RADSCC - Resources

RIT ASL and Deaf Studies Community Center
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Classroom: WAL-1660
Office: WAL-1661
For Faculty
Classroom Tips
Deaf Culture Tip Sheet
Presenter's Tips
RIT New Faculty
Working with C-Print®
Reference Librarian for Deaf Studies
The Teach2Connect web site provides strategies for fostering collaboration among deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing students.
Captioning Resources
Captioning Guidelines for Faculty
Captioning Information for Students
These guidelines are the result of benchmark research and collaboration among a number of units on campus
And more information is available here.
To request captioning for your media, fill out the Wallace Center's Media Request Form.
For Deaf/HH Students
The Department of Access Services is partnering with MyCourses to offer students some exciting new online resources. The Access Services Resource for the RIT Community site can be found via MyCourses under the Communities tab heading. It now will feature access information for the RIT Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities regarding interpreting services, C-print, and note-taking.
Each DAS service description will be accompanied by a video in ASL, making the website more accessible for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
Faculty who teach Deaf and hard-of-hearing students can benefit from information on the Teach2Connect site.
MyCourses will also include information about the various other support services offered by RIT.
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
Deaf Studies Lab
Dyer Arts Center
Department of Cultural and Creative Studies
Research and Teacher Education
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
RIT Librarian for NTID
Rochester Community Organizations
Advocacy Services for Abused Deaf Victims, Inc.
Deaf Women of Rochester
Rochester Recreation Club of the Deaf
Rochester School for the Deaf
Atomic Hands
Boston University - World’s Largest ASL Database
Deaf Artists
Deaf Youth USA Twitter | Facebook | Wordpress
Deaf Women United
Diversity Academy for Interpreters
Museum Of Deaf History, Arts & Culture
National Association of the Deaf
National Theatre of the Deaf
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
300th birthday of Abbe' Charles-Michel de l'Epee, who opened the 300th birthday of Abbe' Charles-Michel de l'Epee in Paris and is recognized for bringing sign languge to masses
Deaf Culture Centre in Toronto, Canada
Deaf History International
Deaf People and World War II
Discovering Deaf Worlds
Signing Hands Across the Water
World Federation of the Deaf
American Annals of the Deaf
Daily Moth
Deaf History International Journal (requires RIT computer account)
Deaf Life
Deaf Studies Digital Journal
Deaf Worlds: Wallace Library print format
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Kiss Fist Magazine
NTID Focus Magazine
Sign Language and Linguistics issues from 1998-2011
Sign Language and Linguistics issues from 4/2003 to the present (full text)
Sign Language Studies