"Border South" film screening and discussion

This is a showing and open discussion of the film "Border South" (www.bordersouthfilm.com).
Summary: "To stem the immigration tide, Mexico and the U.S. collaborate to crack down on migrants, forcing them into ever more dangerous territory. Every year hundreds of thousands of migrants make their way along the trail running from southern Mexico to the US border. Gustavo’s gunshot wounds from Mexican police, which have achieved abundant press attention, might just earn him a ticket out of Nicaragua. Meanwhile anthropologist Jason De León painstakingly collects the trail’s remains, which have their own stories to tell. Fragmented stories from Hondurans crossing through southern Mexico assemble a vivid portrait of the thousands of immigrants who disappear along the trail. Border South reveals the immigrants’ resilience, ingenuity, and humor as it exposes a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death."
Date and location: Wed., Nov. 3, 3-5pm, Webb Auditorium (1350 Booth Hall).
The open discussion will be led by Communications Asst. Professor Claudia Bucciferro.
The event is free and open to the public. The film is captioned. Sign-language interpreting is available upon request, subject to availability. Make your request at: https://myaccess.rit.edu.
This film screening is in conjunction with the Hostile Terrain 94 exhibition at RIT, which highlights the humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border. The exhibition at RIT will run between Oct. 27-Dec. 5 in the hallway outside University Gallery (3765 Booth Hall). For more on the Hostile Terrain 94 exhibition and related activities at RIT, see: http://tinyurl.com/HTExhibit.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
Open to the Public
Cost | FREE |
Interpreter Requested?