First Name
Last Name

Justine Woodward

Information Technology - BS

Information Technology Specialist

Young woman, long brown hair and glasses, pink hoodie, sitting by open computer showing inside circuit board.

Concord, New Hampshire

Degree programs
A.A.S. Applied Computer Technology B.S. Information Technology

Year of graduation

Place of employment
U.S. Army National Guard, Concord, New Hampshire

Job Title
Information Technology Specialist (summer co-op job)

Work Responsibilities
My job was in Information Technology support. I provided OS image build and install, and was part of the HelpDesk customer service support team. I installed and updated software, provided support for application use, system patch adjustments and new user assistance. I enjoyed working with my National Guard team. It was a friendly group, and they taught me many different ways to repair and install programs on laptops and desktop computers

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
I love technology and with my IT major, I can move into the area of computer support that I want—a position with a help desk team. I like helping people and there are many people who have little knowledge about the technology they must use for work. RIT provided a good foundation for what I needed on co-op. I had taken courses called PC Hardware 1 & 2, Help Desk Support and a few networking courses so I was ready. My academic knowledge plus my desire to learn new things to add to my skill set, plus the fact that I am pretty easy-going, friendly and flexible, made me a good fit for this co-op and this type of work in general. Getting my associate degree allowed me to try different things and gave me information to use in making my career decisions. Now, my bachelor’s degree will give me a chance to get a good job in a good work environment.

Follow your dream and don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goal.