Todd Pagano Headshot

Todd Pagano

Exec Director, NTID Professional and Student Scholar Development

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

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Todd Pagano

Exec Director, NTID Professional and Student Scholar Development

National Technical Institute for the Deaf


BA, State University College at Oswego; MS, Ph.D., Tufts University


Bio: Dr. Todd Pagano, Professor of Chemistry, is the Executive Director of Professional and Student Scholar Development at RIT/NTID and was the founding Director of NTID's Laboratory Science Technology program.

Dr. Pagano has been honored as a recipient of several awards, including: RIT’s Richard & Virginia Eisenhart Award for Excellence in Teaching, Dawan L. Albritton Faculty Humanitarian Award, RIT's Faculty Mentoring Award, Rochester Section American Chemical Society (ACS) Volunteerism Award, Dreyfus Foundation/ACS National Award: Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into the Chemical Sciences, Society for College Science Teachers' Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teacher Award, and other local and national awards. He has been named a Fellow of both the ACS the Royal Society of Chemistry (U.K.). He was listed on the Rochester Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40” list and was also recognized as United States Professor of the Year by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Dr. Pagano has worked on several analytical/physical chemistry and pedagogical research projects. He conducts research in fluorescence spectroscopy, natural products, and analytical chemistry in archaeology. He has been a visiting scholar for the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry program in Sweden and as a Fulbright specialist in Estonia. He also leads initiatives in pedagogical approaches to teaching science. In his current role, he leads undergraduate research programming and oversees faculty professional development efforts.

Dr. Pagano has been a technical advisor to the National Research Council/National Academy of Science and serves on the ACS's International Activities Committee.


Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Selberg, Sigrid, et al. "Non-invasive analysis of natural textile dyes using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices." Talanta 252. (2023): 123805. Print.
Tammekivi, E., et al. "Experimental and computational study of aminoacridines as MALDI(-)-MS matrix materials for the analysis of complex samples." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 32. 4 (2021): 1080-1095. Print.
Bida, Morgan, et al. "Essential Oil Compounds from the Leaf of Eugenia Samanensis Alain (Myrtaceae), a Species Endemic to the Samaná Peninsula, Dominican Republic." Journal of Essential Oil Research 31. 2 (2019): 154-159. Print.
Selberg, Sigrid, et al. "Synthesis and Photophysics of a Series of Lipophilic Phosphazene‐based Fluorescent Indicators." Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 32. 7 (2019): e3950. Print.
Peets, Pilleriin, et al. "Instrumental Techniques in the Analysis of Red Textile Dyes." Journal of Cultural Heritage. (2020): N/A. Web.
Helm, Irja, et al. "Comparative Validation of Two Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers Based on Amperometric and Optical Sensing Technologies." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190. 313 (2018): 1-18. Print.
Harrison, Melissa, et al. "Variability in the Phenolic Content of Invasive and Non-Invasive Emergent Wetland Plants." Aquatic Botany 136. (2017): 146-154. Print.
Bida, Morgan, et al. "Fluorescence Characteristics and PARAFAC Modeling of Bitumen from Ancient Ceramics." Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 5. (2017): 69-83. Print.
Bida, Morgan, A. Christina Tyler, and Todd Pagano. "Quantity and Composition of Stream Dissolved Organic Matter in the Watershed of Conesus Lake, New York." Journal of Great Lakes Research 41. 3 (2015): 730-742. Print.
Pagano, Todd, Nelsy Carcamo, and Jonathan E. Kenny. "Investigation of the Fluorescence Quenching of 1-Aminoanthracene by Dissolved Oxygen in Cyclohexane." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118. 49 (2014): 11512-11520. Print.
Smith, Susan B., Samantha A. DeSando, and Todd Pagano. "Value of Native and Invasive Fruit-Bearing Shrubs for Migrating Songbirds." Northeast Naturalist 20. 1 (2013): 171-184. Print.
Pagano, Todd, et al. "Multidimensional Fluorescence Studies of the Phenolic Content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Humic Substances." Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14. 3 (2012): 937-943. Print.
Pagano, Todd, Adam Biacchi, and Jonathan E. Kenny. "Nitrogen Gas Purging for the Deoxygenation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Solutions in Cyclohexane for Routine Fluorescence Analysis." Applied Spectroscopy 62. 3 (2008): 333-336. Print.
Book Chapter
Pagano, Todd. "On Giants\' Shoulders: A Tradition of Excellence in Teaching." A Shining Beacon: 50 Years of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Ed. James McCarthy. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2017. 135-145. Print.
Pagano, Todd and David Templeton. "From Roots to STEM: STEM Education at NTID." A Shining Beacon: 50 Years of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Ed. James McCarthy. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2017. 149-161. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Pagano, Todd. "The Kinetics of Academic and Career Success." Augustine Silveira Distinguished Lecture. SUNY Oswego. Oswego, NY. 10 May 2014. Keynote Speech.
Pagano, Todd. "The Science of Passion and a Passion for (teaching) Science." TEDx Conference. TEDx Fluor City. Rochester, NY. 13 Feb. 2013. Keynote Speech.

Currently Teaching

1 - 4 Credits
This course is a faculty-directed student project or research involving laboratory or field work, computer modeling, or theoretical calculations that could be considered of an original nature. The level of study is appropriate for students in their final two years of study.
1 - 3 Credits
This course is a faculty-directed student project or research in chemistry that could be considered of an original nature.
1 - 3 Credits
This course is a faculty-directed student project or research involving laboratory work, computer modeling, or theoretical calculations that could be considered of an original nature. The level of study is appropriate for students in their final two years of study.
1 - 4 Credits
This course is a faculty-directed student research project at the undergraduate level. The research will entail an in-depth study of concepts related to those covered in the Laboratory Science Technology program that could be considered of an original nature. Enrollment in this course requires permission from the Department Chair and completion of the NTID Undergraduate Research Contract.

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