Frequently Asked Questions

Our admissions counselors frequently answer a number of common questions about RIT/NTID and the admissions process. If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact the admissions counselor for your region.


RIT offers more than 200 outstanding programs in business, engineering, art and design, science and mathematics, liberal arts, photography, hotel management, computer science, information technology and other areas. Few universities provide RIT's variety of career-oriented studies.

RIT is dedicated to providing superior career preparation for students with hearing loss. This has attracted excellent faculty to RIT and has led to the development of academic programs that combine outstanding teaching, a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences, modern classroom and research facilities, and work experience gained through the university's cooperative education program. RIT is consistently ranked among top universities in U.S. News & World Report: America's Best Colleges.

RIT/NTID offers a range of programs to match your interests and abilities. If you want to collect additional information about careers and majors before deciding on an associate degree program of study, you may choose one of our career exploration/decision options. Or if you are interested in learning more about careers and majors before deciding on a bachelor's degree program of study, you may explore undecided programs through RIT’s eight colleges and the School of Individualized Study.

If you take courses at NTID, faculty members will communicate directly with you using a variety of strategies, which may include sign language with voice, sign language without voice, spoken language (FM systems are available), fingerspelling, printed/visual aides, web-based instructional materials and individual tutoring.

In cases where a faculty member's communication strategies do not appropriately meet your needs, you can request access services from the Department of Access Services for courses at NTID via the website.

If you qualify to take courses in the other colleges of RIT, you can choose from among sign language interpreting, FM systems, real-time captioning services or notetaking. Alternative services also may be requested.

RIT/NTID provides one of the most accessible education communities in the world for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.

cooperative work experience, sometimes called co-op, allows students to apply what they learn in the classroom to a real job. Most programs at RIT/NTID require at least one co-op as part of students' training and preparation.

Yes, at the graduate/master's degree level we offer the Master of Science program in Secondary Education (MSSE). It is a dual certification program, which means upon completing the program you can be certified to teach deaf and hard-of-hearing students in grades K-12, as well as hearing students in grades 7-12. You also will be qualified to teach one of four content areas: English, Social Studies, Science or Math.

You are considered an NTID-supported student, which means your access services are provided through NTID and you qualify for the NTID reduced tuition rate.

The RIT academic year includes two semesters (fall and spring) and generally runs from August through May. Each semester is approximately 15 weeks in length. There also is an optional three-week intersession in January and a 10-week summer term. You can confirm specific dates for each semester by checking the university calendar.

RIT's Wallace Library is a multimedia center offering a vast array of resource materials. The library provides access to 250 electronic databases, more than 36,000 electronic journals and 75,000 e-books. Resource materials include more than 12,000 audio, film and video titles and more than 500,000 books and print journals.

Tutoring is available through The NTID Learning Consortium and includes the NTID Learning Center and the Sprint Relay Experimental Distance Learning/Access Demonstration Lab. Consortium goals center on supporting the academic success of RIT/NTID students, and experimenting with instructional access technologies to support the learning of deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Tutoring also is available for deaf or hard-of-hearing students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs in RIT’s other colleges.

Deaf and hard-of-hearing students and graduates benefit from our employment specialists who travel coast to coast connecting with employers to create a climate for successful job placement for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. RIT professionals network with employers to build relationships and educate them about the value of hiring deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.

Some other ways our employment specialists contribute to student success include:

Students received more than 3,000 hours of employment advising from NTID Center on Employment staff last year.

A Job Search Process course provides preparation in resume writing, correspondence, and dressing for success; networking and contacting employers; and interviewing and evaluating job offers.

Students seeking co-ops or nearing graduation can take advantage of valuable interviewing experience during practice job interviews conducted by faculty, staff and community volunteers.

Our on-campus RIT/NTID job fairs give employers interested in enhancing the diversity of their workforce an opportunity to meet and interview deaf and hard-of-hearing RIT/NTID students. Some of the employers who have hired RIT/NTID co-op students and graduates include:  Microsoft, NASA, IBM, Sprint, HSBC, the U.S. Department of Defense, JP Morgan Chase, Merck, Walt Disney World, and many more.

