FallFest: RIT Big Shot No. 36 — the SHED

Be a part of the legacy of RIT by helping to create a once-in-a-lifetime photograph of the SHED, the university’s newest facility housing makerspaces, performing arts areas, and high-tech classrooms.
The RIT Big Shot No. 36 will illuminate the SHED as the latest subject of the nighttime community photo project. Since starting in 1987, the Big Shot has taken dramatic images of landmarks around the world using a “painting with light” technique. For the photo, volunteers shine light sources on the subject while RIT photographers capture an extended exposure. Past projects have featured Churchill Downs, the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, and the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden.
The RIT community and the public are invited to contribute to the next chapter of Big Shot history right on campus. Grab your flashlight and dark-toned clothing (nothing reflective), and be ready to illuminate the SHED after sunset on Friday, Sept. 20.
All are welcome to participate. RIT students, faculty and staff can register/RSVP in Campus Groups. Volunteers outside of RIT do not need to register. Participants are asked to arrive at 7:15 p.m. Photographs will be made from 8-8:30 p.m. *The first 500 attendees to arrive will receive a flashlight and Nikon hat.
Participants should come to the welcome tent between the Student Alumni Union and Eastman Hall on the Quarter Mile at 7:15 p.m. to receive a zone assignment card which will tell you where to go. Get to your assigned zone and look for your group leader for more information as to what part of the SHED you will be illuminating!
What to know
- Wear dark clothes and comfortable shoes (nothing reflective)
- Bring your own flashlight or show up to the welcome tent at 7:15 to receive a FallFest flashlight
- The area and building lights will be turned off at 7:55 p.m. so make sure you have arrived in your zone before then
- Photographs will be made from 8-8:30 p.m.
- Interpreting services have been requested
The event is part of RIT FallFest and is sponsored by the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences, the Department of Visual Communications Studies in NTID, and Nikon.
FallFest is RIT’s annual celebration of fall fun! Join us for all kinds of activities, including games, food, entertainment, and more. For a complete list of events, visit rit.edu/FallFest. #RITFallFest
Event Snapshot
When and Where
Open to the Public
Interpreter Requested?