Imaging Science Seminar: Using individual differences to optimize and understand visual processing

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Imaging Science Seminar
Using individual differences to optimize and understand visual processing

Dr. Kassandra R. Lee


Individual differences are a pervasive property of visual perception, and arise at many different levels, from the optics of the eye to the nature of conscious experience. These differences are important for optimizing perception and performance (e.g. to tailor technology and information for individual observers rather than a single “standard observer”). To illustrate this approach, I will review studies where I have explored how differences in color sensitivity could be efficiently characterized to calibrate displays specific for each user. I touch on the ways that applied applications from these studies can inform how properties of human vision contribute to understanding the variety of human experience in advancing science and technology. In other cases, individual differences can also provide a powerful tool for studying the mechanisms of perception (e.g. to identify the cognitive and neural sources of the differences and the processing machinery they imply). To highlight this aim, I will also describe a series of studies I have conducted to leverage individual differences to examine the visual codes underlying human face perception.

Kassandra R. Lee is a graduate member of the Neuroscience program, where she has worked in Dr. Michael Webster's lab since 2018. With previous interests and work in the field of vision and low vision research, her current research utilizes psychophysical, computational modeling, and neuroimaging methods to study the processing of high-level stimuli, such as faces. She is also investigating individual differences in color vision and perception. More generally, Kassandra's research questions aim to address how we perceive and adapt to our visual world.

Intended Audience:
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Gabriel Diaz
Event Snapshot
When and Where
March 04, 2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Room/Location: 1275

This is an RIT Only Event

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