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On November 30 we celebrate #GivingTuesday—the global day of giving and the kick off to this year’s Season of Giving. We hope that you consider including RIT on this #GivingTuesday by giving to one of the areas on our wish list.
RIT’s 2021 Wish List
🎓 Scholarships
🕮 College General Fund
🐾 Area of Greatest Need
No matter which area you choose, please know that your gift and your generosity are very much appreciated. And, even though #GivingTuesday is only one day a year, when you make a gift today, the impact on our Tigers will last long after. Make your gift today at https://www.rit.edu/giving/GivingTuesday.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 30, 2021
All Day
Room/Location: Online
Open to the Public
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