RIT Croatia a leader in global experiential education

Zagreb is a bustling Central European-style city with classic and modern architecture, winding cobblestone streets, and old city neighborhoods. The RIT Croatia campus in Zagreb opened in 2011.

Nearly 900 students are enrolled in the RIT campuses located in Dubrovnik and Zagreb, and RIT Croatia also continues to be a leader in global experiential education for students from the Rochester campus.

Last year, 10 percent of RIT study abroad students participated in unique academic programs and immersive cultural experiences in Croatia.

RIT students can seamlessly enroll for a full academic semester at any of RIT’s global campuses, and RIT Croatia offers specialized summer study-tour programs that reflect the distinctiveness of the country and surrounding region.

The summer psychology program includes a study-tour in Croatia, Austria, and Germany; communication in Dubrovnik includes a study-tour in Croatia and Greece; and ecology of the Dalmatian Coast includes a sailing study-tour of the coastal islands in the Adriatic Sea.

The Dubrovnik campus opened in 1997 and Zagreb opened in 2011.