Yes, if you are planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree you can combine any number of programs to create a double major that best meets your academic and professional goals. Learn about the guidelines that apply to the creation of a double major.

Admissions Process

No, RIT/NTID operates on a semester system. Accepted students may begin classes in the fall or spring. Some programs may only be available for entry in fall.

Applying through NTID's Office of Admissions means you will be eligible for NTID's tuition rate. Because RIT receives special federal support, students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing pay less than one-half of RIT's regular tuition rate. NTID's admissions staff are experienced in working with deaf and hard-of-hearing students. It doesn't matter which RIT college you wish to attend, the NTID Admissions Office can help your application process go more smoothly!

We must receive all your application materials prior to June 1 to be considered for admission the following fall. However, we strongly encourage you to submit all materials by February 1 for acceptance into your first choice program. You must submit your application and academic records by February 1 to be considered for some merit scholarships. See the application timetable for further details.

ACTs/SATs are optional for admissions to all academic majors. If you choose to take them, see this document for a detailed explanation of scores and requirements, including the SAT and ACT scores for the middle 50% of accepted students.

ACTs/SATs are optional for admissions to all academic majors. If you choose to take them, either test is acceptable. We recommend that students who are deaf or hard of hearing take the ACT because research has shown that deaf students perform better on this test than the SAT. To learn more about the tests and the dates they are being offered, visit ACT or SAT on the Web.

ACTs/SATs are optional for admissions to all academic majors. If you choose to take them, the RIT/NTID code for the ACT is 2870. The RIT/NTID code for the SAT is 2760.

ACTs/SATs are optional for admissions to all academic majors for both first-year and transfer students. If you have taken either or both the ACTs/SATs and you want to submit them, please feel free to forward them to the NTID Office of Admissions.

ACTs/SATS are optional for admissions to all academic majors. However, if you choose to take them and you normally receive accommodations in school, such as extended test taking time or interpreting services, we recommend that you request those services for the ACT or SAT as well. For more information, visit ACT or SAT on the Web.

Deaf and hard-of-hearing applicants, including those with cochlear implants, need to submit an audiogram as part of the application process. The audiogram should include all hearing test results and etiology, along with the requisite provider signature. Uploaded files should be in PDF format, and we cannot accept photographed copies. Audiograms can also emailed to or faxed to 585-475-2696. 

Every deaf and hard-of-hearing student is an RIT student. Some study in associate degree programs within the College of NTID at RIT and some in bachelor's degree programs at one of RIT's eight other colleges. In all cases, RIT/NTID receives funding from the federal government for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. An audiogram is needed to determine eligibility for the reduced tuition rate. The audiogram has no role in determining academic admissibility.

Eligibility determination is individualized for each student. Generally speaking, a student must have significant bilateral hearing loss and/or a substantial hearing-related service history (utilized, requested, or recommended services) to be eligible for the reduced tuition rate. We also look at functional impacts, family history, and potential progression, and may request documents such as testimonials, or an IEP and 504. Students with cochlear implants and BAHA are automatically eligible. Some students with one-sided deafness and centralized auditory processing disorder are also eligible. Students should not try to determine eligibility on their own. Students should submit an audiogram to, so that we can consider all factors in determining eligibility.

Yes, students should request that a copy of their A.P. scores be sent to the NTID Office of Admissions. Depending on the grade of the AP exam, a student may be awarded college credit. If the AP exam is for a liberal arts course, a grade of 3, or higher will waive you out of one of your core courses. For technical AP's or courses related to the major, a 4 or 5 may be necessary to waive out of a course. During orientation, your academic advisor can answer questions about AP credit for specific courses in your program of study.

You must submit official college transcripts from all previous colleges along with your application. Transfer credits are awarded based on grade and appropriateness to your program. Upon admission, you will be sent a complete listing of transfer credits awarded.

