place
From RIT Rochester campus
- Spencer Tani ’21 (management information systems)
- Jordan Kiel '22 (computational mathematics)
4th place
From RIT Weihai campus
- Haoyang Zhou
- Liruijie Fu
- Ruiying Jin
- Qinnan Wang
- Xudong Chen