Frances Cooley Headshot

Frances Cooley

Assistant Professor

Department of Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Office Location

Frances Cooley

Assistant Professor

Department of Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Currently Teaching

0 Credits
The seminar will meet weekly every semester for 12 times (excluding the first and last weeks of the semester). Each week will feature a different presenter. The presenters will include speakers invited to RIT and RIT faculty members who are active in research relevant to Cognitive Science, as well as the students in the Cognitive Science PhD program when they have progressed to the level that they will have worthwhile research to present to their classmates and the program faculty.
3 Credits
This course will introduce students to quantitative methods used within the social sciences to answer research questions. Students will learn how to conduct culturally appropriate research with deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) individuals and Deaf communities and organizations. Students will learn about how to define and measure variables of interest, design surveys and other types of research studies, analyze the data collected, report outcomes, manage data safely, and conduct ethically responsible and culturally authentic research.
3 Credits
Introduction to the field of psychology. Provides a survey of basic concepts, theories, and research methods. Topics include: thinking critically with psychological science; neuroscience and behavior; sensation and perception; learning; memory; thinking, language, and intelligence; motivation and emotion; personality; psychological disorders and therapy; and social psychology.
3 Credits
This course will serve as an introduction to the study of psychopathology and mental illness. The course examines the major categories of mental disorder not only from the descriptive point of view, but also in terms of the major theoretical explanations of the causes of disorder. The major treatment modalities also are covered.