RIT/NTID offers educational summer camp for deaf and hard-of-hearing high school students

Hundreds of college-bound students from across the country attend each year

Mark Benjamin

High school students attend Explore Your Future summer camp at RIT/NTID and participate in hands-on activities related to careers in art, business, computers, engineering, health science, science and more.

The Explore Your Future program at Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, N.Y., offers deaf and hard-of-hearing college-bound high school students who will begin their junior or senior year in fall 2019 a unique opportunity to experience life on a college campus, explore their interests and sample various careers. This six-day summer career-exploration program provides students with hands-on activities related to careers in art, business, computers, engineering, health science, science and more. 

Students in lab coats working at a table.Mark Benjamin RIT/NTID Explore Your Future summer camp for high school juniors and seniors runs two sessions, July 6-11 and July 13-18.

Explore Your Future sessions for summer 2019 run July 6­-11 and July 13-18. On the final day of each session, parents/guardians attend a workshop that helps them prepare their student for life after high school.

Students who attend Explore Your Future receive an application fee waiver to apply to RIT and will receive a $1,000 scholarship if they enroll at RIT/NTID.

Students can apply online at www.rit.edu/ntid/eyf/. For more information, call 585-475-6700 (voice), 585-743-1366 (videophone), 585-448-9651 (text), 1-866-644-6843 (toll free in the U.S. and Canada), or email EYFinfo@rit.edu.