FallFest: FoodShare's Corner Kitchen Cooking Demo

Event Image
Female student grabbing food with make student in foreground waiting to get food next to the word description of FoodShare's Corner Kitchen with the date and time. In right hand corner there is a QR code to register for event

Looking for a fun way to partake in FallFest by getting a free meal and cooking demo? Come learn about FoodShare while enjoying a tasty treat on us as we work with RIT Dining and Sustainability to host a meatless meal demonstration!
We will show you an easy way to make and prepare a meal, all with food that can easily be found in FoodShare's grocery room. This demonstration is open to all students, even if you have never been to FoodShare. This is a great way to fill up your stomach while taking home some valuable cooking lesson information. Share with your friends and be sure to come ready to eat!

FallFest is RIT’s annual celebration of fall fun! Join us for all kinds of activities, including games, food, entertainment, and more. For a complete list of events, visit rit.edu/FallFest.  #RITFallFest

Sinclaire Ogof
Event Snapshot
When and Where
September 19, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Room/Location: FoodShare West, 113 Riverknoll

Open to the Public

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