First alumnus installed as NTID president
A. Sue Weisler
Gerry Buckley ’78 was installed as NTID president in May.
Welcomed with academic pomp and circumstance and a theater filled with students, alumni, faculty, staff, community members, family members, local and state officials and even friends from Congress, Gerry Buckley ’78 (social work) was officially installed as president and dean of RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf on May 6.
He is the first alumnus in the college’s history to lead NTID.
Although Buckley assumed leadership of NTID on Jan. 1, the formal installation was held when family, friends and dignitaries, including NTID’s National Advisory Group, would be in Rochester and could attend.
“This is indeed a special day and a surprising day for us,” D. Robert Frisina, NTID’s founding director, said in a taped welcome. “To believe in our own lifetime we could see one of our own graduates become president of NTID. I know that the many students and alums of this institution are looking to you for leadership, and I know they’ll get it.” Buckley said he is honored to serve as president of NTID and acknowledged students in the audience. “The spirit of NTID lives in you, your dreams, and your passion. We here are proud to serve you.”