You can apply for transfer admission at any time. We do not require that transfer students have an associate degree. Some programs have restrictions on entry term, so please contact the NTID Office of Admissions Office at 585-475-6700 (voice/TTY) or toll-free in the U.S. and Canada at 1-866-644-6843 (voice/TTY) for more information.

Transfer requirements vary depending on the program to which you apply. For specific requirements, send your transcripts from all previous colleges to the NTID Office of Admissions along with your application so that our admissions counselors can advise you on what is needed.

The NTID Office of Admissions provides admissions information and materials as well as an online applicationGet answers to frequently asked questions about the admissions process. For additional questions email us.

To enter the program you need to demonstrate beginning-level competency in ASL. For most students this will mean the completion of a course titled ASL I or Beginning ASL. We will assess your ASL ability to verify you satisfy the entry requirement. If you have no prior knowledge of sign language, you can still apply for entry into the program. This will mean that you will take general education courses, along with ASL I in the fall semester, ASL II in spring semester and ASL III in summer semester. You will have to pass ASL I with a grade of C or better to continue in the program. Get additional information on RIT's ASL-English Interpretation program.


Ability to invest time in ASL skill development: 

To become an ASL-English interpreter, one must develop competency in both English and ASL. The more adept students become in both languages’ grammar, linguistic features, discourse structure, and prosody, the more comfortable and skilled they will be at interpreting. As with learning any new language, ASL proficiency cannot be attained by attending classes alone; it requires practicing and using ASL with native ASL signers. Just as those who study spoken languages frequently study abroad to immerse themselves in a new language and culture, ASL students must immerse themselves in the culture and language of Deaf people if they wish to become fluent.

To succeed in this program and graduate with a greater level of confidence, students need to commit to spending significant amounts of time outside of class to record videos, meet with deaf/hard of hearing people for feedback, and immerse themselves in ASL and Deaf Culture by attending community events. Naturally, this makes interpreting a very time-intensive program. Students who have limited availability outside of class time often find their progress is not as robust or advanced as those who are able to expend time in those additional extra-curricular activities. The more hours that students spend outside of class interacting with Deaf people, the faster they progress in their ASL skill development and the greater their readiness for the exciting but challenging field of interpreting.

Students interested in pursuing ASL-English interpreting as a career should take into consideration this additional aspect of time commitment before applying to the program.

Other skills needed to be successful in this program:

  • Fluency in ASL
  • Commitment to immerse yourself in the Deaf community
  • Able to express ideas clearly and effectively in ASL and spoken English
  • Broad English vocabulary
  • Respectful of cultural differences
  • Good interpersonal skills (good people skills)
  • Curiosity: strong desire to learn and explore all subjects
  • Flexible and adaptable
  • Willingness to do the job no matter the subject matter
  • Active listening skills
  • Stress management skills

To enter the program you need to, at minimum, demonstrate beginning-level competency in ASL. For most students this will mean the completion of a course titled ASL I or Beginning ASL. We will assess your ASL ability through the ASL video sample you will submit as part of your application to verify you satisfy the entry requirement.

Your ASL video sample submitted as part of the application process will be used to determine your initial ASL course placement. Your acceptance letter will note your ASL placement score. ASL II-VII is offered in the ASLIE program and some students begin in ASL II and some in higher-level ASL courses.

For transfer applicants, evaluation of applicable college credit will occur as part of the admission process. A transfer credit summary, of which includes the number of accepted credits and estimated timeline to degree completion, will follow the acceptance letter. Due to the sequential nature of the ASL curriculum and initial ASL course placement, it is possible that a student could transfer in two years of credits but need an additional three or four years to complete the required course work.

A bachelor’s degree in interpreting teaches the skills, ethics, and professional behaviors required to obtain entry-level employment as an interpreter. Professional certification is a knowledge-based and skill-based examination that tests the skills, ethics, and professional behaviors of a working interpreter. Organizations that certify sign language interpreters include the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Boys Town National Research Hospital, and the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters. It should be every interpreter’s aim to gain national certification credentials.

