First Name
Last Name

Corey Axelrod

Marketing and Sales Management - MBA

Director of Marketing

Young man, short brown hair, dark suit, blue shirt, striped tie, standing, tan background.

My hometown is Arlington Heights, Illinois. I'm currently living in Rochester, New York.

Degree programs
BS in Business Management, May 2008; MBA in Marketing and Sales Management, May 2010

Year of graduation

Place of employment
Hager Productions

Job title and work responsibilities
My job title is director of marketing at Hager Productions, a multimedia company specializing in web-based video production. My responsibilities are directing the firm's marketing and brand management programs and developing and implementing marketing and solicitation strategies to secure new business and maintain the existing client base. Part of this involves working closely with producers, graphic designers and web developers to design and produce print and web materials.

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
The responsibilities of this job align perfectly with my degree in marketing and sales management.