RADSCC - ASL Lecture Series

ASL Lecture Series
RIT ASL and Deaf Studies Community Center
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Classroom: WAL-1660
Office: WAL-1661
The ASL Lecture Series invites presenters on topics related to ASL, Deaf Culture, Deaf community/history, sign language research, linguistics, ASL Literature, ASL/English Interpretation, research, teaching and learning.
(For Professional Development)
The ASL Lecture Series is designed to:
- provide professional and communication development on ASL and Deaf culture
- encourage signing in public spaces
- motivate audiences to learn more about ASL and Deaf culture
- offer opportunities to experience formal (academic) signing/presentations
The ASL Lecture Series presentations in chart format:
ASL Lecture Series Chart
The Deaf Culture Series presentations:
Deaf Culture Series
* The ASL Poetry and Literature project is supported by a Digitizing Hidden Collections grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The project manager is Joan Naturale, NTID and Deaf Studies Archive Liaison Librarian. Materials are from the RIT/NTID Deaf Studies Archives. Attribution-NonCommericial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND.
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