Negotiating 101 Presentation + Dinner

Does the thought of negotiating make you uncomfortable?  Then this workshop is for you!  Join WE@RIT (Women in Engineering) and our partners at MOOG for this interactive workshop designed to help you reframe negotiating (you're already a negotiator!), and provide tools to improve your negotiation practice from negotiating job offers to room-mate compromises and everything in between. 

Following the workshop there will be a networking dinner with workshop participants and MOOG representatives.  You do not have to attend the dinner to register for the workshop; but you do need to register for the workshop in order to attend the dinner.  There will be an option in the registration where you can indicate whether or not you can attend dinner. (WE@RIT respectfully asks that you only register if you have every intention of attending and we appreciate your understanding.)

Deaf/HofH Students: please submit an access services request.

Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 06, 2025
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Room/Location: Xerox Auditorium

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


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