Co-op Search and Motivation Speed Sessions

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the co-op search, need help with your applications, or don’t know where to start? Come meet with the career services team to get the help and resources you need in order to feel comfortable and confident with the co-op search process.

Can’t make it right at 4 p.m.? No worries, stop by any time from 4-6 p.m.! You can come by for a quick question or stay for the whole event.

We will help you through each step of the co-op search from learning how to find relevant opportunities in Career Connect to reviewing and answering your resume and cover letter questions.

This event will also offer mindfulness resources and an opportunity to talk through your goals so you can reframe your co-op search approach, bounce back from setbacks, and minimize the stress of the application process.

For more information, visit RIT Career Connect > Events

Interpreting Services: Students are responsible for requesting interpreting services. To submit requests, visit

Kate Caliel
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 16, 2022
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Room/Location: CPC- 2650 Bamboo Room

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


co-op and careers
experiential learning