Employee Oracle Self Service

Employee Self-Service is online functionality that allows employees to enter or update their direct deposit bank account information for payroll, change tax withholding, and view paystubs (to name just a few).

RIT Employee Self-Service

(no VPN required)

Log In

Information on the Oracle Financial Applications (e.g. Purchasing, General Ledger) can be found here

This is where to add or update personal demographic and employment information.

Saved or Returned Transactions

Listing of transactions that have been started but not yet submitted or have been returned by the approver for more information.

My Personal Demographic and Contact Information

Personal and contact name, address and phone details as well as emergency contact designations, DOB, Masked SSN, Race, Ethnicity, UID and Marital Status

My Disability Information

Disability status designation

My Veteran Information

Veteran status designation

My Employment Information

Assignment, Salary, Performance and Absence information 

My Job Description

Job description associated with the position 

My Education

Schools/Universities/Colleges and degree or certifications received/awarded

My Career Zone

Direct link to log into open external and internal job openings at RIT 

My Gift

Transaction to direct payroll deduction for gifts to RIT

My Tiger Bucks

Transaction to direct payroll deduction for automated additions to Tiger Spend

My Flexible Work Arrangement

Transaction to enter or update a Flexible Work Arrangement 

Please visit Payroll's website for more information about your paystub, tax withholding, W-2 and banking information.

This is where to find information regarding RIT benefits enrollments, annual statements as well as transaction information for open enrollment and tuition waiver.

My Benefits

Information on current benefits enrollment. This is also the link to use during the Benefits Open Enrollment timeframe to enroll in or change benefits

My Total Compensation Statement

Annual overview of wages and other compensation paid as well as benefit deductions made by the employee and contributions made by RIT on behalf of the employee

My Family Member Tuition Waiver

Transaction to submit a request for a Tuition Waiver for RIT Tuition for a family member

My Graduate Course Tax Waiver Request

Transaction to submit a request for waiver of applicable taxes on the employee’s graduate course enrollment

My Absences (Exempt Only)

Transaction to submit a request for exempt vacation, illness or COVID illness absences

NYS PFL Waiver User Guide

Transaction to submit a request for NYS PFL waiver.

Conflict of Interest and Commitment Conflict of Interest page from RIT’s Office of Compliance and Ethics

RIT Alert Opt Out

Transaction to remove contact information from RIT Emergency Alert system

RIT Computer Account Administrative Access

Transaction to request access to administer settings on RIT owned device

NYS Wage Notice

Designation for language other than English to receive NYS Wage Notices

Primary Language


Novelution Log In

Access to application for Conflict of Interest submission.

Release of Salary Information for Sponsored Projects Employee authorization to release their base salary including faculty administrative salary if applicable, to be used by Sponsored Research Services.

The following options are not part of Oracle, but are useful ways to manage your online identity. Go to start.rit.edu.

Employee Self-Service FAQs

Access Employee Self-Service via a web browser (Mozilla is preferred):  https://myinfo.rit.edu

Note: Use mybiz.rit.edu for Oracle Financial Applications (e.g. Purchasing, General Ledger).

Each new employee at RIT receives a RIT computer account login user id and password. If you are a new employee and have not received this information, contact the RIT Service Center at 475-5000.

You will access Oracle Self Service using your email user name and password. If you have forgotten your password, click on the link 'Forgot my Password' and an email will be sent for you to change your password.

If you already have access to Oracle Purchasing, HR Manager Self-Service, General Ledger, or Accounts Payable, use the same User ID and Password for the Self Service applications.


  1. The "My Worklist" page will give you access to all notifications you have received, such as requisition approval notification, changes to your payroll information, or notification of an Oracle report that was run.
  2. Clicking on "My Preferences" takes you to a parameter screen which allows you to change the name that is displayed on your home page, (Known as), the format you receive electronic mail notifications, and your password.
  3. To define rules for your automatic notifications click on "My Notification Rules".

  1. Using Mozilla as your internet browser, go to myinfo.rit.edu
  2. The Oracle Application Login page will display. Login with your RIT user ID and password to access your Oracle home page and the "RIT Employee Self-Service" responsibility.

Note: You will need to connect to the RIT network with VPN if you need to access mybiz.rit.edu.


Your name can only be changed by Human Resources after presenting your new original Social Security Card. Human Resources is located on the 5th floor, Eastman Hall.

Immediately. However, if the payroll checks have already been printed for the current pay period, your check will be mailed to the old address.

Please bring it to the attention of your supervisor. They should contact HR with questions.

In general, once you have enrolled in the Plan, you cannot change your elections or withdraw from the Plan until the Benefits Open Enrollment period for the upcoming year. However, pursuant to federal regulations, you may be able to make mid-year election changes if you meet certain criteria. Refer to Mid-Year Benefits Changes for more details.