AI Consciousness and Sentientism

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Abstract: Artificial intelligence systems ("AIs") increasingly display human-like capabilities. This prompts questions about what mental states, if any, AIs could instantiate. In this talk, I consider the question of whether AIs might soon be conscious. I argue that AIs will not be conscious any time soon, and that our credence for AI consciousness in general should be very low. I then consider the implications that this low credence in AI consciousness has for the field of AI ethics. Assuming consciousness matters for an entity having moral status, I argue that our low credence in AI consciousness should motivate AI ethicists to direct their attention towards issues affecting conscious human beings. 


Irina Mikhalevich
Event Snapshot
When and Where
March 29, 2024
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Room/Location: Mosaic Room

Open to the Public

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artificial intelligence
interdisciplinary studies