How to avoid getting sick this semester

Hello everyone, and welcome back! I hope everyone had a great break and is settling in well as the new semester starts. As we begin the new semester, there are a few things we should keep in mind: the climate/weather switch up, people are coming back from all over the country and world, and we are back to interacting with large populations. That being said, it can be easy to get sick, so here are my tips to avoid getting sick this semester:

  1. Always wash your hands! Especially before eating. Whether you realize it or not, you touch many things as you go around campus every day…and so does everyone else. Passing germs everywhere is inevitable, so make sure to wash your hands and avoid touching your mouth and face. And if you can’t wash your hands all the time, hand sanitizer is a good option too.
  2. Keep your immune system strong! Make sure to get a good, or at least reasonable, number of hours of sleep every day. Your body does many things while you’re in a deep sleep, so it’s important to get your rest. Eat your fruits and veggies to supply your body with the proper vitamins and means to keep itself strong. Stay warm and bundle up! Going in and out of the cold constantly can mess with your body’s regulation systems, making you more susceptible to catching a cold.
  3. Avoid people who are sick as much as possible. If it’s your roommate, which is sometimes inevitable, try to study somewhere other than your shared space as much as possible. Perhaps bunk with a friend who has space and doesn’t mind. If it’s your friends, just stay away for a bit and let them get better. You can still spam them with messages every day!
  4. Wear a mask. Just because the majority of people are vaccinated and aren’t wearing masks anymore doesn’t mean you can’t. Everyone has a different situation, and sometimes, a mask is still necessary. Often the campus shuttles or main offices have some free masks. Otherwise, some are for purchase at the stores around campus as well on
  5. Manage your stuff! Sometimes when things get loaded on our pile of to-do, we get stressed quickly. If it goes on for too long, our ability to maintain good habits and routines can decrease. It’s important to be capable of managing our stress and work so that we can continue to support and take care of ourselves.

And if you are sick…make sure to take care of yourself and the people around you. Wear a mask until you’re sure you’re not contagious anymore. Get yourself tested if you think it might be COVID, and do your best to keep your sickness at bay from your roommates and friends otherwise.

The main place to go on campus if you’re sick or suspect you’re sick is the RIT Student Health Center. The Student Health Center is right across from the main entrance to the Gordon Field House. You can make an appointment through the Wellness Portal chat or call 585-475-2255. There is also a nurse available after hours.

Sending healthy vibes to everyone, and good luck with the semester!

Don’t forget to check out the other blog pages on TigerTalk and our videos on the RIT Undergraduate Admissions YouTube channel.

About the author


Hi there! My name is Morgan Lopez, I'm a 2nd-year Biochemistry major and on the side a content creator! I also really love going to the gym, painting, and learning about cars. I love socializing and inspiring others and am excited to be a part of this team.