Election Connection: Left-leaning Political Supporters

Event Image
Election Connection with Counseling and Psychological Services - Interpreters available

Presidential elections can bring up many emotions. Counseling and Psychological Services is offering spaces to help students process their emotions and receive support and guidance about how to effectively cope with and navigate these complex emotions. This group is for students who tend to align with left-leaning political views.

Visit CampusGroups for a full list of group offerings if you feel like this group is not a fit for you. If one of these spaces is not a fit for your needs, please contact us at 585-475-2261 or caps@rit.edu to connect with a counselor.

*Please note this is not a therapy group but rather a supportive gathering to connect with others experiencing election related stress. Virtual connections are open to all students who pre-register to participate. Election Connections are NOT a substitute for therapy or appropriate for students who are experiencing acute distress. If you are experiencing acute distress, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services Urgent Care Services.

Kristina Collelouri
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 03, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Room/Location: Virtual Event

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


student experience