College of Liberal Arts presents "Men On Boats"

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Men On Boats

Men On Boats
by Jaclyn Backhaus
directed by Alexa Scott-Flaherty

Ten explorers. Four boats. One Grand Canyon. Men On Boats is the true(ish) history of an 1869 expedition, when a one-armed captain and crew of insane yet loyal volunteers set out to chart the course of the Colorado River. In this very modern take on a very old American adventure story, audiences and performers alike get a chance to question American history and who gets to tell the story of our shared past. Be prepared for a rollicking and rousing adventure story looking at a historical moment through a different lens.

Casting note for Men On Boats: ​
The 10 cisgender, white, male characters in both Men On Boats and the true, original 1869 expedition are being portrayed by a cast made up of racially diverse actors who are female-identifying, trans-identifying, genderfluid, and/or non-gender conforming, as intended by the playwright. The two Native characters in the play--the Ute chief, Tsauwiat, and Tsauwiat’s wife, The Bishop--are being portrayed by BIPOC-identifying actors, also as intended by the playwright. It is the strong belief of the playwright and of everyone on our team that those specific characters are played by BIPOC actors, and they are. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive space.

Ben Willmott
Event Snapshot
When and Where
March 25, 2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Room/Location: Webb Auditorium
March 26, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Room/Location: Webb Auditorium
March 26, 2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Room/Location: Webb Auditorium
March 27, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Room/Location: Webb Auditorium

Open to the Public

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creativity and innovation
deaf community
experiential learning
interdisciplinary studies
performing arts
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student experience