Gradescope (pilot)

Gradescope is in pilot at RIT and funding is currently only available through the end of Spring 2024. Future use is uncertain at this time.

Technology Overview

Gradescope allows instructors to be more efficient when grading handwritten assignments such as worksheets, quizzes, and tests with partial credit. Gradescope does this by helping to bucket similar responses together, allowing instructors to consistently apply the same points and feedback for similar submissions. Gradescope also can auto-grade programming code against instructor-submitted test cases and auto-grade multiple choice exams (with or without bubble sheets).

Use Case and Benefits

  • Collect handwritten work digitally and return feedback digitally. In most cases, you don’t have to re-write your exam or homework to use it with Gradescope.
    • Instructors can bulk scan papers or students can take pictures with mobile devices and upload individually.
  • Make rubric changes as you grade; changes apply to previously graded work to maintain consistency.
  • Store instructor feedback comments in a bank for re-use.
  • Grade concurrently with other instructors or TAs. One person can grade all occurrences of the same question without having to pass papers among people.
  • Auto-import scores to the myCourses gradebook.
  • Use assignment analytics to gain insight into student learning.

Accessing the Technology

While in pilot, this tool is opt-in. Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning with the course number/section or URL of your course to have Gradescope activated for your course. 

Browser-based tool accessed through myCourses.

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