An academic degree is different than professional certification. When you graduate, you will have a Bachelor of Science degree in ASL-English Interpretation. Certification is a credential that interpreters obtain from professional organizations. Generally, professional certification is obtained after students have completed their education and have 1-2 years of work experience. Organizations that certify sign language interpreters include the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Boys Town National Research Hospital, and the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters.

The American Sign Language-English Interpretation program follows a sequential course plan, including ASL II-VII and core interpreting courses. Because this course sequence begins in fall semester, it is rare that a student would be able to begin in spring.

You will submit an ASL video sample as part of the application process. You will then be placed in the appropriate course based upon your ASL placement score. Any previous ASL college credits will then be transferred to RIT/NTID.

It is important to note that the ASL courses and the interpreting courses are sequential. Regardless of how many transfer credits are accepted, if you start the program at Foundations of ASL, ASL II or ASL III, it will be a four-year program; if you start the program at ASL IV or V, it will be a three-year program.

As a student in the ASLIE program, you will receive a substantially reduced tuition rate. Because RIT/NTID receives support from the federal government, students in the ASLIE program pay less than one-half of RIT’s regular tuition. At RIT/NTID, you receive a world-class private university education at a public university price.

Yes. A good number of students double major in ASLIE and something else at RIT. A second major may be added after you complete your first semester of study and requires the review and approval of the ASL-English Interpretation Department and the new academic department to ensure feasibility. The reduced tuition rate is in effect for as long as ASLIE is your primary major.

Campus Life

With more than 1,100 deaf and hard-of-hearing students and 16,000 hearing students on campus, RIT/NTID offers you a unique opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds! Our students come to RIT/NTID from all over the United States and the world, bringing with them a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. Find out why RIT is the right fit for them.

Students at RIT take their academic pursuits seriously—striving to get good grades and working hard to develop their talents—but they’ll be the first to tell you that there’s more to college than books and professors. At RIT, there’s no shortage of ways to get involved outside the classroom. Take advantage of your free time. Try something new. Our campus is alive with energy and activity, providing round-the-clock opportunities for leadership, entertainment, relaxation and personal growth. Your active participation in the many aspects of campus life helps ensure that you’ll graduate well educated and well rounded. You can join any of more than 300 clubs and organizations on campus related to hobbies, politics, sports, and cultural diversity as well as student government and Greek organizations.

Go Tigers! RIT is a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) university where young and talented deaf and hard-of-hearing athletes participate alongside their hearing peers in a tradition of athletic excellence. Nearly 500 student athletes participate in 23 different Division III men's and women's sports and RIT's Division I men's and women's hockey program.

An extensive program of intramural activities also is offered. Men's, women's and coed team activities include basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, softball, flag football and ice hockey and badminton. You can also compete individually in tennis, golf, racquetball and table tennis.

Rochester is the third largest urban area in New York State, and was rated sixth overall in the "best places to live" category by Places Rated Almanac. Rochester is also home to one of the nation's largest concentrations of deaf or hard-of-hearing residents.

Whether you're in the mood for museum hopping or antique shopping, nouveau cuisine or a burger, cultural adventures or sporting pleasures, scenic cruising or bargain choosing, history, mystery, artistry... when you visit Rochester you'll discover an exceptional place to indulge all your senses. High-tech industry, history and culture, entertainment, and recreations that you will find all this in Rochester.

There are seven colleges and universities located in the city and surrounding county, and more than 50,000 college students call Rochester. Rochester has a strong technology-based economy and consistently ranks in the top 10 exporting cities in the United States. Eastman Kodak Company, Bausch & Lomb Corporation, Xerox Corporation, and a host of smaller companies have a strong presence in the area. Rochester's reputation as an active and inventive community is supported by extensive cultural and intellectual opportunities. There is always something to do and something to learn in Rochester.

