Substance and Addiction Intervention Services for the Deaf

Substance and Addiction Intervention Services for the Deaf (SAISD) is a grant based program operated by Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and located on the RIT Campus in Rochester New York. SAISD provides drug and addiction information, education, prevention, intervention and referral services to the deaf/ hard of hearing community residing in the Greater Rochester area of New York State as well as to students at National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID).  

Reframe. Reconnect. Reclaim.

SAISD has been providing critical drug and addiction prevention and education services since its founding in 1979.

SAISD will be celebrating it’s 45th Anniversary on March 20, 2025!  We will have an Open House and a panel discussion with deaf individuals in recovery and then a showing of a documentary film entitled “Being Michelle.”  For further information, please contact us at


Visit our resources page, a collection of helpful materials related to substance use disorder services, deaf and hard of hearing services, self help meetings, and web links. You may also submit your own resource for inclusion.

SAISD Resources    Submit a Resource

Our Team

Keven Poore
Landing Badjie
Senior Staff Specialist
Susan Demers-McLetchie

Interpreted & Online Meetings

Contact Us


Looking for Treatment? Use the SAMHSA TREATMENT LOCATOR or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357).