Public Night at RIT Observatory
School of Physics and Astronomy
Public Night at RIT Observatory
Event Details: The School of Physics and Astronomy at RIT invites members of the Rochester community to view the planets Mars and Jupiter through the telescopes at the RIT Observatory. This month, Mars and Earth are at their closest approach for 2025, so it's the best time to view the Red Planet. Jupiter will be present, too, surrounded by four bright moons. Visitors are welcome to come to the Observatory at 645 John Street in Rochester from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. It will be cold, so please dress very warmly. The weather is favorable, and the event is confirmed for Friday, January 24. Click here to check the status of the event on Friday, Jan 24. See you there!
Intended Audience: All are Welcome!
To request an interpreter, please visit
Contact: Michael Richmond I
Event Snapshot
When and Where
Open to the Public
Interpreter Requested?