The Center for Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreation offers some of the finest athletic collegiate and recreational facilities in the country. Indoor and outdoor campus venues host intercollegiate practices, contests, intramural competitionswellness courses and provide opportunities for recreational play. The Gordon Field House and Activities Center is available to students, faculty and staff and is home to a 60,000-square-foot field and event venue, an aquatics center and a fully equipped 16,000-square-foot fitness center. Read more about RIT's athletic facilities.

RIT’s campus encompasses 238 buildings on 1,300 acres and is located in the suburbs, about six miles from downtown Rochester—far enough to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, but just minutes away if you want to explore and enjoy the city’s entertainment, cultural and employment opportunities.

In the academic heart of campus, you’ll find premier facilities—classroom, laboratory and research. There’s no question that we have one of the most sophisticated, high-tech campuses in the nation, and we stay ahead of the curve by continually investing in and upgrading our campus infrastructure.

Want to see the campus in person? Come for a visit!

RIT is located in Rochester on a safe, suburban residential campus, and is committed to a safe and secure learning and working environment.

RIT's Department of Public Safety is staffed by 30 full-time, uniformed, registered New York State State Campus Safety Officers. All Officers are trained in emergency medical procedures, CPR, automated external defibrillators, first aid, sign language and crisis intervention.

Public Safety services include:

  • Escort service (mobile and walking)
  • Blue-light courtesy call boxes
  • Crime prevention awareness programs and informational displays
  • Bicycle registration and engraving
  • Lost and found
  • Assistance with class projects
  • Motorist assists
  • Apartment lock-outs
  • Emergency notifications
  • Operation ID
  • Fire evacuations
  • Emergency first aid
  • Security surveys
  • Crisis intervention

RIT uses a comprehensive approach to emergency management that includes pre-incident planning, emergency response capabilities, a crisis management program, and operational recovery strategies. The approach is tied together with a robust communication system.

All students including freshmen are allowed to bring a car to campus. Public Safety requires all cars to be registered and have a permit affixed to them. There is enough space for all students to park on campus. You will need to register your car with Public Safety or you can go to the Public Safety office and fill out the form.

You don't need a car here at college because it's easy to get around campus and the Rochester area. Free shuttles travel campus daily to help students get from one end of the campus to another. There are also free shuttles that go from campus to area malls and stores on the weekends. There are two public transit buses that come to campus that students can use for a fee.

RIT operates its own food service and offers a wide variety of cuisine. Our meal plans are flexible and convenient. Many dining options are located all across campus. Check them out.

RIT/NTID students have many housing options available to them. You can choose from residence halls, on-campus apartment buildings and a variety of specialty housing including Greek housing.All first-year students (including transfers) are required to live in campus residence halls and are guaranteed housing.

What will your dorm room look like?

Within the residence halls, all rooms and corridors are carpeted, and each room includes beds, desks, chairs and dressers based on the number of students assigned to that room. Window coverings and closet space also are provided. Each corridor has its own bathroom equipped with showers, and floors have two community lounges, one with a television and kitchenette and the other with tables, chairs, and couches used for studying. All residence hall rooms are equipped with cable television access and free, direct, high-speed Ethernet connections to the campus network and the Internet. All deaf and hard-of-hearing students are assigned to rooms with strobe fire alarms and doorbells.

Double rooms in the residence halls come in two basic shapes:
Rectangular, measuring approximately 18' long by 10' wide. These rooms are generally located in the high-rise sections of the residence halls.
Square, approximately 12' long by 14' wide. These rooms are generally located in the low-rise sections.

Several laundry facilities are available in the residence halls and are free to students.

RIT's Greek community is dedicated to building future societal leaders by providing a wealth of leadership opportunities for Greek members. From social issues to academic, business to philanthropy, the leaders of today are gaining their leadership edge from their fraternity and sorority experiences.

Membership in a fraternal or sororal organization is one of the most outstanding means of discovering and refining your leadership potential. Within each chapter, members have the chance to assume a wide spectrum of leadership roles. These roles may range from serving as rush chair to treasurer, social chair to president. Within each fraternity exists anywhere from five to twenty different leadership positions, all requiring different degrees of skills and investments. Opportunities to learn and practice leadership stretch beyond chapters.

