First Name
Last Name

Hussein Chahine

Administrative Support Technology - AAS

Administrative Assistant

Astoria, New York

Degree programs
AAS, Administrative Support Technology

Year of graduation

Place of employment
LaGuardia Community College, Program for Deaf Adults, Long Island City, New York

Job Title
Administrative Assistant

Work Responsibilities
I used Microsoft Word, Excel and Desktop Publisher for most of my office work. I also did reception work and greeted all visitors. Additional duties as administrative assistant were to organize books in the library and keep inventory of office supplies.

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
Being at RIT/NTID has helped me be more open to communication with people who are not deaf and taught me not to shy away from conversation. Taking courses like the Essentials of Business Communication and Human Resource Development helped me improve my communication and be more professional. My associate degree exposed me to a number of different things that will impact my ability to complete my career goal. I know that I need to forge good relationships with bosses, co-workers, employees and other departments. I have a good base of knowledge now, and I realize I need to manage my career like I would manage my business. I intend to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business management.

I would recommend students looking for a job visit the Workforce Recruitment Program people when the program comes to campus. I know students get frustrated with the job search because it’s hard to find a job, but this is real life. I hope they will keep trying and will find jobs.