First Name
Last Name

Hugo Perez

Civil Engineering Technology - BS

Engineering Student Intern

Young man, short dark hair, yellow shirt, sitting in front of computer monitor.

Los Angeles, California

Degree programs
B.S. in Civil Engineering Technology

Year of graduation

Place of employment
Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Worcester, Massachusetts

Job Title
Engineering Student Intern

Work Responsibilities
My work responsibilities in the internship with DOT were varied and included designing, conducting structural inspections and organizing and filling reports. My supervisor was a senior structural engineer and he provided me with several bridge plan blueprints that were drawn in the 1950s, and the bridges had been used for many years. On the blueprints, some important information was missing, such as the bridge’s dimensions. I was assigned to redesign them for safety purposes using AutoCAD and to run analyses for the missing dimensions. Additionally, using a book of steel standards for bridge construction, I inspected the steel framing plans. My bridge team and I worked together to design improved bridges.

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
When I enrolled at RIT/NTID, my knowledge and skills relating to engineering were very basic. Since then, I have taken many engineering courses including AutoCAD and other software programs, structural analysis, and other courses. I took some hands-on classes such as outdoor surveying and activity labs with teams, but I did not understand the full value of my classes until that internship. It made everything real. I took my knowledge from classes and books, and applied it to my work, and I really understood the value of the courses. Engineering courses definitely helped me work successfully in the internship with DOT. Those courses taught me so much, and on co-op, I was able to use what I had learned and effectively improve my skills and knowledge. I am confident that a degree in civil engineering technology will prepare me for the future. Having knowledge about engineering, especially civil engineering is important to me. I am great at mathematics and feel that engineering is a great fit for me. I like to do hands-on activities, including structural analyses on bridges, dams, buildings and towers and tunnels. Also, I learned about transportation, structural challenges, works of art and the environment. I took two civil engineering internships that helped me build on my experiences. I currently am taking a training class called Fundamental Engineering (FE) this semester, and then I will be getting ready for the Professional Engineering (PE) exam to obtain a license in the future. Getting a PE license will be of great benefit to me because I will be able to show employers my dedication, skill and quality of learning and work in civil engineering. I feel I have the qualities and experiences that are sought after by employers and if I meet their expectations, I will be offered the job. I definitely will look for and hope to be able to find jobs that relate to this major after receiving my degree. I am so excited for the future I have ahead of me.

If you love what you study, please keep pursuing your dream and studying hard. If it’s difficult to find an internship, don’t worry. RIT WILL help you. You will be great!