An extensive program of intramural activities is offered each semester. Men's, women's and coed team activities include basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, softball, flag football and ice hockey and badminton. You can also compete individually in tennis, golf, racquetball and table tennis.

Our residence hall assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, depending upon the postmark date of your admission deposit and residence hall contract.

If you know someone who also will be attending RIT as an incoming student, and you would like to live with that friend, indicate this information on the residence hall contract. Any request for a specific roommate must be mutual. Requests should be received by May 1. We will make every effort to honor all requests. Please note that your preference cannot be guaranteed.

RIT offers a variety of room types, and room assignments are made by staff members in RIT's Housing Operations office. Entering students are assigned to double rooms. A limited number of single rooms are available for upper-class students.

On the Student Employment Office website, you can find job listings and other information on finding a job on or off campus.

Yes, the Center for Religious Life provides worship and observances within diverse religious and cultural traditions at RIT. Several religious clubs also gather each week throughout the campus. Nondenominational Christian, Southern Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Lutheran and Orthodox Christian are among the many communities serving campus needs and interests. In a time of intellectual and spiritual growth, the center establishes an affirming environment for students, faculty and staff to explore and discuss values informed by religious beliefs.

RIT’s Interfaith Center, a gift of Kilian and Caroline Schmitt and other generous donors, is a focal point for the diverse religious traditions within the university, housing two chapels, meetings rooms and offices for the campus ministry staff.

For more information, contact the coordinator of the Interfaith Center at (585) 475-2135 (voice/TTY) or by e-mail.

General Questions About RIT/NTID

Dr. Gerard Buckley is the NTID President and RIT Vice President and Dean. He has more than 30 years of experience in higher education, including more than 20 years serving in a variety of capacities at NTID. Learn more about President Buckley here.

Dr. David C. Munson Jr. became president of Rochester Institute of Technology in 2017. Dr. Munson, the former dean of the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering, is the 10th president of the university.

RIT's reputation as one of the nation's top universities has been acknowledged by leading college guides and industry publications. As you search for the right university, consider what these experts have to say about RIT.

U.S. News & World Report has consistently rated RIT among America’s “best buys” in college education:

  • For more than 20 years, RIT has ranked first or second in Academic Reputation among regional universities in the North.
  • Our College of Engineering has been ranked in the top five master's degree level engineering colleges in the nation.
  • Our College of Business has been ranked among the top 50 business schools in the United States.
  • Our School of Photographic Arts & Sciences has been ranked first among all MFA-photography programs in the country.

Money magazine has rated RIT one of its top 15 “Best Values” for universities that specialize in science and technology programs.

The National Science Foundation has designated our College of Science as a national site for undergraduate research.

In a recent list of “101 Cool Campus Activities,” College Bound magazine chose seven popular activities at RIT, including our Swing Dance Club, Mini Baja Team, and ESPN Sports Center desk.

“RIT is an extremely challenging school that offers career-minded students a great background in a wide variety of technical fields. Students feel their practical degrees and on-the-job experiences will serve them well in today’s tough job market.” — The Insider’s Guide to Colleges

“This is a fast-paced, high-tech school for go-getters who already know where they want to be. After a rigorous education, more than 90 percent of RIT graduates go into the job market, with a significant boost from the school’s cooperative education program.” — Fiske Guide to Colleges

“For science and technology, RIT is a superior choice. RIT also has an excellent liberal arts program since students must understand both technological developments and philosophical and ethical issues presented by technology.” — Guide to 101 Best Values in America’s Colleges and Universities

“The excellent cooperative education program, required in most majors, has placed printing management students aboard the QE2 cruise liner, turning out menus and the daily newspaper, and photography students at NASA, developing photos of Neptune. In sum, RIT is Rich In Treasures, at a price that, with the help of cooperative earnings, doesn't send most students or their families to the poor house.” — Barron's Best Buys in College Education

With more than 1,100 deaf and hard-of-hearing students and more than 14,500 hearing undergraduate students on campus, RIT/NTID offers you diverse academic, social and personal development opportunities unmatched by any university in the world. Enrolled students represent all 50 states and more than 100 foreign countries.

