Transferring Credits

Transferring Credits
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- Transferring Credits
The transfer process can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to understanding how your credits will transfer. But we’re here to support you every step of the way and make the process as smooth as possible.
How Transferring Credits Works
- You can use our transfer credit equivalency tool to understand how your credits may transfer.
- After you apply and if you are accepted, we will provide an official transfer credit evaluation.
- College-level coursework with grades of C or better can be considered for credit.
- For a comprehensive overview of transfer credit policies, please refer to information provided by the RIT Registrar.
Determine How Your Credits Will Transfer
Check out the Transfer Credit Equivalency Tool to gain a clearer understanding of how your transfer credits may be awarded.
With this tool, you can:
- See which of your courses transfer to RIT
- Research which courses you could take to satisfy RIT requirements
Courses not listed in the database will be evaluated for transfer credit upon your acceptance to RIT. If you have a question about a specific course you do not see listed, please contact the admissions office at
Transferring in Test Credits
Send all Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge A-Levels (GCE), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) test results directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. When taking these exams, make sure to designate RIT as a receiving school.