Days for Girls Reusable Menstrual Kit Creation Event

Girls in low-income countries often have to miss a week of school every month during their menstrual cycle because they do not have access to feminine hygiene products.  This loss of school time can be devastating to their educational development and many end up dropping out because they fall too far behind in their studies.  Extensive research has shown that the health of families and communities is directly related to the educational level of its women.  Since disposable feminine hygiene products are not available, we will be creating reusable kits that will allow these girls to stay in school and reach their full potential.  The ripple effect of having access to these menstrual kits will be profound.

All are welcome to join this effort.  No previous sewing experience is necessary.  Those who need volunteer hours can have them validated at this event.

To request an interpreter for this event, please visit

John Oliphant
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 29, 2023
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Room/Location: 2170

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


commitment to goodness
community outreach
global engagement
student clubs and organizations