Visiting campus gives you important information to use when making your college decision. When you visit, you’ll get a tour of campus, meet with an admissions counselor and with professors in subject areas that interest you, and chat with our financial aid coordinator. Just like your education at RIT, your visit will be customized to meet your interests.

Register online for Open House or call 585-475-6700 (voice/TTY) or toll-free in the U.S. and Canada at 1-866-644-6843 (voice/TTY). If you have any questions please email us.

If you can’t make it to one of our group open house events, we encourage you to schedule a personalized visit tailored especially to you. In addition to the above activities, you can elect to meet with a coach, sit in on a class, meet club and organization officials and much more. Find out why RIT means a superior education and a unique college experience for you.

Our graduates are in demand. Last year, 95% of deaf and hard-of-hearing graduates who have sought jobs after graduation have found one within a year. RIT/NTID's employment specialists travel coast to coast connecting with employers to create a climate for successful job placement. They network with employers to build relationships and educate them about the value of hiring deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.

From textbooks, school-spirit clothing, gifts and supplies, the campus store has it all! If you have any questions please contact us at 585-475-2501.

Please refer to our online campus map to find the location of a particular building or office at RIT.

RIT students don't have to leave campus for audiological, speech/language, or cochlear implant support. On-site audiologists provide services related to hearing and hearing aids, cochlear implants and assistive devices, and speech-language pathologists offer a broad range of speech and language services. RIT's comprehensive array of services and support for deaf and hard-of-hearing students is unmatched by any other university or college in the world.

Tuition/Financial Aid

The first step in applying for financial aid is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Additional information on financial aid and scholarships can be found at the RIT Office of Financial Aid.

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) provides services to individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing who need help to qualify for or to find a job. VR may assist with paying for college. States have various names for VR, and services vary depending on need and the state in which a student lives. The RIT Financial Aid Office will include an estimate of VR contributions to your education on your financial aid award letter. You need to apply to your state VR agency in order to qualify for those funds. It is important that you contact VR as soon as possible to learn your state's VR process and requirements so that you can benefit from their services and funding resources.

RIT is truly an affordable choice. Because RIT receives special federal support for deaf and hard-of-hearing students, you can get a top-quality education at a substantially reduced rate. Because RIT receives special federal support, students who are deaf or hard of hearing pay less than one-half of RIT’s regular tuition rate. Hearing students studying ASL-English Interpretation or the MSSE program also receive this reduced tuition rate.

Financial aid may include student loans, student employment, combinations of grant-in-aid, Vocational Rehabilitation and federal and state grants that are available for students in need. RIT's Financial Aid Office has more information.

Every year. Available starting October 1.

Contact your local Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) in your home state.

You need to send a copy of your financial aid award letter, class schedule, student bill, book list and grades.

Be sure to contact your VR before you drop a class, withdraw from a class or change your major.

Go to the Barnes & Noble college bookstore at RIT. Go to any register. Ask if they have your VR book authorization. If yes, go buy your books.

If the bookstore does not have your VR authorization, send your new class schedule and booklist with costs to your VR counselor (you can find your booklist at textbooks). Email your VR counselor to ask why you don't have book authorization. Purchase your books and pay for them yourself. Keep the original reciept so you can get a refund later (if your VR covers books).

After you get your book authorization from VR, go to Barnes & Noble with your original receipt. Barnes & Noble will give you a refund.

Caution: If you lose your receipt, you will not get paid back!

Schedule an appointment with the NTID Financial Services Coordinator.

You do not have to apply. Scholarships are automatically awarded based on your cumulative GPA and department nominations. Students who receive scholarships will be notified by mail during the summer. The scholarship also will appear on your financial aid award letter.

There are links to scholarship searches here. Be sure to apply early!

Schedule an appointment with the NTID Financial Services Coordinator.