ASLIE Student Pro Bono Interpreting

Student Pro Bono Interpreting Service Description

The ASLIE department accepts requests for student services for pro bono interpreting.

However, please note that any RIT-related interpreting requests should be directed to the Department of Access Services (DAS).

Our student interpreters are interpreters-in-training. They provide pro bono interpreting service for the opportunity to apply skills they are learning in their college courses. We do not guarantee that the quality of interpreting service is on a par with that of more experienced, professional interpreters. Furthermore, we do not represent, warrant, or guarantee that pro bono interpreters will help you (or your organization) satisfy any applicable laws (namely the Americans with Disabilities Act), rules or regulations regarding the public accommodation obligations that you may have.


By completing the request form accessible by the link above, and clicking "Submit", we do not guarantee that your request will be filled or that sufficient student pro bono interpreters are available. We will review each request to determine whether RIT may be able to support your request, including the needs and skill levels required. If RIT accepts the request, you or your organization will be required to complete an RIT Pro Bono Student Interpreter Agreement prior to your request, including the needs and skill levels required. If RIT accepts the request, you or your organization complete an RIT Pro Bono Student Interpreter Agreement prior to your request being advertised to student interpreters and filled, as well as a feedback form on the student's performance at the end of pro bono services being rendered.